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The OSIO was dominated by UnityNeofolk, which seemed at first fine except it was by a UnityNeo type faction that wanted to control the vault tightly and to keep it largely sealed up. Other UnityNeofolk factions wanted more democracy and for the vault to be more open in its dealings with both the Subways Unified Republic and Megaton. Amata's father, the Prime Overseer, was UnityNeo but led the Control Isolation Faction even as Amata had become one of the leaders of the Free Open Faction. Generally the Control Isolation Faction was older than the Free Open Faction.


Being UnityNeo factions, they were not overly aggressive with each other but were well aware of what each other, and other, UnityNeo were up to. The majority of UnityNeo in the vault were yet to come to terms with what they were, let alone to support or even join factions.


Prime Overseer Alphonse Almodovar met them in the interview chamber with its fairly bare appearance and metallic furniture and fittings. There was also the Security Director of the OSIO who turned out to be Terri Rosewood who had adopted Eva and Adama as her children.


Alphonse came to the point. “Your father, Professor James Zavid, has vanished and has taken others with him including Adama and Eva Rosewood.”


“Not our father, our clone father!” Aaron responded even as he pushed a booklet of print-outs across the table. “We were born to Cathy Zavid but our clone parents were Professors James and Catherine Zavid. Catherine Zavid was previously named Catherine Walter and she was a member of the scientific religious cult known as the Scientalogicans. The Scientalogicans have their basis in a privately contracted TechnoVault hidden somewhere below the great big Imperial Mall in Central DC City. VaultTek designed and built TechnoVaults for continuation of scientific research and development, along with industrial enterprises, but this vault was not part of the main program. The Scientalogicans existed before Doomsday but were less 'eccentric' and cult like back then. James went there to obtain scientific data just as he came here to LifeVault0101A2 to gain other scientific data. He left with the data and with Catherine, very quickly.”


“James came to LifeVault0101A2 with three companions who did not come into the vault but into the vault with him came three adults and three sets of children, being two sets of triplets and a set of twins. One adult was Cathy Zavid who was officially the younger sister of Catherine Zavid but who was probably cloned from her. Cathy Zavid vanished about ten years ago during the Big 101B1 Crisis but we have not found any official explanation for her vanishing.”


Aarie took over the talking. “The other two adults, that came with James and Cathy Zavid, were Pipa and Pepa Santana who were identical female twins and three babies called Babzi, Bobzi and Bibzi Zippy. These triplets seemed to be three neobabies, being one male and two female, Bobzi being the male one. Except that we can not find any records of what happened to either the Santana Twins or the Zippy Triplets.”

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Terri Rosewood frowned. “At the time that James, and the others, came to the vault, there was a secret crisis taking place. Synthetic manifesticants of radraoches were attacking an important light industrial subvault that was forced to be abandoned and sealed off. It is still sealed off. Other synthecants, synthetic manifesticants, appeared as unknown vaultfolk or as copies of known vaultfolk who claimed that they were the real thing. I was only young then, was working as a security guard. I am older than I appear to be because I was wounded badly and placed in a slow healing capsule for some years.”


“I took part in various skirmishes with the, thankfully, poorly armed and body-armoured imposters. We won most of the firefights, we sealed off the subvault full of synthecant radroaches, we began to lose the war when fake radspiders, rad-ants and radrats began to attack. Then he came, the Mysterious Stranger, or that is what he told us that he was general called. He called himself Mr Walker. He showed us where the subvault was where was located a large synthetic manifesticator that was producing the threats. We fought synthecants guarding it, along with turrets, and deactivated it. Then we made sure it would remain deactivated by removing certain parts. We changed official records to state that the experiment had never begun because the proper parts were not in place.”


She went on speaking. “James Zavid helped us deal with the safe deactivation of the synthetic manifesticator network-system and the careful choosing of what parts to remove to keep it firmly and safely deactivated. As for the Santana Twins and the Zippy Triplets, they are in status-capsules stored away safely in secure subvaults along with others deemed to be wasteful of resources if allowed to be active.”


