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Was this just a bad server or?


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Im seriously thinking of returning BF3, I've played it online and off and Im really disapointed by just what a load of horse crap it's coming across as. The ten or some multiplayer games I tried were, dare I say it, even worse than CoD. The level of spawncamping in this game defies logic, it's just so camp-heavy that even I, as a long time camper, can't enjoy it.


In my first game the US team (somehow) managed to get into the RU spawn and spent the whole game simply standing behind the spawns shooting RU players as the appeared. There also seems to be substantialy lag, the server browser is terrible, and the actualy gameplay is a step backwards. Am I just biased by a bad first try? or is this game really a piece of crap?

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Server problems are one thing but the game just feels rubbish to me.


It's just become another one of those crappy generic twitch shooters, and now that CoD hast destruction. what you're left with is two games who claim to be very diferent, but feel like clones of eachother. Im rather disapointed, think I'll just return it. Sad to see BF become another casualty of rapant popularism.


I really am ****** off about this, all they had to do was improve on Bad Company 2, and what have they given us? cod dressed up as Battlefield. Tanks, jets, jeeps, whoop de freakin' do, doesn't change the fact that the combat between them's cod-like yet not even able to clear that shin-high bar. And don't even get me started on the bugs, this game's got more bugs in it than a bloody beehive! when I first started it I had to change to a diferent browser, diferent antivirus, and then even a totaly diferent windows version just to boot the bloody thing. After all that trouble I want some bloody reward, and BF3 simply doesn't give any, the campaign's as bad as Bad Company's was charismatic, the multiplayer is simply another crappy, buggy, generic twitch shooter, and there's nothing else to it beyond that.


Well done DICE, you were asked to draw a circle, tried to draw the eifel tower, and ended up creating a barely playable scribble in the attempt.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Calm down guys. This is indeed a Battlefield game, and Battlefield games are known for having buggy terrible releases. Every single one was terrible on release. 1942, 2, BC2, you name it.

And Bad Company 2 is considered casual by most BF2, and even more so BF2 Project Reality guys. Battlefield 3 is a great balance between Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2. Bugs? This is Battlefield after all, and DICE have never got a good release right. But they did what they could best. Patch it, and patch it and patch and patch it. There are many things in a Battlefield game that can go wrong, and there is no good way to ever make it right the first time. If you think about it you must consider bandwith, releases, balance, huge maps. There's too much for even a public beta to notice fully.

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Well, I have noticed issues with getting into games the first day, but so far as of right now I've been getting into games no problem. There are games here and there where I have issues sustaining and/or simply getting a connection to a server, but that is a problem in almost game (not to mention the large volume of audience that Battlefield 3 possess right now). As for the camping, welcome to first person shooters, I don't care what game it is you play, if it is a first person shooter and there is Multiplayer it is impossible to avoid running into campers every now and then, does it mean I or anyone else like it, no, but that is just a reality.


Trust me if you give it a few days, eventually you will find a server that is good (which I just so happen to find a few myself), it also depends on what platform you play, I have heard from a lot of my friends on Xbox LIVE and PSN that the servers are exceptionally problematic. If you are playing on PC, I have posted my PC ID here, which I will be playing a little bit more tonight and all weekend if you guys want to shoot me an invite, or you can always join the server I play on.

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Thanks but Im not going to bother. This buggy, badly designed lump of stinking garbage isn't worth my time to be honest. If I wanted a badly engineered, rushed, unoptimised CoD game I'd buy Black Ops. :mad:
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When I first installed the game it was seriously pants in the graphics department-a bunch of textures missing. I was able to fix that with a GPU driver update but the game remains buggy for me. The most annoying thing I've had is reticle rubberbanding, especialy with tanks where the turret turns then springs back around. I've also been getting unholy amounts of GPU powerdrain-this seems to be really badly optimised, since not even EVE Incarna CQ on Ultra or Crysis 2 on enthusiast put a dent in my GPU's mojo. I even had to give up the campaign after I reached a mission where the game gets stuck in a cutscene and won't respond to controls except for ESC menu.


The bugs are annoying but Im just not enjoying the underlying game anyway, it just feels like a massive step backwards from Bad Company 2. Worst of all it just feels like a cod game now, the stupid over-the-top SFX, rubbish dialogue, appauling "plot" and stupid scenario leave me feeling like I walked onto the set of the worst hollywood movie of all time. The multiplayer though is what ruins the deal for me, the balance issues are just a dealbreaker-it's laughably unfriendly to new players, especialy with vehicles, and the actualy gunplay is even worse. Guns jump around wildly, especialy the M-16, and feel unreliable and choatic. Even beyond the wierd stuttery animation when you turn the actualy weapons themselves feel woefuly innaccurate even under single shot fire and recoil like .50 cals, you're left having no confidence that you'll hit your target and while you only really need two shots for a kill, actualy landing them seems like a one in fifty chance.


Gone is the tactical, thought-enducing combat of Bad Company, taking with it the pace, reliance on teamwork, and excellent community. Now flooded with foul mouthed cod-alikes, with the once unique destruction reduced to a cosmetic gimmick, and with abysmal twitich-shooter crappery everywhere, battlefield 3 on the whole gives me the impression that DICE spent all their time creating pretty a graphics showroom then added some (laughably bad) call of duty inspired gunplay and sold it as a game. Throw in a misery enducing Origin interface, a m ission structure that could only seem more like a Marine Corps recruitment advert if it said "join the marines" and constant "checks" and you've got a recipe for a funless sack of lard that's indestinguishable from it's rival, call of duty, and with modern warfare 3 coming soon and bringing environmental destruction, maybe, sacreligiously, CoD might out-battlefield battlefield at the game battlefield has chosen to become.


I'd say epic fail but for me it's not, for me BF3 hasn't gone out with an amusing, mockable BANG! of terrible design, but rather the pathetic whimper of becoming another grey generic shooter indestinguishable from all the others. It's like the car industry in the '1980s. Lancia went out of business in '94, but ended their legendary status with a bang, creating the most successful rally car in history. AMC and Oldsmobile simply faded into the background and slowly disapeared.

Edited by Vindekarr
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