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Look ma! No hands!


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Hi, all. Having a minor issue with the game as most character in the game who do not wear gloves have no hands at all. Doesnt effect the game more than that but it is strange and off-putting. I am sure it is one of the many mods that is the issue but i am not sure which one. Any help will be appreciated.


Mod used:



Wasteland Sniper

Truly Ghoulish - Truly Ghoulish Perks

True Storms: Wasteland Edition Environment

True Cannibal Overhaul - TrueCannibalOverhaul 3.0

The M2216 Standalone Assault Rifle - The M2216 V1.1

The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition - TEOB Textures

Star Wars TIE Fighter Pip-Boy (4K Pipboy)

Simply Clothes for Female - SimplyCloth

Scavenged NCR Armor - Scavanged NCR Armor Armour

CBBE-hand Armour

Scavenged NCR Armor - Armorsmith Extended Patch

Realistic Roads - Realistic Roads - Black Asphalt Models and Textures

Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways

Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways - Main File

Personal Jetpack - Personal Jetpack 1

NCR Ranger Veteran Armor - NCR Veteran Ranger Armour Armour 26

Unoctium NanoSuit

More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition Modular Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle - Simonov PTRS-41_v1.03

Modular Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle - Simonov PTRS-41_v1.0

Modular Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle - 4K_Texture Weapons

Metal Gear Solid - ALL IN ONE STANDALONE - Metal Gear Solid ALL IN ONE V4.5

Lowered Weapons - Lowered Weapons 1.1 Animation

Louder Rainy Sound - Louder Rainy Sound Audio -

Lightsaber Renew - Lightsaber Renew V0p91

Legendary Modification Crafting - Equipment 2

Insanitys Celtic Katana - InsanitysV0_10_1 Weapons

Improved Map with Visible Roads Models and Textures

Immersive Mouth and Teeth Models and Textures

Full Dialogue Interface

FO4 RAIN - FO4 RAIN v3 version 2.1 size drops

FCO - Fully Customizable Outfits - FCO - ESP - no pipboy removed Armour 2

FAR - Faraway Area Reform (LOD) - FAR - Faraway Area Reform 1_1

Fallout Texture Overhaul PipBoy (Pip-Boy) UHD 4K Models and Textures Enhanced Blood Textures

Eli's Sleeveless Outfits (VANILLA and CBBE) - Eli's Sleeveless Outfits 2.1 - CBBE Armour

Dual Wield Melee - Dual Weapons Melee UPDATE 3.5

Dual Wield Melee - Dual Weapons Melee Weapons

Dual Wield Melee - Deathclaw Gauntlet Dual Animations Weapons

Dual Wield Melee - Crafting Workbenches Compatibility Patch for Version 3

CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics - CROSS_Cybernetics094

CROSS Familiar Eyepatch and Horn - CROSS_eyepatch12

CROSS Cybernetics Exo-Frame - CROSS_ExoFrame10 Armour

Crafting Workbenches Crafting -

Covenant Peaceful Solution - Covenant with scripting

Seekingthesun CBBE Simply Clothes for Female with BodySlide -

Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- Models and Textures

BodySlide and Outfit Studio Utilities

Beantown Interiors Project - The Beantown interiors Project

Beantown Interiors Nuka-Cola Decor - BTInt Nuka-Cola Decor Crafting -

Armorsmith Extended - Armorsmith Extended v2.61

Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)

Agent Outfit - Agent Outfit -

Edited by Steven285
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Have you tried fixing it by installing a set of hands, textures as well as meshes into you characters folders? From any set, I mean. There's an abundance of body mods out there and most of them come complete with all body parts.


Try it manually, not using NMM. Just drop the necessary meshes and texture in the appropriate folder inside data.

Edited by cossayos
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Have you tried fixing it by installing a set of hands, textures as well as meshes into you characters folders? From any set, I mean. There's an abundance of body mods out there and most of them come complete with all body parts.


Try it manually, not using NMM. Just drop the necessary meshes and texture in the appropriate folder inside data.

Anyone in particular you suggest?
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Have you tried fixing it by installing a set of hands, textures as well as meshes into you characters folders? From any set, I mean. There's an abundance of body mods out there and most of them come complete with all body parts.


Try it manually, not using NMM. Just drop the necessary meshes and texture in the appropriate folder inside data.

Anyone in particular you suggest?



Basically you can use every mod that provides bodies. Just to test if the hands show up again. But, as I said, don't use NMM but manual download, manual extraction and only copy the hands - textures as well as meshes into the appropriate folders. Unless you want to use the whole body that is.

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Have you tried fixing it by installing a set of hands, textures as well as meshes into you characters folders? From any set, I mean. There's an abundance of body mods out there and most of them come complete with all body parts.


Try it manually, not using NMM. Just drop the necessary meshes and texture in the appropriate folder inside data.

Anyone in particular you suggest?



Basically you can use every mod that provides bodies. Just to test if the hands show up again. But, as I said, don't use NMM but manual download, manual extraction and only copy the hands - textures as well as meshes into the appropriate folders. Unless you want to use the whole body that is.


Tried that but nope. I have a feeling it involves some glove mod or something but i cant find the source. I have a feeling i have to delete the data folder verify and install the mods again, thought i want to try and avoid that if possible.

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Go to data> meshes > actors > Character > Character assets


what files are in this folder?


if you have any that say hands open them with bodyslide/outfit studio and verify that they have a mesh and texture. if they dont then thats your problem.

Edited by tyler049
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Found the culprit after playing around with the mod. It is the "FCO - Fully Customizable Outfits - FCO - ESP - no pipboy removed" Mod seemed to be removing hands. I guess it is set with either characters were gloves or have no hand at all. Once out hands are back with a passion. Thanks anyway for the help.

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If you have the last version of Beantown interiors (before I hid my files) You don't need the Nuka-Cola Decor. It has been integrated into the main project


You can check which version your running by looking at the Settings Holotape for the mod it should be v6 and there are options to enable disable the free from quests.

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