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The Sister Foundations had gone quiet for a while due largely to a need for internal reorganization to adapt to changing conditions. The Goodlife Foundation, the Stronglife Foundation, the GreenLife Foundation and others emerged stronger than ever and with some changes to each foundation, the rise of new foundations and the change to jurisdictions.


There were the Thirteen Foundations now. At the top was the Mother Foundation that was the umbrella organization for all of the others. Then there were the three Sister Foundations that served all others in special ways. The other nine were more specialized in their various fields now. Zazvial continued to be the northern polar base of the Thirteen Foundations.


The base on Sharp Island was going to be closed down when plans were suddenly changed. The reason was the multitude of dreaming visions and, more recently, waking visions foretelling great and dramatic events, often violent and bizarre, would be coming to the DC Wastelands.


Yet there were other reasons. The report of the GlimmeringFog being inside part of LifeVault0101A2 was of deep concern. Though it was very heavily secured, it needed to be dealt with once and for all. There was also the need to discover if the GlimmeringFog had appeared in other places in the DC Wastelands. Its appearance in many foreseeing visions of the DC was far from reassuring.


The AlphaOmega Thirteen were part of the restructuring of the Sister Foundations, of course. Lord Savisar AlphaOmega on-in Sharp Island focused on creating a special taskforce to send to LifeVault0101A2 to deal with the GlimmeringFog there.


Another concern was the restart of the materialization in Bethesdatown that were not only of the kind first brought forth by CrazyManPoe but which came with new additions. What were the implications of these materializations? Where did the people come from? What about the strange robots and hulking creatures?


Then there was the strange quietness, the withdrawal of aggressive forces as if all were preparing for trouble to come or trying to avoid it. Just what was going on, was going to happen in the DC Wastelands.

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The light armed and armoured Land Armored Vehicles, amphibious all terrain military machines transformed by the LifeProclomation, moved quickly along tunnels that made natural roadways. Alien glowbiocrystal grew over ceilings and lit the way most of the way but in some places vehicle lights had to be relied upon. Twice they moved through fairly fast moving waters and it was good that the transformed machines had much more efficient amphibious capacity, including aquatic power.


They departed from the atmosphere filled, heavier gravity Lunar Labyrinth and went through a triple Airgate Airlock to enter human atmosphere filled caverns and tunnels that they had sealed with some LifeProclomation assistance. They passed some transformer-robots, shapeshifting multimodular robots sent by the LifeProclomation aliens to assist humanity. The transformer-robots, like so many LifeProclomation technologies, hid their secrets amazingly well.


Then they were stopping in a big base cavern chamber, armoured doors humming closed behind them as part of an airlock system made from a large, short tunnel.


There were vehicles, big portable machines, basic human remote-robots on wheels or tracks, people moving around in fatigues or in semi-enclosed exosuits carrying loads forklift fashion and some others in power armour. Apart from various United Nations Organizations, there were some national agencies, many of nations that had basically ceased to exist, and other organizations including corporations. There was not only a race to gain resources and power from comprehending ancient alien artifacts but a human struggle for survival going on inside the moon.


Walter, Peter, Astrid, Olivia and the others tried to relax, to stretch their limbs, even as word came to them that the first ocean going ships had been successfully teleported from Earth to the Lunar Labyrinth. That is liners, troop carriers, freighters, tankers, live animal carriers, other warships and many others had come through or were waiting to do so. Wealthy people had been shocked when their big expensive super-cabincruisers had been grabbed up, altered hastily, filled with people and sent to go to the Lunar Labyrinth.


Walter looked around and then had huge metallic stone statues of naked human like humanoids standing with their backs to two great walls. The statues were far from modest. Walter grinned.


Astrid snorted softly at him. “You will get used to them, Walter, everybody does. Some priests demanded they be covered up or even destroyed but the material is indestructible, as far as we humans are concerned, and the statues are just too big to be easily covered with out wasting massive amounts of materials, labour energies and time. Somebody even sent a complaint to the Pope except that nobody seems sure just where the Pope happens to be, these days.”


Walter sighed. “Four breasts for the woman. Interesting, most interesting. I wonder if these people had litters of children, hence the need for more than two breasts.”


Olivia sighed, in her own way. “Come on, Walter, we need to get settled in. Astrid, you said our complex is not too far from where the vehicles would halt.” Olivia picked up her duffel-bags and prepared to move. “I want a nice cup of coffee and not the sort of rubbish we have had to drink so often since the crisis began.”