The Prime Overseer frowned. “I can see by your expressions that you think that the forceful status suspension of certain people, and others, is a cruel or foolish policy but you need to understand that the vault was getting deeper into trouble and then there was the crisis about ten years ago. At the time it seemed necessary except now we know many who were encapsulated were done so for political and social prejudicial reasons that had nothing to do with saving resources. We do not even have accurate data on just how many people and others are in status-capsules let alone their identities.”


The Prime Overseer shook his head in wonder. “The official databanks are largely accurate but there are also too many half truths, falsehoods and blank spaces. Too many times official databanks have been interfered with, erased or even physically stolen as hardware.”


Terri Rosewood nodded. “I was asked to seduce James Zavid and then adopted the twins, Eva and Adama because James asked me to while he asked me to enter into the official records that you three were his children. I did so as part of my job as a security intelligence agent but I must tell you that being James' partner was difficult and being the adoptive mother of those monsters, Eva and Adama, was extremely difficult. I began to doubt the twins were really human at all and when DNA tests were done on them as part of a big security intelligence DNA sweep, it turned out they are not totally human. Psychologically speaking, Adama and Eva have no conscious, they are real sociopaths. We do not know what they are, other than part human.”


She passed a print-out to the triplets and Aarao studied it. Then she spoke. “Zetamans are human-zetan hybrids. This is also a type of human-zetan hybrid but there are some other elements here that is unknown to us. I reason that what we have here is a kind of genetic catalyst that somehow remains the same while influencing DNA to change in various ways.”


She looked up at the others. “This DNA catalyst is very very dangerous stuff! A brilliant but twisted genius is behind this work.”


Terri frowned. “Sounds just like James.”


Aarao shook her head. “Our clone father is a genius but this is the work of super genius.”

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The Zavid Triplets were locked up in the small LifeVault0101A2 Prison in a holding apartment that was in fact larger and a little nicer than their home apartment. The home apartment was passed onto others while their personal property, and other stuff, was sent to their prison home. James' stuff was examined heavily and then put into secure storage after nothing of use was found.


The triplets were not surprised as their clone father was both brilliant and canny, would not have been foolish enough to leave anything in the apartment that could undermine his plans. Clearly he had not been fooled by Terri Rosewood, had used her to accomplish his goals further even as he gained from her in other ways including sexual. Terri Rosewood had gained nothing of real value from him either as an agent or a partner. For one thing James had relationships with other women while he was supposedly being loyal to Terry. It turned out she was not really unhappy about this.


Now she was pregnant and DNA tests proved that the father was James but also that she had the mysterious DNA Catalyst inside her that was seemingly a product of amazingly advanced scientific knowledge. How had it gotten into her? Terri had no idea how though she did remember having non contraceptive sex with James which had led to the pregnancy. Could the DNA Catalyst have come directly from the body of James himself?


To their surprise they were given the use of a valuable portable super virtual reality capsulechair.


Their friends were allowed to visit them at the apartment on certain days.


Also to their surprise, DJgirl was given a job as a DJ on her own music show though her shows were prerecorded and carefully checked before they could be broadcast on the Telenetwork. She was also told to play a set number of government PR messages, slogans and advertisements for the Overseer Government run Vaultshop.


They soon found out that they were not really to be prisoners at all. That was an official cover story. No, they were to assist the Overseer Government, two at a time with always one at the apartment as a hostage, to investigate various mysteries and possible threats to the vault and vaultfolk. The SVR-capsulechair was to assist them in their missions, in training, but they could also use it for their own personal reasons.


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Sanctuarius was gone wild, gone semiactive in large areas, and many lifeforms were in status-capsules and other forms of status-storage being protected in many ways.


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega stood on the foredeck of the fast moving jetboat that shot along the Crazy Snaking River. It was a wide, muddy brown tropical river and the rainforest was thick on the shores with undergrowth and grew high above each far shoreline with great tree trunks and a high canopy of thick foliage.


Every so far the big, sleek, powerful vessel would slip quietly past a long abandoned semiactive machine, huge and low hulking, embedded into the shoreline. They were parts of a city that had long crumbled away except for such machines and, glimpsed amongst the trees, domed sections of city still maintained by roboremotes and tiny microbots and even tinier nanobots.


