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Bill S.978


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that 1% of the people in America have over 60% of the money

..and 50% of congress is worth over a million dollars or more. Something to think about next time you hear someone screaming about being part of the 99% and blaming Wall Street. Who do you think made the rules that Wall Street follows? Congress. Those OWS people are in the wrong city. No surprise, really, as I suspect that the assorted hippies, anarchists, and communists would find reading a map somewhat beyond their comprehension, if you judge their abilities based on the slogans they're chanting.

...or that we are polluting the air to the point were it is going to be unbreathable in 5 generations (or so my AP enviornment/physics teacher has claimed)... and are actually passing laws to make it go a wee bit faster

Your AP teacher is a dunce. Go look up how much pollutants get thrown up into the air by volcanoes. If your AP teacher was right we'd already be living in a Venus-like atmosphere. Why aren't we? Because our ecosystem has developed a great many methods for scrubbing the air, the water, and the dirt. It's called life, weather, and the geothermal process.


This isn't to say we can't damage the environment in the short run, or cause ourselves misery through pollution (with starvation being the most likely outcome, in my opinion), and it doesn't mean we shouldn't be conserving our environment. But it's also a bit egotistical to say that mankind is going to ruin the earth. Compared to the earth we're tiny little bugs who build tiny metal houses and emit tiny amounts of gasses. Our numbers make us impressive, so our tiny egotistical little bug minds think, but the earth hardly notices us. We could nuke the earth and within 100 years it would be green again. We'd probably still be here, only our little metal houses would probably be called huts and we'd have far less free time.


Here's a great example; the coal that we dig up and burn for cheap energy. Where did it come from? Back when trees first came about, they were really just new and bigger ferns. Their different cellulose structure, however, was too new for the bugs and bacteria to consume. So when trees died they didn't decay and instead were covered up by geological processes. In turn, they were then pressed and formed into the coal beds we now use to warm our houses, charge our ipods, and even charge our "pollution free" electric cars. These days there is no shortage of stuff that eats trees. In fact, life has so adapted to these giant ferns that they don't even wait until they die before snacking on them. So what is the modern equivalent of the ancient trees? Simple; plastics.


Yep, those terrible Styrofoam coolers and plastic grocery bags that are supposed to clog up the landfills for the next ten thousand years (or so, depending on which enviroloon you're talking too) will eventually become food for microbes and bugs. How soon? Well, that's a matter of speculation, but science has already found a few molds and microbes that are taking a liking to petroleum products (of which plastics are made), so it may be sooner than we like. Especially if you consider all the plastics we have in our society, you can see we have an enormous banquet waiting for the first critters to discover that niche in the food supply. Add in the fact that we're actively trying to grow similar microbes and I'm sure you can see where this is going. We're kick-starting the environment into making plastic part of the natural cycle of life.


So what is the point of all this? Most environmentalists don't know what they're talking about, especially the ones crying about man-made climate change. Why? Well, in the 80's they were clamoring about global cooling. In the 90's their tune changed to global warming. Now it's just generic climate change. As much as Al Gore says the science is settled, he's lying. (Al Gore, bye-the-way, stands to make hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars from the carbon exchange scam if it becomes law in America. He's invested at the ground floor in many companies that are setting up the carbon exchange. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's fact. He has a vested interest in getting people to believe that carbon credits will save the earth from phantoms.) It's a scam to panic people into letting people, who don't really give a damn about the environment, tell industries how much they can produce. If Al Gore really cared about the environment, he'd have a smaller house and not own a private jet.


If you want to save the earth, from whatever your choice cause is (although I do think overfishing is a very valid concern), go look for a conservationist group. A good place to start is a sportsmen group. You may know them by another title; Hunters and Fishermen. See, these lads and ladies are out in the environment far more often than most environmentalists, and actually see what's happening to nature. Sportsmen love nature. They love trees, clean water, clean air, healthy wild animals, and they like using it as often as they can. Your average hunter, or fisherman, if they've been fishing and hunting in the same area for a decent amount of time, can tell you more about the wildlife and condition of the area, and what's happened in past seasons just as well as any park ranger or scientist. Probably better.