Many of the others agreed.

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Kerz, Kiri and Kaen Carada appeared in the DC Wastelands as androids escaping from the DomniCommonwealth and in truth that is exactly what they were. The DomniCommonwealth was to the south, pressed against the southern DC Border. It was once a prosperous, Imperial Moderate stronghold with big industrial and research-development sectors. Back then it had not been the DomniCommonwealth as dominated by the DomniGuild and the DomniFamilies.


Yet even back then the region had specialized in androids, manufacturing types all the way from very basic roboremote mannequins to baseline androids right up to such as super sophisticated companionship and assassin models.


The region was badly damaged on Doomsday but far less so than the Dominion of Columbia had been. The DomniFamilies had risen to power during a series of short lived and violent wars in which they had used armies of power armoured mercenaries, cyborgs, robots and androids to crush their enemies. Then they had put into place the DomniGuild and the puppet government of the DomniCommonwealth.


The Carada Triplets had escaped from the DomniFamilies, great extended families made up of humans who were somehow not humans, who had not the slightest inkling of Unity or of any form of conscious. They were natural sociopaths with strange and disturbing abilities, including psychic-psionic ones. They called themselves the Arions in secret, the 'perfect people'. They assumed superiority over all others and saw all others as expendable tools at best and things to be 'cleansed' at worst.


They had secret links with the transformed Enclaven and even more secretive links with something called the Perfectus Thirteen.


They were moving across the territories of the Clansfolk, a very tough, tribal like but technologically savvy people of many interesting variations and subvariations. The Carada Triplets had openly approached them and had traded very valuable information, some stolen prototypes and even some warning of future DomniForce attacks; in exchange they gained not only free access to the territories but assistance.


Clansfolk scouts 'melted' out of the landscape, through which they could move like ghosts. Two were ghouls with special salve-paint that soothed their pain and decorated their bodies. Five were human. Three were chimp-humans, genetically engineered chimpanzees. They used specialized forms of body-armour and weapons but mostly they were not out there to fight but to observe and report.


The leader, a chimp-human, spoke in his odd guttural fashion. “Very soon is the edge of Clansfolk Territories. Beyond that we can no longer assist you. We will lead you to the edge and then depart.”


Kiri held up her hand. “Please listen. Your people are tough, resilient, brilliant, creative and compassionate.”


The scout smiled with out showing too many teeth. “Thank you but we are not perfect. You have a further point to this.”


Kiri nodded. “Your people are having increasingly tough thanks to the DomniCommonwealth, and the DomniInstitute, to the south but also PackRaiders coming in from the coast and threats you do not wish to speak of but which we have 'sensed' because we are more than just androids. We have a special offer for you.”


Which was when the Clansfolk matriarchs and a patriarch warrior stepped out of the twisted wilderness.

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The lead matriarch was very old. She was born before Doomsday and yet even back then had been a member of a 'back to nature with green technologies' type movement. Despite being portrayed as 'environmental nutters with little or no practical knowledge', the movement had survived Doomsday and beyond to become the Clansfolk, taking on board other influences and peoples on the way. They were a survivalist defensive aggressive society not really designed for war and the DomniCommonwealth, PackRaiders and unmentioned threats were making life harder for them.


She spoke. “There are no lands for us to go to and even if there was, how would we get there? Nor would be want to abandon these territories that we have struggled so hard for, that we are the stewards of, that so many of us have died for.”


Kiri spoke again. As the only female of the android triplets, she was the most listened to by this matriarch oriented society. “Soon will come three others, triplets, who will be the ones to assist you. There is a place called Sanctuarius that needs you as much as you need it, where you can have a secondary colony, a reserve of your peoples, culture, knowledge and other resources. Sanctuarius has its own problems but your colony will be in a Sanctuary as other peoples are. There will be negotiations, of course. Other forms of assistance will be transduplication of resources, transgeneration which is healing-repairing of items, upgrades in knowledge and technologies and offers of assistance to create a small but important central government to protect the Clansfolk with an organized defense force. We know you are a very proud and independent people but we can only see your long term destruction if you do not gain our assistance and we gain your assistance in turn. Firstly we need you as a buffer state against the DomniCommonwealth and we need your help in Sanctuarius for many refugees going there from a dying world know little to nothing about basic practical survival skills. We will not attempt to force an answer....”


