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Modders... What Are You Working On?


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Working on a small exploration mod w/around 10+ cells and a simple storyline. And after that working on a custom worldspace quest adventure based around a H.P.Lovecraft short story w/creepy township and a castle full of shocking secrets.


Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it in game.






A companion, cuz that's what I do.


Every time a feral charges me I think of WIllow's story about finding one with a teddy bear. And then I blast them in the face.



Huh, not sure how to respond to that. Usually a comment like that ends with the player telling me how much they hate her.




Who hates Willow?! People without souls, probably.


ha! Legion players?


jk! :)

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I duplicated a single tripwire and grenade bouquet in lexington apartments!
I'm a mod developer now!

okay so basically what happened was that I learned how to use parent activators after 3 hours of failing at setting up ingame play to test because I didn't see the thingy that in the CK shows that it's tied to a thing as an activator etc etc and thought that I had properly tied them together

as for what I'm working on, nothing. a black, voided. pit. of despair. at the lack of progress in 3 hours time, on the bright side I learned how to do a thing in the CK, which required a few things getting learned about how to navigate the thing, although I still havent' figured out how to not just copy paste an existing item but rather put a new object in but once I figure that out I'll be set

what's good in mods, I was thinking of making a whole thing of traps in interiors, and if I ever figure out how to do it safely... exteriors as well, and set up killzone fortifications for people to assault with more danger etc
(minefields with snipers on walls and heavy weapons too with long range accuracy so that you won't want to just charge in but going around and )
alternatively, a brand new "town" or something to explore that doesn't conflict with spawn locations but designed with a lot of stuff that is like, you know that staircase in lexington?
well, close quarters urban combat with high amounts of verticality both up and down with firing solutions/risks from all over in a paranoia inducing festival of chaos is kind of something I wanted to do as well - like one of those escher paintings/sketches almost in terms of how it feels to be amongst said ruins (but just bombed out ruins, I'm certain this is doable I constantly get lost in lexington)

would have to find a way to make inexpensive but dangerous explosives, or inexpensive and harrassing explosives, things that COULD be ran through but would hurt a bit regardless, and aren't worth a ton but you could theoretically disarm, get, buy tons of, and spam at enemies for amusement easily enough... basically whatever you choose as a singular tactic will have drawbacks, so a combination system of multiple tactics would be important in assaulting these fortifications

need to find a way to just generally make for traps, things people don't see until it's too late unless they're on the lookout for it, and then make for obvious places where it's a thing to be on the lookout for

nothing makes me happier than dumping mines on a stairwell in lexington after jumping out a hole in the wall down 2 stories to beat a raider in power armour that can run me through in one shot with a machete and can barely be harmed by bullets, the alternative tankbusting methods amuse me greatly

wonder if it's safe to use damage thresh-hold... shouldn't tax the system too much... if I could get that back in, then maybe I could make a mod for that sort of stuff... because the two most exciting points in gameplay both involved running like hell from power armour and having to dump a bunch of my normally useless mines to stop them - WITHOUT heavy weapons available.
made me feel excitement in a way that just being able to nuke something from a distance just doesn't give, a real predator/predator 2 feel

as simple as it is, I don't feel like I've bit off more than I can chew because of the volume of work, I feel I've bit off more than I can chew because I don't even know how to put in an object that isn't already in that cell that I can duplicate, and this will potentially take an hour or 5 to figure out

Edited by tartarsauce2
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Minor update cuz I'm just that bored. Finished the barrel thing (hopefully - gonna have the rest of the MF crew test it in their games), now I'm working on figuring out how FO4's firing speed calculations work. I want to match MF's weapons to their real-world counterparts as closely as possible, (especially) down to the rounds-per-second cyclic rate. So far I've got the M134 and M61 at the same and one-half their real-world speeds respectively (50 rounds/second, in-game fire rate of 500 (in-game fire rate is ten seconds continuous fire, not accounting for reloads) - yes the game can handle it, pretty damn easily). Math is fun when it involves ballistics and roaring, smoking gun barrels :3

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I'm working on a vault mod. I'm still building it because I can't decide on some things. If anyone here would wanna check it out and give me advice or even help I'll be very grateful


My advice is 'take your time'. Can't rush these things. My own vault mod took well over 4 years to complete. And I am immensely proud of it. ;)

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