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Before the Carada Triplets departed, they were given two battlebuggies that the Clansfolk had taken from some tribal marauders stupid enough to enter Clansfolk Territories. These vehicles would better blend into the area and were powered by NukaCola Quantum driven engines as designed by the infamous and mysterious DocMad. The engines were efficient, reliable and went a long way on a relatively small amount of NukaCola Quantum but they gave out small jets of nasty toxic gas. Many users collected the toxic gas in bottles and buried the sealed up bottles in concrete pits but many did not care to do anything, the toxic gas adding to the general toxic nastiness of the Wastelands.


The Unifier Triplets vanished into the semiwilderness and Clansfolk scouts led the Carada Triplets through Clansfolk Territories until they came to a zone of tangled barbed-wire, crunched up smart-concrete pillboxes, squat defensive towers and smashed warmachines. They moved through the area with great care for there were mines, moving drone-mines, pop-up turrets and other threats left in the battlezone.


They came upon a Clansfolk salvage team, paused to exchange some information and then moved on. It was dangerous work to salvage useful resources from the battlefield between Communist Islander invaders and Imperial Defense Forces but worth the risk if proper precautions were taken.


They passed out from the battlefield and into a housing estate that had seen some fighting during the battle and since then. The buildings were an odd mixture of wreckage and ones that were surprisingly intact due to luck and quality of their smart-materials. Parks, gardens and nature strips had long turned into mutated semiwilderness. Creatures dwelt in and around the ruins.


They passed a collapsed apartment tower and then went through what had been a SuperDuperMart complex. There were feral ghouls, both hostile zhouls and more peaceful rhouls that would not fight each other, but the zhouls would not approach androids. They smelt no flesh, no warmth, and did not react to such.


The triplets paused to talk to some rhouls, to get information and to give them snacks, some salve-paint for their bodies and some simple gifts. The rhouls spoke of the Southern DC Industrial Park with much fear. It seemed that even the berserker zhouls would not go near that place, to its dome. No, only the scavengers went through the dome, through two cracks or through the one and only unlocked safety-security airlock. They only did so in large, well armed groups and because of the big profits they made from selling NukaCola and NukaCola Quantum.


Then they were looking at the semitransparent dome of the industrial park, it should have been transparent, and beneath it the many structures of manufactories, warehouses and other complexes.

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The Goddess Gloria the Goddess City was an exotically beautiful mixture of genetically engineered housetrees, cottages, squat towers, domes, flagstone paths and roads, gently winding streams and other features including a huge never melting ice statue of Goddess Gloria the Goddess herself.


Lucky Eddie and Goddess Gloria the Goddess were away doing other things as the triplets carefully tended the needs of dozens of neobabies in a big semi-enclosed dome structure. Fluffy cats and dogs were common companions, all being fairly small, as were even smaller fluffy pups and kittens of the same breeds of bright multiple colours.


It was almost by accident, or so it seemed, that they had learned that the Goddess Gloria the Goddess was hidden in Sanctuarius. The domechamber was the top half of a bubble and the bubble was but one of many making up a bubble-complex buried inside the Northern Polar Zone of Sanctuarius.


That is Sanctuarius that was the largest moon orbiting the world of Nirn, that was bigger than the three Secondary Moons and far bigger than the nine minimoons. While each Secondary Moon was orbited by three minimoons, Sanctuarius had no minimoons orbiting it.


Aaraa sparkle shimmered into existence as a fourth triplet and she picked up a pair of neobabies to burp them and hug them. “Would you want to give up all of these cuties just to go back to LifeVault0101A2?”


Aarie smiled. “I would rather remain here. What news of LifeVault0101A2?”


Aaraa answered with a smile of her own. “Your friends are fine. I got them a message. They miss you greatly. DJgirl especially misses Aaron. Amata states you are more than safe to return to the vault. Actually the vault needs you. An expedition was sent to LifeVault0101A1 and has vanished. Butch and the Tunnel Snakes were with them.”


Aaron gave a mild grin. “DJgirl has good taste. Question, how could we reach from here in the Goddess Gloria the Goddess, to the vault so far away?”


Which was when the MultipleDrobe appeared as a cube shaped wardrobe with ornate usable fronts facing in all four directions. They looked in surprise at it as a small door opened and out of it came a small army of robotic teddy-bears pushing multiple coloured bouncy balls, rolling hoops and lots of other fun things for neobabies.