The matriarch smiled. “We agree to your proposal.”


Kiri looked startled. “But I thought you would need to call forth many councils and conferences...”


The woman shook her head. “We Clansfolk put into place a secret Network Government some while ago. UnityNeo has arisen amongst all of our peoples and now we have UnityClan, the 'clan that is all our clans in spirit'. I am the president of my peoples. I am President CaeSiera, which is my political name. We will form an accord with your people, or peoples, what every you call yourselves.”


Kiri looked surprised. “We have not thought of it for a long time but truly we have no single identity, no general name, for we were scattered, broken, through our foolishness, through treachery and external attacks so very long ago. We are, were, of the Thirteen Thirteens, the Thirteen of Thirteen. Some of the Thirteens are now dangerous to us, are now our enemies.”


The woman nodded. “The organized evil of the Perfectus Thirteen, the chaotic insanity of the Fragmentori Thirteen and the cold berserker aggression of the PackLord Thirteen.”


Kiri showed her surprise. “The PackLord Thirteen? Who and what are they?”


The woman smiled with an icy hatred now. “Our leaders are, of course!” Then the trap was triggered as PackRaiders came storming out of the twisted semiwilderness. They came in strange power armour and with monstrous mutant creatures and robots.

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The trap closed with the fake president matriarch, and her companions, pulling weapons out, with the PackRaiders closing in from three directions. It seemed, at that moment, that the Carada Triplets were trapped, along with the Clansfolk scouts.


Which was when the triplets, and the scouts, vanished with a sparkling shimmer as the real trap closed.


Which was also when a small army of elite Clansfolk fighters, many in power armour, attacked. They were not alone. With them were five platoons of elite freedom fighters of the DomniCommonwealth Rebel Alliance, many of them being sophisticated fighting androids. Then there were two platoons of elite URDC Rangers, paramilitary combat specialists. Then there were the Carada Triplets with a small force of their prime and auxiliary avatars.


The fighting was savage but the vanishing Carada Triplets had left behind a gift in the form of a dozen mininukes. They exploded just at the point where the fake Clansfolk were and where the PackRaiders were focusing their attack on, many being in range of the multiple explosions. The fake Clansfolk perished instantly as they were vaporized.


There formations shattered, many of them dead or dying or smashed, the PackRaiders were annihilated quickly and efficiently. They killed a few of those attacking them but were so taken by surprise that far more of them were killed off. The blaze of bullets, shells, pulsebeams, rocket-grenades and missiles was enough to shake the whole area and send even the toughest mutated monsters in the areas into running or hiding.


Then it was over!

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The real President CaeSiera of the new Clansfolk Network Government was not there but the Unifier Triplets, who had earlier on met with the Carada Triplets, came out of the semiwilderness. They had not taken part in the fighting because the Clansfolk would not let them. The Unifier Thirteen were far too important a strengthening core to rising Unity to be destroyed in such a battle. As it was the triplets were rarely in the same place, at the same time, and were only then and there to confirm what had happened along with the new agreement.


There was a real UnityClan and it was also linked with UnityNet as based in the Lamplight Caverns.


The two sets of triplets sat facing each other, in a circle, along with the projection avatars of their joint mentalities. UnityNova, often called just 'Nova', spoke. “We thank you for taking the risk of drawing out those traitors who long ago ceased to be Clansfolk so they could make gains by serving the PackLord Thirteen. The fake President CaeSiera was a most powerful and dangerous psychic-psionic illusionist who helped cause the death of over a hundred of our people, including some thirty of our elite warriors. The others with her were also very dangerous except for one of our agents who gave his life to help destroy the others. Then there were those PackRaiders, a taskforce that has caused much death and destruction along our territories of the eastern coast and those DC Islands that are of our stewardship in the DC Archipelago.”


The DC Archipelago was a large cluster of islands, all the way in size from tiny clumps of land to three very large islands. The nearest island could be reached by walking there, over a wide sand bank, at low tide. Unfortunately the southern third of the DC Archipelago was dominated by the DomniCommonwealth that also had a fair sized area of the mainland. More fortunately the other two thirds were Clansfolk Territories.


Nova spoke. “You have assisted both Unity and the Clansfolk greatly. Now we can begin the transmigration of Clansfolk, and some of our allies, to Sanctuarius, to our own Sanctuary there. We will be leaving many here. We know that all who go to Sanctuarius are rejuvenated and so we will be sending our very elderly, our very sick, our handicapped and others who can be given a new lease of life. We are making contact with the AlphaOmega Thirteen and with the Watchitii Thirteen. You offered us resources but were they from the AlphaOmega Thirteen or from Sanctuarius?”


