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GECK problem


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Hi, i´m currently trying to import a custom armor into FONV but there´s something wrong with it. First, my helmet was on a side (but i already solved that problem with the sticky about imported hats. But after that everything seemed to work just fine but after the first load, FOMM won´t keep my mod loaded, i have to click on it every time i play. And there are sometimes i have to delete the mod and import the armor again because the game keeps loading on and on (you know, the roulette keeps spinning but nothing really happends)

If anyone knows what could i be doing wrong please tell me.

Thanks and C-Ya.

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The path is C:\program files (x86)\Bethesda softworks\Fallout New Vegas.

The GECK is in that folder too.

Edit: Ok, it´s the helmet. I deleted it and the mod works fine. It stops working after correcting the helmet with the FNVEdit, it´s the 3_0_21 edition.

I tried with the 3_0_19 edition and the problem remains.


Edited by Vartoz
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