A bigger door opened and out stepped Amata, looking puzzled but pleased to see the triplets and amazed to see the neobabies. In her dark, dull pink vault-jumpsuit she made her way to sit amongst some neobabies who at once decided her lap was very useful. Two went to sleep in it after making themselves comfortable and she held another couple.

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Amata smiled at the neobabies. “One PaddyDuster of the Fragmentori Thirteen tried to steal and control the MultipleDrobe. He failed in the end and paid the price of being badly damaged. The MultipleDrobe is linked, is of, Lucky Eddie and Lucky Eddie was far from pleased with the actions of PaddyDuster. The MultipleDrobe can serve you, and others, as both a mode of transport and a home away from home, a special base. It can also get you, along with others, in and out of the MultiTransCubeShip. The major problem is that it was attacked, along with so much else, by treacherous forces, and is still regenerating its full strength and all of its abilities.”


She laughed softly for a moment. “I met Lucky Eddie and complimented him on his dress but gave him a gentle suggestion on colour coordination. Really, I am not sure that those shades of purple and orange went at all well together.”


The triplets smiled, nodded.


She sighed. “The GlimmeringFog Zone has been given extra sealing off precautions. The GlimmeringFog, the things inside it, are deeply threatening to the very core of Unity. It came through that gateway, what ever it is.”


Aarao answered. “A Stargate as created by the AncientOnes who designed and built the Lunar Labyrinth from a series of cave systems, who created the metallic stone structures and encased solid-state mechanisms in the Lunar Caverns and Lunar Labyrinth. Except that a Stargate should not exist inside LifeVault0101A2.”


The triplet went on speaking. “The GlimmeringFog is feral and dangerous to the Positive Multiverse, is natural and harmless in the Negative Multiverse. Life and death of the Positive Multiverse are mirrored by the undeath and unlife of the Negative Multiverse. Not just Unity is under threat in Divinaedra, or feels under threat, by the GlimmeringFog. By that I mean the primary, still hidden threat that lies hidden inside, behind but which is also intrinsic to the GlimmeringFog.”


Aarao stood up. “I will go to LifeVault0101A2. I suggest that you stay here for a while, Amata, play with the neobabies, have a look around. I will gather up some useful resources to take with me to the vault, including some we that can assist to deal with the GlimmeringFog in that sealed off subvault.”


Amata sat down with crossed legs and her lap got claimed by some neobabies. She picked up two and held them against herself. Soon all were asleep. “Butch and the Tunnel Snakes have reformed. I still do not like them greatly but please try to save them, along with the others. The others were all my father's chosen people. It was one of his last decisions as a Prime Overseer as he is now in the process of retiring. He admits, himself, that his thinking is too embedded in the old way of doing things to be flexible enough to work with all the changes taking place with our LifeVault.”

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Aarao came to the vault in stealth power armour and with a prime follower and three auxiliary followers in the same.


She stepped out of the MultipleDrobe in the big chamber facing the armoured wheel-door that sealed off the GlimmeringFog. She 'sensed' something wrong even before she saw the special bombs placed expertly against the great door. They were shaped charges meant to focus explosive force in a specific fashion to damage the door so that it would break under the heavy pressure exerted by the GlimmeringFog.


Aarao took four minutes to both get past the safeguards, including booby-traps, and make safe all of the bombs. She removed detonators from the advanced plastic explosives. She took up the gear and took it to the MultipleDrobe and placed it into a small cupboard. The cupboard was a special teleport-sender and when she closed the door, the explosives went into special storage.


Aarao did not have long to wait, with her comrades, for somebody to come to investigate why the bombs had not gone off. The MultipleDrobe concealed itself, and everything near itself, with a cloaking field which meant also Aarao and her comrades.


Prime Overseer Alphonse Almodovar led the others into the chamber. He looked intensely grim and fearful in his dark, dull blue vault-jumpsuit. With him came two security guards and two security officers, one Terri Rosewood who was becoming obviously pregnant. Alphonse was normally unarmed but now he had a 10mm semiautomatic pistol holstered at his side.


With him came one who looked like Professor James Zavid but who was not him. It was as if an identical twin or triplet came into the chamber. With this version of the professor came PaddyDuster of the Fragmentori Thirteen.


PaddyDuster shook his head as if trying to get rid of something annoying and then he grinned at the one who looked Professor James Zavid. “I can smell more than one Zavid in this room. You have not been naughty, have you, Professor Joseph Zavid?”


