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Cannot reinstall oblivion feature transfer error acces is denied


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i have tried many ways to solve my problem

i am an admin so the permission error is odd

i did delete h-KEY-etc,etc, Bethesda

i did ctrl F in registry and deleted all oblivion and Bethesda related objects

"I DID delete the oblivion folder which was a stupid mistake and is probably why i cant reinstall in the first place"

i did uninstall form programs when it was there

i did use "Safe" registry cleaner CCleaner

i have searched Google for a whole month trying to find an answer to my problem

including this forums own help reinstalling oblivion section

i also searched registry for kotn and si(in case those had separate files with separate names)

(edit: it is not CRC the disk is fine Cycle reduncy check is for when your disk is bad)

ANY and all help would be appreciated i need something to play before skyrim comes out (aside from DA2,xbox360's,PS's)


main error showing is feature transfer error Access is denied

Edited by vermillionplauge
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Hm, never seen that error. What Version of the game do you have and where did you get it?


i installed the latest Si patch if thats what you mean by version?

and by where i got it i cant remember but its not a direct to drive installation it is a disc installation and i have uninstalled/reinstalled 4 times for various reasons and have always been able to reinstall no problem until now then again until now i have not deleted the data folder which was quite honestly and i shall say it again a stupid stupid mistake


many other solutions say it isnt recognized as uninstalled but i went through every inch of my computer and annihilated every last trace including new ones when ever i try to reinstall

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The official Oblivion patches are very picky about you using the right one for your version (e.g. if you used the SI patch on a non-SI original DVD version). If it's the Game of the Year version it get's fully patched when you install the second disk (I'm not sure what type of weirdness may result from trying to use the SI patch on the fully patched GotY version). If you do a clean install, using bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure start the game before running any patches and check the version number down at the lower left on the menu screen. The other thing to note is that the uninstall method of running setup from the DVD and not from the Windows Start menu is the most reliable uninstall method.
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thanks for the info and reply but sadly those didn't help.

i currently see very few options i know will work but would like to avoid

reinstall windows(pain in the ass and i believe it uninstalls everything)

install on another computer and play there (i tried using home group but it seems to get me the ability to see the launcher but nothing else)

install another computer copy all information from computer into a new folder in home group then copy/paste/overwrite onto mine (i have a near blank com so this could work but id onyl try as a 3rd resort the other two are my last and 2cd resorts respectively)

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searching this forum on


transfer error


turned up a number of threads


including this one




and reading the error more closely in one of the threads


it continued as "CRC error"


clean your disk

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searching this forum on


transfer error


turned up a number of threads


including this one




and reading the error more closely in one of the threads


it continued as "CRC error"


clean your disk

thats cycle reduncy error not access is denied error on an admin account yes i knew all about CRC and my disk is clean i checked by installing on a different com btu i want it on my com without reinstalling windows

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Just because you are an admin on your computer - that does NOT mean you have admin privileges for a specific program. Thank MS for that bit of confusion. Right click on the program and select 'Run as an Administrator' from the menu. Do this even if you think you are an admin. :wallbash:


CRC when trying to install from the legal DVD is usually a damaged DVD or DVD drive and not a problem on your hard drive.


BTW, My complete uninstall/reinstall procedure has been used by thousands with very few failures, and most of those were caused by skipping some part of the procedure or doing something out of sequence - or in some cases trying to use an illegal version which my procedure, and Nexus help does not support.


The most common problem is not rebooting both before and after using the registry cleaner.


Just having some no cd programs on your computer can cause the installation to fail. If you do have a legal program, such as alcohol or another similar program. Uninstall it or rename it first. If you have an illegal cd copying program, you are on your own.


If you do come up with something that is not covered, try to give me as much info as possible.

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