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She went on speaking. “Abadonton was transformed into something monstrous, intrinsically self contradictory and totally maladaptive He fled from the Glorious Venturer engulfed in a strange and terrible battle with himself for he was changed to become both of the Positive and Negative Multiverse. He vanished for a long time. The silvertori escaped their insanity by forming a new group mentality with the assistance of others. The Silvertori Greytori War began.”


The woman looked sad. “The silvertori failed to destroy the greytori, were almost destroyed and had to withdraw from the war, along with their allies. The greytori were victorious but at an extremely high price. They had lost over two thirds of their deformed peoples, and puppets of false allies, and withdrew into a dark, sunless zone known as Abyssia.”


She went on after yet another pause. “Abadonton came to the world of Terra as a greatly weakened and fragmented entity. Yet it was in the moon orbiting Terra, known as Luna, where he found the ancient Lunar Labyrinth. It always existed there but was hidden in a way that would be impossible to explain to one of your level of intelligence and awareness. The purpose of the Lunar Labyrinth's creation belongs to very ancient history but it has been used for very many reasons since. The Lunar Labyrinth is more than what is seems. It a transdimensional realm existing in the moons of many Alternate Earths.”


After another pause, she spoke again. “Lucky Eddie has genetic inheritance from both is human parents, from other sources but also from Abadonton. One can see that from the first he was doomed to suffer. Lucky Eddie was taken, along with others who were like him, to the moon of his Alternate Earth to be experimented on. Not inside the Lunar Labyrinth but very close to it for reasons we have yet to understand fully.”


“Lucky Eddie was the only one of a group of young victims to be meld-linked to the MultipleMatrix not to be absorbed by it. The others were absorbed, transformed and lost to the old reality. You Zavid Thirteen were one of these, you altogether being known as the Thirteen of Thirteen or the Thirteen Thirteens.”


She began to fade. “Abadonton is hunting for me and so I must go and find secret sanctuary for the moment. We will communicate again. Please do not sit in this chair or allow anybody else to do so.”


Then she was gone.

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Aarao communicated the information she had gained, from the unnamed Phantom AncientOne, to many others as she could. They then passed it on. She also warned about activities of the OmniNexus and Perfectus Factions and that warning was sent on.


The threat of the GlimmeringFog, inside LifeVault0101A2, was gone and the Stargate was both locked and deactivated. The MultipleChair was guarded heavily by elite Rangers in assault power armour and was also contained inside a force field.


The rest of the subvault was a big laboratory workshop complex with storerooms, utility areas, a big garage-workshop for vehicles and large robots or roboremotes, residential areas, library-studies and much else.


Including a big vault-chamber dotted, museum fashion, with artifacts of the AncientOnes in force field surrounded armoured display cabinets. There was MultipleCrown, a row of very powerful multiple purpose staffs, a MultipleShip that looked like a smooth globe nine metres wide, incredible fragile and elegant looking glowing crystal items that were near indestructible, three hulking MultipleGolems, datacrystals of small size that each held a vast amount of data and many others, most of them with no comprehensible purpose.


Then there was a wristcomputer, complete with a 3Dscreen with touch control, that had a fine flexible wristband. Except that, like the mobile-phone found in the strange Queendom of ice and snow, it was very many times bigger than it should have been. It was huge. On the back were the words: PROPERTY OF LUCKY EDDIE.


Aarao and Aaraa were studying the great wristcomputer when suddenly Lucky Eddie was standing there in a pink-purple buttonshirt and bright red flared trousers. Around his waist was a big bulky toolbelt dotted with odd pouches and stranger devices. On his feet were heavy green combat boots and on his head, a bright sun yellow cowboy hat. Holstered at his size were two huge revolver-pistols that looked like they could wipe out... a good deal with each shot.


Lucky Eddie grinned. “Yo, time to bring the little critters back home. Goddess Gloria the Goddess Gardens is now inside the MultipleDrobe along with the rest of the Lucky Eddie BubbleComplex. You got to hand it to me, with a large side order of chips and green salad, that this time I did good. Even Goddess Gloria the Goddess behaved herself for once. None of this stuff belongs here in LifeVault0101A2 and all of it would be very useful and much safer inside the MultipleDrobe.”