Joseph gave PaddyDuster a grim look of contempt. “Take care of your words, PaddyDuster, or I will burn your tongue from your mouth. Do not forget that I am a prime avatar of the OmniNexus Thirteen, a close reflection of their pure perfection.”


“And you consider me insane!” PaddyDuster aimed a finger at the side of his head and whirled it. “You are two eggs short of a dozen, dude, as all of you Perfectus Thirteen are. Surprised me to know OmniNexus existed at all. It was supposedly never completed because the AlphaOmega Thirteen stepped in to make sure it never happened.”


The professor looked around and sniffed the air. “Yes, more than one Zavid but these stink of my clone duplicate, Professor James Zavid, who has gone rogue on us. One of the other Thirteens, I think, but I can not find them. The bombs are removed and so our job is done for us. The Perfectus Thirteen have failed to release the GlimmeringFog. I strongly suggest that you and I depart and leave these vaultfolk to take the heat.”


PaddyDuster grinned. “Great idea.”


The two vanished with a sparkling shimmer.

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Walter Bishop, Olivia Dunham, Peter Bishop, Astrid Farnsworth, Phillip Broyles, Charlie Francis, Lincoln Lee, Stan Brown and Sue Hanz at a table where a new type holographic projector was operating. The holographic image showed Lucky Eddie inside a special capsule with the metallic stone tentacle going 'ghost' fashion into the top of his head.


Walter Bishop spoke. “The data collected on the poor boy is extensive. The original fools who carried out the experiment, and later teams that tried to work out what they had done from what remained of the shambles left over from their research and development complex. Yet it shows a rush to get things done and both a lack of imagination and any real lateral approach to the puzzles before them.”


He shook his head in wonder. “The original hypothesis was developed, and refined, to state that Lucky Eddie was, is, a victim of the ancient alien technologies of the AncientOnes. This was an assumption made from, as far as I can see, nothing more than the outward appearance of things. My counter hypothesis, which the data supports more strongly than its ill considered predecessor, is that the mechanisms of the AncientOnes saved the poor young man and continue to do so.”


He scowled. “I am not proud of the dreadful experiments that I have helped carry on in the past and can never fully undo the damage that was done, but compared to what these fools did to Lucky Eddie and others, I was a saint. Torture of mind, body and spirit is how I would put the way he was treated, along with the other twelve individuals that have been spoken of... being thirteen in all. Except that all these individuals were actually one individual. Eddie McCall was given a form of multiple personality disorder in a way that boggles the mind in its cruelty, ruthlessness, genius and sheer bizarreness.”


He sighed deeply before going on. “I need more data, much more data, but the

UNLRA appears reluctant to let me have direct access to the chamber holding Lucky Eddie.”


Broyles was clearly angry. “It appears that the agreement made between the UNSIA and the United Nations Emergency Regulation Authority, the UNERA, has no meaning to the UNLRA. They behave as if they are not beholden to the agreement despite orders sent from the UNERA Capital back on Earth demanding that they comply with the agreement.”


There was palatable frustration in the air. The new UNSIA Complex was not completed, as it should have been, because UNLRA uniformed security thugs had come and stolen many of the valuable resources from the complex before workers could install them. The three UNSIA security officers, and five other staff members, had been no match for the heavily armed and body-armoured UNLRA Security Enforcement Service Troopers.


One UNSIA security guard had been beaten so hard he had ended up in a healing coma inside a regenerative tank in order to save his life and so he would not be maimed for life. The UNLRA-SES Command had not even bothered to reply to Emails and 3Dphone calls made to complain about the theft of UNSIA resources and the brutal attack on the security guard.


It seemed there was nothing that they could do. Which was when the Combined Special Air Service, the CSAS, elite soldier came into the chamber. He was wrapped in assault power armour and carried a battlerifle, barrels aimed carefully at the floor. There were small splashes of drying blood across one arm and down that same side of his armoured body.


He spoke. “Marshal John Johnson, of the CSAS, at your service. I am here to report that your stolen resources have been found and are being returned to you as I speak.”


The UNSIA stared at him in surprise.

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Strange, very strange! OmniNexus was never have meant to exist at all, let alone the OmniNexus Thirteen that were to be created to serve it. OmniNexus had been suggested as yet another attempt to better unify and coordinate the Thirteen of Thirteen. Why? Because the Thirteen of Thirteen was suffering from increasing internal problems. TriRingTri had been another such project. Both projects had been rejected but then the Perfectus Thirteen had carried on with TriRingTri.