The Thirteen of Thirteen had lost contact with Sanctuarius except for the Sanctuard Thirteen but so far Artisar had found no sign of them, active or semiactive or even in some inactive status. There were no clues to what had happened to them.


The refugees that had come to Sanctuarius were not just safe, they were thriving in the Northern Polar Sanctuary, a great sunken dome covered basinland surrounded by rock, ice and snow. It was too dangerous for any of them to go beyond there, out beyond the dome and the other forms of defense, security and safety that kept the Northern Polar Sanctuary secure.


The Sanctuard Thirteen should have been in Sanctuarius. The great supercities should have been thriving. So many of the networks of network-systems should not have become semiactive or even inactive in a small minority of cases.


What had happened to the Sanctuarius peoples, flora and fauna now in status? Why were others still flourishing out of status? Why had the newer exotica species arisen? Were the exotica imported, native or was it more complicated than that.


The AlphaOmega Thirteen had come to Sanctuarius in the more recent past on a number of occasions and had found no real answers to any of these questions.


There was a glint of something strange in from the shoreline. At once Lord Artisar AlphaOmega had the roboremote jetboat slow quickly and curve around to come to a halt facing the shore. Then it rose into the air and moved through the air as air-jets replaced water-jets to propel it. Wings moved outwards from the side and the special other parts of the vessel adjusted to the change in transportation mode.


The Sanctuard Skyship was heavily crashed into the ground. It had happened a long time ago but the saucer had not fully self-repaired even though it was made of very advanced smart-materials and was imbued with clever nanobots and microbots along with many roboremotes. Part of the hull was still showing signs of melting and buckling of being struck with very power energy weapons.


One of the Thirteen Sanctuards of Sanctuarius had been inside the skyship when it had been brutally attacked and had crashed but had not been there for a very long time. So the databanks of the skyship's network-systems informed the AlphaOmega Lord. Yet the datafiles told him nothing because any that might have done so had been erased simply by having any hardware linked to its storage, totally disintegrated. Some force had taken a good deal of trouble to make sure that what happened to the Sanctuarius Sanctuard in the skyship was kept a mystery.

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“Well, we could have done worse.” Fox Mulder finished digging the hole in the dark earthy ground and with a sweaty sigh he put the shovel down even as he sat on the big brown rock. He was rejuvenated in youthful appearance, health and fitness as were the others.


Like the others he had been in one of the few zones of the world not dominated by the forces fighting World War Four. That is the World State on one side and, on the other, the powerfully resisting TripleAlliance of Federats, Soviets and Corporates. The United Nations Free Union, the UNFU, were outside of that war. They were less threatened by the TripleAlliance than they were by the World State.


Then had come the aliens of the EATRT, the Extraterrestrial Aid Trade Regulation Treaty. Those mysterious aliens had activated temporary one way teleport-senders for the rough surviving UNFU peoples to escape through to Sanctuarius with everything that they could take with them including livestock and working pets along with much else.


Fox Mulder and Dana Scully had been aged and in fairly poor health like so many struggling to survive in the UNFU Enclave that they had been in somewhere in what had been the North American nation of Canada. Now they were in a brand new world, a brand new kind of world. It was fairly rough but they had not faced the threat of World State attack by its power armoured clone-soldiers and other forces.


Wild humans had fought back with surprising strength and efficiency. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully had been surprised until they discovered the rise of UnityNeo amongst those fighting the World State and the mysterious, exotic OmniMind and OmniNet that controlled the World State through mindcaps of various kinds. Though made up mostly of capped citizen-clones, the World State also used controlcapped wild humans as expendable soldiers or workers, mostly workers for most controlcapped humans went passive while only a minority went berserker mad. Another minority became so mentally or physically ill, or both, and were terminated by the World State. Yet another minority became free of control with a wide variety of results.


Mulder and Scully were UnityNeofolk, had always been so but had only woken up fully to the fact shortly before going to Sanctuarius.


They turned and saw Lord Artisar AlphaOmega in the distance as he stood next to some rejuvenated trucks parked in an smart-concrete parking area that came off a smart-concrete highway. Some buildings still there, fortified and low hulking and yet with some efforts to make them look friendlier, more attractive. They were made of smart-materials with black solar power panels on the roofs.