Kiri spoke. “Truth is we have not had contact with any of the other Thirteen Thirteens for a very long time. We know you are a 'new Thirteen' and of a new kind of Thirteen. You are at core Unity, which we are not. We have come to the DC Wastelands for our own purpose but our offer was genuine, being based on knowing what was available for you. The only resource we can offer you more directly is a force of some thousand androids of different types and grades, some two thousand roboremotes and about a thousand smart-robots. Along with these are five AI-supercomputer network-systems in twenty-five big fast moving armoured-armed hovercraft and fifty-eight hovertrucks, tracktrucks and wheeled trucks of equipment and supplies. Unfortunately there will also be twenty-two thousand plus refugees from the increasingly oppressive, violent and deadly DomniCommonwealth.”


Nova nodded. “We understand. We will accept the responsibility of getting those refugees sent to Sanctuarius along with accepting the large amount of resources you are sending to us. Will you tell us the reason you are going into the DC Wastelands?”

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Kiri responded after a pause. “We are androids now for a good reason. We would seek to deal with the GlimmeringFog inside a subvault of LifeVault0101A2 that the Zavid Triplets were stopped from dealing with. By being androids in elemental shapeform, we are far less vulnerable to the antinatural life absorbing, life twisting, undead, undeath creating GlimmeringFog. We have been sent to investigate not just the GlimmeringFog itself but what is inside it. We can not tell you who or what sent us because that knowledge has been temporarily removed from our minds.”


“We have been asked to work closely with positive, peaceful forces. We have been given instructions to go to the DC NukaCola Manufactory to the north of here. There we will get further instructions.” Kiri nodded. “The NukaCola Manufactory is part of the Southern DC Industrial Park. We have been briefed that it is a dangerous area but details were lacking.”


Nova responded with a frown. “NukaCola was an infamous drink and NukaCola Quantum was even more so. People got sick from drinking it. Some died. Pregnant women gave birth to deformed babies. Yet others were born with strange changes such as new psychic-psionic abilities. Two days before Doomsday, the Amtriellan Imperial Government officially closed down all sales of NukaCola, including all of its variants, and the removal of stocks from store shelves began.”


“The NukaCola Corporation reluctantly ceased production of its drinks. The next day the government proclaimed that the production of NukaCola would banned from then on and that government people would start gathering up all stocks, for safe disposal, in three days time. Next day came Doomsday.”


Nova went on speaking. “The process of making NukaCola was a secret and it was only made in the one place, in that manufactury in DC, but in very large quantities there. NukaCola Quantum was less popular, more dangerous, more expensive and produced in smaller quantities than was NukaCola but the quantities were still large. Why am I telling you all this? Because the production of NukaCola, and its variants including those never put to the market, was more dangerous than any of the actual NukaCola drinks themselves. So dangerous was the process that only special roboremotes and workers in special power armour did any of the actual work.”


She shook her head in wonder. “Before Doomsday there were many safeguards in place but after Doomsday they began to break down. What happened, exactly, is unknown but terrible things have happened beneath the big dome, that covers the industrial park, ever since.”


Then she went on with a tone of bemusement. “It was discovered that many people buying NukaCola and NukaCola Quantum were doing so not to drink, or to sell as drink, but to use in various industrial processes or in other ways, sometimes quite bizarre. NukaCola turned out to be excellent for cleaning filthy machinery or sterilizing equipment. NukaCola Quantum was good at powering DocMad's strange NCQ Engines and NCQ Generators that he sold as cheaper, more efficient but more toxic to run alternatives to legally sold devices.”


“These days a special breed of scavenger dares to enter the Southern DC Industrial Park to gather up as much NukaCola variants as they can and escape with their lives. Why, because NukaCola and NukaCola Quantum have become very much desired.”


Then she spoke on. “NukaCola is addictive to ghouls, sends them crazy. NukaCola Quantum not only sends ghouls crazy, it turns them into the GlowingOnes, the monstrous glowing feral ghouls that glow destructive energies from their bodies. It also does other strange things.”


She sighed. “You three are going into great danger, into a place only very few dare to go such as those crazy scavengers in their survival power armour, who only go in large well armed groups complete with robots.”


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