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@Dark0ne (<-- Bethesda.cancer style) GTKY Nexus Owner DOOOOO IT@!


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Back to the subject at hand...let's make this thing worth watching.


I'mma need full video of the Darkest 0ne as digitaltrucker suggested and putting in a request for a twerk off between you two.


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Thank you! For finally making it publicly known exactly what the situation is from your official moderator's perspective.






Please stay civil, and do not resort to personal insults towards other NexusMods users.





As you know from the last thread of his you shut down. I only ever attacked one person, after he repeatedly mocked people with disabilities.


Check youtube for "mocking disabled". You know, that new ad that's going around?


If you all feel the need to moderate me and defend his hate speech feel free.


I will say, I'm pretty sure that is NOT what you're doing. Looks to me like you're doing your job and trying to cool things down. Kudos to you.


I have definitely targeted DDProductions83, and I will not let up until he issues a full and sincere apology to everyone here on the Nexus, and every disabled person everywhere. Then and only then, would I let up on him.


Or he could just delete his profile and save us all the embarrassment.


You do what you gotta do, I fully support that.


I'm right here and subject to any moderation you choose to use, just like everyone else. There are a lot more people watching than just those that posted in this thread. So I would have a care in considering what your moderation choices look like to those who are watching but not speaking, just yet.

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magnus you are bringing up some Serious Business :woot:
I don't get it though, with that trump thing, isn't imitation the highest form of flattery?
I may have missed something though, I'm a little retarded
and I'm a total autist, I hate speeches, give me small talk anyday, like the weather, how's it up there on that horse?
but otherwise you're right, you definitely took the words out of my mouth with your own, it's like you speak for me!

perhaps you could also drop some wisdom for us here, since you appear to be an expert, it's an ill defined topic in a way and it could really help some people
I've given what I can but what do I know about anything?
https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4460140-need-category-for-mods-that-are-friendly-to-the-handicapped/page-3 Edited by tartarsauce2
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I've belonged to many other modding communities.


I've moderated modding forums in the early 2000s.


I've moderated other forums that have a higher viewership than this site.


I had another username then, and if there are any old schoolers from Freedom Reborn we could talk about it. That's a modding forum by the way not some politically oriented anything.


Under this username (MasterMagnus) I belong to other gaming communities that actually pay real world dollars for the models and textures I've submitted for approval by their art dev team.


Every other community I belonged to had an email of at least one actual employee of the game they were modding. And were on good terms with the devs if not the company.


I have built a name and a reputation elsewhere.

My mods are on Bethesda.net exclusively right now.

I will stand my reputation against this Baby Elmo any day.

Let them ban me from this community forever, I really have nothing to lose.


I've already staked my good name and it won't be tarnished by the entire Nexus community siding with him.


It'll sure show the internet at large something though.

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perhaps you could also drop some wisdom for us here, since you appear to be an expert, it's an ill defined topic in a way and it could really help some people

I've given what I can but what do I know about anything?



Good people doing good things there, I will not poke my nose in and drag this whole debate behind me.


I suppose in this day and age of the anonymous internet, and the anonymous mocking of people who have nothing to do with the discussion. With all the media coverage of "you know who saying you know what, and the commercial that says 'that showed me his soul and I didn't like what I saw'". (I am NOT trying to make this political)


To be perfectly honest with myself and all of you.

I'm not really on some righteous quest to defend the disabled.


It just felt so f*****g GOOD to put one punk in his place just one time, and really just tear them a new a*****e in front of his little adoring fans.


I am here to tell you, it STILL feels so good.

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Not sure if that will work for you magnuts, I'm out and on my phone because those of us without mental handicaps have things to do like 'not drooling on ourselves' and 'self wiping'. I miss all the fun.


I do however have to thank you for your kind words and your support by following me and bumping my threads. Please help on YouTube as well. Every penny that you generate here on nexus or my personal venues will go toward making modding great again. Your patronage is appreciated by many. Thank you.

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Also you do not need to fight anymore to put me in my place. Baby Elmo is already cemented as the greatest modder of this generation. You do not need to elevate me higher. I am good with this status. Though if you wish to ascend me into godhood that is your peragative my child. Peace be with you.
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well magnus you're good at self promotion that's for sure, but it does seem a bit weird to just post to try to bother people

also, his name is trump, you might as well say the name he's going to try to president on you just the same
magnus you're just plain weird :tongue:
it's certainly interesting, keep it up

Edited by tartarsauce2
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