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Any news on the scripting language?


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It'll probably be something similar to Oblivion. They always say they make the tools how the need them to be to do what they want done. So I don't think they are going to switch to another scripting language entirely. Not all of us are "experienced programmers" btw and its a good bet that new modders will have no scripting language so ease of accessibility is more important than complexity imo.
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Not all of us are "experienced programmers" btw and its a good bet that new modders will have no scripting language so ease of accessibility is more important than complexity imo.


You have a point, Lingwei, but you'd be surprised how simple some programming languages are. Ruby and Python are much more powerful and their sintax is just as simple as the current scripting language. Here's a good example:


if ( Staff < 3 )
if ( Staff == 1 )
	setstage HouseServant 10
if ( Staff == 2 )
	setstage HouseServant 20


In ruby, it becomes...


if Staff < 3
 if Staff == 1
    setstage HouseServant, 10
 elsif Staff == 2
    setstage HouseServant, 20


And that's for simple things; complex ones become much easier so advanced scripters could do much more in less time.


Not to mention that if the standard library was available, OBSE wouldn't be needed.


That said, I'm not sure how using ruby as a scripting language would affect performance. It seems the current language is compiled into something else and not interpreted, but hey, Cryengine II runs LUA scripts just fine.

Edited by elite5472
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Unreal script is supposedly a big inspiration for the skyrim script. Considering that and the past tesscript you might have rough idea how things might have changed. It's 2 weeks away now at this point.. :dance:


Just gave a look at UScript and it does look nice; a lot like C++. I wonder if OOP will be supported!

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