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Games with custom Characters


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If you've been to the nexus, chances are you have played a fallout, an elderscrolls, and/or a dragon age game. Now i must ask, besides these, what are the best games with customizable character options.


I like RPG games, but i really like RPG games that lets you have a fair bit of customization. Now assuming you have played all the elderscroll, fallout, and dragon age games to oblivion (XD) where do you go from there? You could move on to MMORPGs but most cost a a lot of money and require a good Internet connection, (Which sadly i lack both) so lets keep it at this, what are the best non-nexus single player games with a customizable character. Not necessarily RPG's and not necessarily completely single player.


Just a little thinking to be done. For example

Fable was good, although the character wasn't fully customizable, it was a fun game and still allowd for a lot of character customization, fable II however allowed better customization but it wasn't as good as fable I.

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The Witcher and The Witcher 2 had good customization. I thought TW1's customization was better though. You had far more options on how you wanted to build Geralt. The second one was a little dumbed down, but still had quite a few options on how you wanted him. Edited by Illiad86
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Neither are PC games and they're also a bit old school, but Final Fantasy Tactics and Etrian Odyssey III are both great RPGs where customization is the primary gameplay mechanic.
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The Witcher and The Witcher 2 had good customization. I thought TW1's customization was better though. You had far more options on how you wanted to build Geralt. The second one was a little dumbed down, but still had quite a few options on how you wanted him.


I think he/she is talking about the character customisation as in Geralt can be any gender/race/whatever rather than the stat based or dialouged based.


OP have you thought about Icewind Dale? It's like a computer D'n'D you can customise all your characters. GOG is doing a good deal I hear.

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Its kinda disappointing that there arn't more customizable features in the witcher series, I don't really like having a set character, i really like making my own for rpg games, im not a big fan of rpg games with set main characters.
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Mass Effect 1 & 2, although these are purely science fiction. You can customize both gender and appearance (and race to some extend). Unfortunately, none of these are moddable and thus, once you've played them through - that's it.
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