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What does your Skyrim setup look like?


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I like all the glowing rigs; that's why I got one :)






By the time Skyrim releases, I'll be running:


CPU: AMD Phenom 2 Quad Core Black Edition at 3.2Ghz

GPU: Galaxy GeForce GTX460 DDR5, and it's factory overclocked (I'll be running another one in SLI as soon as I stop being so broke)


PSU: 850W Black Widow

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

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Aww man... I wanted a red rig as well... looks so damn stylish. But all the other parts in my rig seems to want to glow in blue haha... my motherboard glows with a strong blue... and the front buttons have blue leds as well...


I'm happy with blue but it's so ehh... ordinary. Everyone has blue. Wouldn't want to change my case at all though... so happy with this Antec one.


Rigs with white light are the coolest though, they look futuristic somehow.

Edited by Adrius2
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I will put skyrim on my older comp because I normally game on it. Built it I think about 5 years ago well when ever the 8800gtx came out that's how old it is and I just put a new card in it :D

*Amd 2.8ghz 2 core

*Two 300g 15,000 rpm HHD

*Evga HD570 2.5g of ram / upgrade from a evga 8800GTX

*DDR2 4G of Ram

*28inch lcd viewsonic

*windows vista 64bit home

*5 1/4 dynaudio and Bohlender Greabener studio monitors


I would take a pic of it but right now I'm out of state working

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I Have both a 360 and a ps3 but im getting the game on the ps3... just in case my 360 breaks down....again....for the 6th time....

:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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What do you do with that thing? My ol' Arcade 360's been doing good for a couple of years without any faults whatsoever :)


I only play fighting games on it nowadays though... Adrius requires Blazblue.

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Yeah blue is quite... ordinary. Not that I'm complaining, but I'd like to see how it would look with white light. Now that is special. It's kinda funny how progress and fashion always kinda goes in circles :laugh: White wouldn't sound so cool 10 years ago or so, blue would be all the coolness back then :laugh: My keyboard is with white led, looks cool.
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I got a 52" 1080i/p flat screen T.V in my room mounted on the wall connected with a HDMI cord to my PS3 and Laptop with a Blu-ray surround sound system and speakers mounted in each corner of my room plus 2 long speakers on the sides of my T.V and a leather gaming chair with arm rest and a cup holder.. plus a mini fridge full of stur-D vitamin waters.

Skyrim is coming to my PS3


I took a week off of work as vacation time plus I have Saturday and Sundays off so I just got to wait for my Skyrim CE to arrive in the mail and I got a whole weekend for vacation time in SKYRIM!

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