He turned and smiled. “You gotta love my new fashion sense. That colour coordination business is just fine and dandy. Why you could stick a banana in my ear and call me a palm tree. You, and all these fine other people, you need to leave this subvault. It would be too dangerous for you to stay. I will replace this subvault with a handy dandy sweet candy one. Now, please go.”


Aarao and Aaraa just smiled at him, sweetly.


They did not really have to do anything. Everybody, including robots and androids, had the impossible to ignore impulse to leave the subvault. Often stuff just floated along with them to make it easier for them to move. So it was that many valuable resources, of more conventional nature, went into the main LifeVault with the people.


Then there was a sparkling shimmer, a soft shudder, and the old subvault was gone to be replaced with a new one.

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The new 'subvault' was another whole LifeVault in its own right. It was an almost identical copy of LifeVault0101A2 except for the large sprinkling of certain differences; purple synthetic fur rugs, ornate Victorian 1890s toilets and showers rooms, 1940s type pinball machines, a huge range of perfect copies of Lost Earth artworks, different themed minigolf courses, luxurious garden domechambers based on different themes, glossy 3Dposters of Lucky Eddie in various bizarre outfits, three metre tall garden-gnomes of which many were doing naughty things, modified areas based on various historical themes, suits of knights armour, weapons wall displays and much else.


The URDC went to claim the new LifeVault as an extension of LifeVault0101A2 but found that the Zavid Thirteen had not only claimed it but had taken control of its sophisticated, extensive and powerful network of network-systems, roboremotes, robots and androids.


Aarao stood facing a 3Dwallscreen and an angry looking URDC Ambassadorial Representative of less rank and influence than an actual Ambassador. The man was in a stylish business jumpsuit, a new style garment, and was holding a briefcase in one hand and a thick, ornate wooden walking-stick in one hand. He was oriental and his name was Jan Kyoungjoo Yi.


He spoke. “You have taken what is not yours but which was officially part of LifeVault0101A2.”


“The subvault was secret, was never officially part of LifeVault0101A2, and you know this to be true.” Aarao responded strongly. “The URDC has no more rightful claim to the new LifeVault that we do. As it is we intend to make sure many of the stored resources here go to both LifeVault0101A2 and to the Unified Republic of the DC. Your people will not miss out. Unity will not miss out.”


The man scowled. “I am not Unity. I am of a strong minority of NonUnityfolk who see our role as keeping some kind of 'normality' active inside the republic until this 'Unity' nonsense vanishes as it must do. It is an evolutionary mistake, a small hard bump, but things will return to normality. UnityNeo will realize that Unity is a perversion, a violation of true freedom, privacy and morality.”


“Very strange indeed.” Aarao sighed. “You are UnityNeo but your fear is great and uncontrolled, unexamined. You would not face your fears and so you live inside that awful fantasy of yours. Somebody has been influencing you, has been driving and directing your stupidity, somebody who would expend you in a moment and not care a damn.”


The man suddenly lost his confidence, began to look very uncertain. Then he collapsed weeping to the floor. Soon he was surrounded by UnityNeofolk but they were being gentle with him.

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The name of the ZavidVault came into general use by default before anybody could think of a better name. So it was accepted. The URDC Government did not appreciate fully losing the chance to dominate the new LifeVault and wondered why the Zavid Thirteen took control of it so rapidly, so carefully but, for the moment, the Zavid Triplets refused to say why.


The reason why was simply that Lucky Eddie had left some gifts in the LifeVault that were dangerous for most people to know about let alone to use. The triplets needed to make arrangements to make them safe. They needed also to explore the LifeVault first which soon proved to have ways of assisting them with other problems that had faced them.


DJgirl and others were allowed to visit the newly created Zavid Enclave, two subvaults open to outsiders to use the facilities there and to pick up resources allocated to them by the Zavid Triplets. The new elevator-rampway tubes that led both up to Megaton and downwards to the old Subways Unified Republic areas, now URDC Territories of the Sublands, were soon proving to be most useful and popular. Soon a stead stream of traffic was moving through them between the Wastelands and Sublands Territories of the Unified Republic of DC.