Scully stood up and sighed. “Yes, we could have done much worse. Remember back when we were worried about the Great Conspiracy and when we dealt with paranormal monsters and various aliens? Then came the Apocalypse out of which arose the World State of mindcaps, castes and clones. That is Lord Savisar AlphaOmega of the holographic broadcasts. He seems to be coming this way. I wonder what he wants of us.”

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Lord Artisar AlphaOmega stopped before Mulder and Scully where they had been digging their hole and spoke. “Why are you doing this activity?”


Dana smiled at the towering, hulking AlphaOmega Lord. “We are trying to collect samples of local life, soil, with out doing too much harm. We want to run some studies. Truth is we are bored. Our skills are not utilized here, nor our experience.”


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega nodded. “I will utilize your skills and experience. I need your assistance to solve a great mystery that so far my people have failed to begin to truly solve. We are driven to meet many demands. Our special resources are stretched. I need you to form a special investigations agency of some kind. Indeed you can seek to look back to your home world as well as to this, your new world. This will be a new XFiles agency. My people will provide you with you resources including actual XFiles, assistance, a centre-complex and ranges of hitech equipment and supplies.”


He took out a tablet device and passed it to Scully before passing a second, identical one, to Mulder. “You may use these to begin your project. You will find information there. Please do not go around digging holes in the ground any more. The local flora-fauna do not like it.”


Scully nodded. “We will desist. We do not wish to offend the wildlife.”


“Good, I will give you less destructive and intrusive means of doing what you are doing.” Then he smiled. “Now, what were you doing?”


Scully sighed. “I had a dream that something important was buried here.”


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega smiled. “Please do not lie to me again. You are a dream-seer, a certain kind of wild psychic and you have other specialized abilities, as does Fox Mulder, now made stronger. You will need training to use those abilities safely and efficiently.”


Artisar reached out a hand towards the bottom of the hole and with a sparkling shimmer a metallic object appeared in his hand. He looked puzzled for it was unexpected. It was a metal lunchbox with a scene imprinted into the top, a little faded, of a colourful farm scene including a barn, a fenced off area with a cow, a farm house, a hay silo and even some chickens and a tractor.


Inside the lunchbox was a fresh crispy looking apple, a wholemeal bread sandwich with cheese and relish, a small chocolate frog and a drink bottle full of apple juice.


Artisar smiled. “It has been protected by some kind of energy bubble. Somebody put this here to find later but it has been here for centuries. Most interesting. Tell me about this dream of yours, Dana Scully.”


So she did though the dream was hazy. There were some odd children, some talking animals, some odd chubby muscular babies and a small glowing globe zipping around with a baby girl suspended inside of it. To her surprise there had also been some fairly large cute adorable teletubbies, blue smurfs, cute eager wombles along with some big colourful toy-robots and figures, all copied from children's 3DTV shows and altered. Yet there were also some children. One little girl carefully buried the lunchbox and its contents. The lunchbox glowed softly because of its protective energy bubble.


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Captain Cosmos landed heavily on the ground in his splendid stylized super power armour and his cape swirled dramatically through the air behind him. He lifted the big super-raygun and unleashed a bolt of energy that exploded PackRaiders, in their garish, spiked power armour, in all directions.


Stella Skyfire, who was sometimes called CosmosGirl, punched another PackRaider through the air with her own super power armour. This PackRaider was a woman with exposing transparent plates melded into parts of her armour. Stella did not like this or the skulls of victims that were clamped to the PackRaider's armour.


Nobody knew where the PackRaiders came from in particular, they came from the great region of the Lostlands, but it was known they were not quite human, were a human-hybrid subspecies of some kind. This made them different from tribal marauders or gangers or other groups of standard humans gone bad such as Highlander Raiders.


Jangles the Moon Monkey, in special super power armour, flicked away a PackRaider with his amazing tail and rolled away from where a grenadeshell exploded violently.