Sorry for rambling, so here's the TL:DR version - Ignore the panic as most environmental groups are backed by socialists who really just want to stop capitalism (mostly America 'cause they don't say carp about China or Russia), and always do you homework before believing anybody who says "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T STOP DOING X!" Also, if you want to help the environment, start hunting and fishing!


Oh, and Al Gore is a hypocritical ninny trying to get richer. :verymad:

Edited by Seviche
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Sorry for rambling, so here's the TL:DR version - Ignore the panic as most environmental groups are backed by socialists who really just want to stop capitalism (mostly America 'cause they don't say carp about China or Russia), and always do you homework before believing anybody who says "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T STOP DOING X!" Also, if you want to help the environment, start hunting and fishing!


Oh, and Al Gore is a hypocritical ninny trying to get richer. :verymad:

I strongly disagree with your opinion and would counter several of your points if the subject wasn't way off topic. This is a thread about fair use.

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If this said, "BILL" passes. They better start hiring a newly discovered humanoid race (100% chance extra terrestrials) to work for our law enforcement, because the entire world will have to be arrested.



What a joke dude.

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..and 50% of congress is worth over a million dollars or more. Something to think about next time you hear someone screaming about being part of the 99% and blaming Wall Street. Who do you think made the rules that Wall Street follows? Congress. Those OWS people are in the wrong city. No surprise, really, as I suspect that the assorted hippies, anarchists, and communists would find reading a map somewhat beyond their comprehension, if you judge their abilities based on the slogans they're chanting.


Oh, and Al Gore is a hypocritical ninny trying to get richer. :verymad:


Wonder if you are old enough to know what a hippie truely is. Beeing one myself I should have been insulted, but since you mix us with anarchists and communists, and clearly have a problblem discern one from another, you´ll be excused :D

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..and 50% of congress is worth over a million dollars or more. Something to think about next time you hear someone screaming about being part of the 99% and blaming Wall Street.

and that means the government isn't run by money, how? :whistling:

all that money for elections and what not congress and, well, even the presidents get has to come from somewhere... that and Wall Street seems to thrive off of exploiting people for profit... both of wich are pretty hefty issues


But it's also a bit egotistical to say that mankind is going to ruin the earth.



ya.. them volcanoes man...


Your AP teacher is a dunce. Go look up how much pollutants get thrown up into the air by volcanoes. If your AP teacher was right we'd already be living in a Venus-like atmosphere. Why aren't we? Because our ecosystem has developed a great many methods for scrubbing the air, the water, and the dirt. It's called life, weather, and the geothermal process.


btw dunce, nice comeback, that and the nonrelated rambling about OWS and Al Gore junkies.. oo.. you just blew my mind out of the water :psyduck:


and yes electric cars are just as bad as non btw, companies generate most of thier electricity by turning massive electromagnets(?) by burning fossil feuls.. instead of magic like most people seem to think lol

Edited by Alistat
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Sorry for rambling, so here's the TL:DR version - Ignore the panic as most environmental groups are backed by socialists who really just want to stop capitalism (mostly America 'cause they don't say carp about China or Russia), and always do you homework before believing anybody who says "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T STOP DOING X!" Also, if you want to help the environment, start hunting and fishing!


Oh, and Al Gore is a hypocritical ninny trying to get richer. :verymad:

There is hope yet when more folks begin to realize this truth and start having the guts to stand up and say something about it.

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In a nutshell, what is the logic behind this? In other words, what are the proponents of the bill hoping to achieve, and why?

Websites illegally stream subscription services (MLBtv, paid cable, etc.). The new bill is aimed at curtailing those activities.


I don't know why OP thinks this bill would remove fair use, it doesn't purport to amend fair use statutes, so how the bill, if passed, would affect fair use by some imaginary radiation from a new law that doesn't amend it is beyond me.



Things are fair use right now.


S.978 does not change the laws which delineate what fair use is.


Who cares.

Edited by lukertin
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