They found the Waygate Domechamber, a more limited version of a Stargate, and activated the Waygate. The other Waygate became active, after it was accepted there, inside the Goddess Gloria the Goddess Gardens, and thus the Zavid Triplets were more easily able to move between the two places, as were others. But Waygates could link to more than one other Waygate and soon they were seeking out other Waygates to safely link with.


A second Waygateway opened between them and the MultiTransCubeShip to give them the chance to go to there and others the chance to leave there.


A third Waygateway opened between them and a Waygate in a Sanctuary in Sanctuarius.


They went on exploring the amazing ZavidVault.

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Then there was the VirtualGate that could, would, take somebody into a so called real virtual reality realm. The VirtualGate was in its own domechamber, like the Waygate Domechamber being really a bubble with the bottom half full of mechanism. At first only one domain was available to access and this was RVRR of Zombieland, a place of GlimmeringFog and GlowingMist, where yombies and zombies fought each other. They could see the great broken landscape of a city with its transparent domes, solid domes, blocky towers, squat block complexes, freeways and much else. Nothing moved but the yombies and zombies, automated monorail trains and the clouds in a world of ever twilightish conditions.


They only got a limited view of what was going on in Zombieland using the VirtualGate console. They noted in the distance a vast range of strange, low squat tabletop mountains. Glowing crystals were falling from the sky in odd patterns. As they fell, great pulsebeams of energy spat up from massive dome turret rayguns, only some of which could be seen clearly.


Games in the mobile-phone? YOMBIES AND ZOMBIES was there and also the game RAINING CRYSTALS in the further distance. What other games from the mobile-phone were in that strange place and were there more than games in that realm? Zombieland soon turned out to also involve the zombie based game of RISE OF THE UNDEAD; DRIVE TO KILL along with YOMBIES VERSUS ZOMBIES.


Even if it was called 'real virtual reality', RVR, those games realms could kill one if one ran out of lives and did not have 'player safe insurance' in place. There were also other ways to stay safe, to make gains of extra lives, to gain time limited forms of 'endless player replacements'.


In another direction outwards from Zombieland was Solitaire City beneath its dome, a strange metropolis of odd shaped buildings with great big holographic cards, and formations of cards, flashed into the air. SOLITAIRE 13 CHOICE DELUXE was clearly also made 'solid' in the RVR Domain.


The question was, would they dare to go into that bizarre and dangerous realm, precautions or no precautions. There were other pressing considerations such as the need to send an expedition to LifeVault0101A1 to find out what happened to the expedition that had been sent there, including the Tunnel Snakes.


Aarie continued the investigating of the new ZavidVault while Aarao began to make rapid but careful preparations to lead a rescue investigation expedition to LifeVault0101A1 while Aaron would go to Megaton to investigate reports that Professor James Zavid, along with others, was there.

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Aarao led a small expeditionary group because of the need for speed and stealth. That is she took only follower avatars of only three prime and three auxiliary avatars. They managed to get a maintenance monorail-car running along a smaller secondary monorail tunnel. They hummed along fairly quickly and very quietly along the moderately well lit tunnel. Things looked peaceful enough but they were on their guard; this turned out to be for the good.


When the ambush started, it came from two drop down roboremote turrets with 12.7mm heavy machineguns that began at once to pound away at the moderate sized maintenance monorail-car. It exploded as it was struck by a shortlong missile even as the Zavids abandoned the vehicle with great speed and agility. In their stealth power armour they flickered and became almost invisible, darting into more shadowy, darker areas. The seven of them fired off their battlerifles in careful bursts, constantly changing positions, always some firing while others were on the move.


The turrets exploded and were no more but out of the tunnel came ghoulers, berserker raider ghouls that could and would use such as guns and body-armour. With them came zhouls for ghoulers and zhouls would not normally attack each other and would sometimes join forces to fight others. The ghoulers fired guns that they had but most were armed with such as work knives, bits of steel pipe or make-shift hand-weapons of varied kinds.