So who, or what, had carried on with OmniNexus? Who or what had created the OmniNexus Thirteen?


Aaraa and Aarao helped get rid of the GlimmeringFog by managing to get into the GlimmeringFog enough to reach the Stargate Console melded into the base of the Stargate to one side. In special jury-rigged power armour, very heavy with many different types of protection, Aarao and Aaraa had dealt with the controls while follower avatars and URDC Guardsmen, now garrisoned at the vault, had blasted away at shambling zombies. Inside the GlimmeringFog the zombies were very strong, harder to kill, but pulselasers and high voltage electricity wiped them out along with good old fire power.


They reversed the Stargate and into its depths it sucked back the GlimmeringFog. The zombies were left behind, became far weaker, often just collapsed dead and the others were quickly destroyed.


Aarao stood there later and looked around at a great big chamber, the deactivated and locked Stargate at its centre, in wonder for it just looked like a place in normal shambles. The zombies were just dead bodies. The scattered technologies and other items were just that. Only a small, fading energy signature remained of the GlimmeringFog that was both exotic and disturbing.


Yet there were other armoured doors leading deeper into that subvault and one of them lay open though the other three were firmly locked.


Aarao spoke. “Energy traces indicate something left the GlimmeringFog to go through that open door but that the GlimmeringFog itself did not itself go through that doorway. This is most strange.”


Still in the very heavy, fairly slow moving power armour, the group moved through the big open armoured door and stopped in surprise. The big creature sat sleepily in a large metallic stone MultipleChair of the AncientOnes. It was a woman with large striking eyes, a third one being in the forehead, long silken hair, four moderately large breasts and two sets of arms. She wore odd scaled glittering body gripping armour. But she was translucent, as if only half there.

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The phantomic figure, of the AncientOne, turned her head to look at them and she smiled a little with odd very square teeth. “The Wheel of Dharma was unbalanced and the Karmic Flows, the Great Cycle of Balances, were disturbed. The Wheel of Dharma has returned to balance, as if it was never anything else, of course. The Karmic Flows are returned as normal and the Great Cycles of Balances are at ease. So what is the problem?


“Eddie is a young mortal human man who was converted with human energy and skills, but with alien influence, into something that should never have come to exist. He was a multiple personality to the extreme. He became one male, three females and nine others. Lucky Eddie was the male, hardly lucky despite the name. The females were Goddess Gloria the Goddess, Amazonia Stormbringer and Fatelli Nefaria, being extreme renditions of women's roles in the society he lived in. Others are Betty Boob, the Mysterious Stranger known also as Mr Walker, Doris Domesticus, Transmanli Glitter, Machomanis Manful, Sherlock Vondor Helsing, SallyAnne Healus, the StudStuntMan and SuperGoodGirl. Sometimes others will appear that are extensions of himself, are linked to himself, such as the MultipleDrobe MultipleBoy, MultipleGirl and MultipleWonder .”


Aarao removed her large helmet. “The original world, the Earth that Lucky Eddie came from, what was it?”


The alien woman figure responded. “Earth, also known as Terra or Sol-3, was the world that Eddie was taken from but the story goes back before then because Eddie was the result of secret, illegal genetic experiments carried out in his home nation of the Republic of Australia in 2045, shortly after the ending of the Australian Civil War led to the creation of the double nation-states of the Australian continent and islands such as Tasmania.”


Then she went on. “It is often said that the silvertori were foolishly arrogant and this was true but not the whole truth. They were seduced by a rogue AncientOne that escaped, much weakened, from an ancient karmic reflective prison that he should never have been able to get out of. He seduced a large, powerful, influential faction of silvertori by using their arrogant over confidence against them, by twisted their genius intellect against them. Then he went with them when they launched a great mothership, of forbidden technologies, to go from the Positive into the Negative Multiverse. Why Abadonton, as the rogue AncientOne became named after he lost the rights to his original name, did what he did, we do not know. There is too much we do not know, we Phantom AncientOnes, but we do know that the ill named Glorious Venturer returned to the Positive Multiverse much changed.”


“The Glorious Venturer was damaged, it was the scene of a great battle between damphirs and vampires, that is true damphirs and true vampires, and that inside surviving insane silvertori fought monstrous greytori, that had once been silvertori. Inside the vast Glorious Venturer there was GlimmeringFog, only a relatively tiny amount but enough to cause a small rift between the Positive and Negative Multiverse.”

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