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Mod Request: Skyrim Imperial Legion Armor in Oblivion


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Here Screenshot: Imperial Armor


Wouldn't it be cool to have such armor in Oblivion?

Please answer if you know a mod with such an armor or it would be nice If anyone make one.

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Here Screenshot: Imperial Armor


Wouldn't it be cool to have such armor in Oblivion?

Please answer if you know a mod with such an armor or it would be nice If anyone make one.

Wrong section, and since this would require taking assets from one game (Skyrim) to be added to another game (Oblivion), it would be done against copyright and likely the EULA of either game.



Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me that we don't have to explain to everyone what porting is, why it is bad, and why you still aren't allowed to do it when both games are from the same publisher. If you aren't allowed to legally port between FO3 and Oblivion, or Morrowind and Oblivion, why would you even think that you could port between Skyrim and Oblivion, or any other combination? Separate games, separate assets, separate authors for those assets.

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Thanks GhogieI. But Vagrant0, I dont understand. I said nothing about import. Ghogiel, you made armor from Morrowind for Oblivion without porting it from Morrowind right? Or whats about the Frostmourne mod? The Weapon wasn't ported from Warcraft. It was remade by hand and so it's not illegal. It's only a roman like armor with a bit steel on it. Please, this is a normal mod request.


-and sorry for the wrong section :facepalm:

I made a new in the right section: [deleted]




No, no, don't do that! I've deleted that and will move this one! ~myrmaad

Edited by myrmaad
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Thanks GhogieI. But Vagrant0, I dont understand. I said nothing about import. Ghogiel, you made armor from Morrowind for Oblivion without porting it from Morrowind right? O

Yeah I did, and will be continuing that theme for Skyrim. :)


Anyway I understood what you meant, you posted concept art to work from ect. The art work for Skyrim is the BAWLS! Just play SKyrim dude, I played the demo and it really does appear to be fixed and souped up OB

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My understanding is that modelers are allowed to make models from scratch that look like items from other games. I believe it is only considered porting if you electronically transfer a file used in one game into another game and edit it so that it will work with the new game engine.
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My understanding is that modelers are allowed to make models from scratch that look like items from other games. I believe it is only considered porting if you electronically transfer a file used in one game into another game and edit it so that it will work with the new game engine.


Yes, that is correct.

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Thanks Aurasoma,


But I have already Waalx, but the armor look like a blades armor with red skirt. Can anyone make an armor like the ones in the picture?


Edit: Ah, nevermind. I have Skyrim tomorrow, so I'll play Skyrim aswell.

Edited by bugged
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