The PackRaiders had come stealthily from the Lostlands, moving through crumbling subsurface areas and overland territories full of mutated flora and fauna. It was always hard to know exactly what PackRaiders were after. They seemed almost chaotic in their activities with no clear goals.


Bethesdatown was in the, not to far, distance with the towers glowing inside their energy bubble. Had the PackRaiders been attempting to attack there or was it a coincidence that they had come so close to Bethesdatown.


PackRaiders began a fighting retreat and those who could not retreat, died as their power armour imploded taking many secrets with them. PackRaiders would die rather than be captured to be interrogated.


Then the surviving PackRaiders vanished with sparkling shimmering of energies.


There were many reasons that PackRaiders were not seen to be the same as the barbarian raiders who sometimes came from the west, from the Virgin Highlands. No, the Highlander Raiders also wore strange armour, were garish and savage, but not power armour and they were twisted but were quite human. It was superdrugs and insane cult rituals that sent them berserker mad.


PackRaiders were icy cold berserkers, had power armour, had strange powers and there was something very unnatural about them.


Captain Cosmos, Stella Skyfire and Jangles the Moon Monkey went back home to recharge, rest and recreate.


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CrazyManPoe stepped out of mid air with a sparkling shimmer and studied the WhiteGoldTower rearing up in the middle of the great quasimagical magical city of Imperiarna, also known as the Greater Imperial City of the Tamriellan Empire that had once existed and the Cyrodilin Empire that now existed. Doomsday had seen the collapse of the greater empire and the slow, painful rise of the smaller empire.


Overhead flew a flight of three dragonors, each with a DragonKnight in quasimagical armour and with quasimagical shields and weapons. Dragonors looked like normal dragons but true dragons would not allow themselves to be ridden in that way. Real dragons were more intelligent and powerful but also more arrogant, wild and aggressive.


CrazyManPoe grinned happily and danced for a while on the wide flagstone pavement of a wide imperial street. Citizens either ignored him or through some alms into his upturned hat, alms being special coins minted to give to beggars. Sometimes a copper imperial coin was added.


When the Mother of Compassion came flowing past in her knee length kneerobe and raised hood over her head, CrazyManPoe came to an abrupt halt and bowed to her. Then he faced her with a solemn smile as she stopped and faced him with an expression of mild puzzlement on her face.


CrazyManPoe spoke in the old Tamriellan Imperial language of Tamriellas, not a greatly known language in Tamriel in these later centuries. “One dances in Amtriel one moment and dances in Tamriel the next. Threats arise in Amtriel but perhaps not just Amtriel. What happens here in Tamriel? Is all at peace here in the Cyrodilin Empire? Thirteen of Thirteen turning and twisting and transforming. Things, good and bad, falling from the skies.”


The woman, lightly dark brown of skin, calmly observed and listened. Then she smiled. “The Cyrodilin Empire thrives under the rule of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and the Imperial Elder Council as supported by the Imperial Senate and Imperial Commons. We have only vague knowledge of other supercontinents such as Amtriel. To get there one must go across the vast Ocean of Mist with its many dangers.”


A steammagic steamwagon trundled past on its great big wooden spoked, metal rimmed wheels being full of carefully stacked and tied bales of hay. Ironically the hay was to feed the many horses still being used in the city. Horsecabs passed here and there, the cleverly made two wheeled, one horse drawn vehicles having the driver above and back of the main cabin where the passengers rode.


CrazyManPoe spoke again. “Threats may come across the oceans or they may come from elsewhere. Threats may pop out of mid air. Beware the expected flow of history and foretold threats. Beware the unexpected flow of history and unforetold events. Prophesies may become twisted as the steps of the dance suffer from the interference of a different drum beat.”


The he vanished with a sparkling shimmer, as did his hat, but the coins were left behind in a neat stack. The Mother Compassionate carefully gathered them up so that they would go to the good causes of the Sisterhood of Compassionate. The Order was one that ran charity shops, shelters, hospitals and other facilities through out the Cyrodilin Empire with some assistance from the Imperial Cyrodilin Government and various wealthy patrons.


Mother Compassionate Taffana Halliday hurried off in an apparently unhurried fashion towards not the welfare centre she had been heading to but another destination.

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