It was soon realized that each zhoul and ghouler was head gripped with a brainbug, a quasiliving silicon based creature that was trying to control them with mixed success. Aarao 'sensed' this was the case. The ghoulified, like the mutagenic mutants, were not prone to easy manipulation by such as brainbugs or controlcaps.


Aarao, and her follower avatars, began to fire EMPguns, the electromagnetic pulses causing crazy disturbances in the brainbugs. Ghoulers and zhouls went into frenzy and either dropped to the ground or started to fight each other but most turned and fled. A couple died.


In minutes all of the live ghoulers and zhouls were gone that could go.


Aarao went amongst the still living brainbugs, zhouls and ghouls. She touched each one and for the first time 'as Aarao Zavid', transformed lifeforms and the brainbugs. The zhouls became generally peaceful, defensive aggressive rhouls and the ghoulers became non berserker ghouls but with smooth boneskin replacing the damaged ugly tissue of before. Human type skin would not have suited their general biologies. Some brainbugs were fused permanently to rhouls or ghouls in a form of cooperative parasitism. Other brainbugs became small, tough quasiliving creatures adopted by the rhouls and ghouls, known as zipbugs.


The dead were different. Calling upon the 'Spiritual Light of the Godhood' caused some to be resurrected, not by Aarao herself but by the Multiversal Light that some called GodGoddess.


Only about half of the Ghoulers and zhouls resurrected; they became flesh elementals focusing on mind, body or spirit or they became life, phase or solar elementals. These kinds of elementals were known as elementors.


Brainbugs all became resurrected into zipbugs.

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Aaraa was surprised by what took place. She had followed what had felt like subtly guided instinct. The 'Light' had flowed through her, had caused her to feel a spiritual warmth, a strengthening, a healing and now she felt better of mind, body and spirit. The effect had flowed through to the rest of the Zavid Thirteen and then to other Thirteens but not all of them.


The one who appeared, did not appear, for she was both there and not there at the same time. She was a semitransparent figure in robes, the light flowing through her from ceiling fixtures overhead and causing her to glitter internally a little. She had a double set of arms and three eyes, one in the forehead, along with two sets of breasts, one above the other.


She spoke. “I am of the Circling Circles. The name is ultimately meaningless, just a way of naming us with out identifying us truly. We are sorry that we have to take such precautions and can not even say why we must do so. There will come a time, relatively soon, when we can do so but I can not even say when that will be, for sure.”


Aaraa spoke. “Are you linked with the Phantom AncientOnes?”


The figure spoke as if with care. “The Phantom AncientOnes are not AncientOnes but are a kind of interactive memory of the AncientOnes buried and lost, adrift, in the ancient MultipleMatrix of the AncientOnes. Nor are we AncientOnes, though we are linked with them. Abadonton is no longer an AncientOne, has become a twisted abomination being one of the LostOnes. Though the Phantom AncientOnes can assist you with knowledge and other resources, you must take great care with them. You were warned not to sit in the MultipleChair, that is in any chair of the MultipleChair; you can ignore this warning. The Phantom AncientOnes simply wish to keep you from learning that they are not real AncientOnes which you could do if any of you were able to mindlink directly to the MultipleChair, itself being both an independent mechanism and an interface with the MultipleMatrix.”


She went on. “The story of Abadonton, as told by the Phantom AncientOnes, is essentially correct except that it lacks important details. A part truth can be more dangerous than an outright falsehood. Yet the Phantom AncientOnes do not deliberately intend to deceive but are being misled. We do not know who or what is misleading them.”


Aarao nodded. “Do you know where the brainbugs came from?”


The figure spoke. “Through the door (indicated in your minds) you will find an experimental teleport-receptor device that was active on Doomsday but only as part of a testing program. Teleport-receptors, teleport-senders and other technologies of the Teleway Network were being put into place through out the Amtriellan Empire and over 45% were both in place and being testing when Doomsday took place. The teleport-sender, in that chamber, is active and the brainbugs came through that in a swarm to attack and overcome sleeping ghoulers and zhouls who then helped to enslave others, or at least to try to with mixed results.”


The figure began to fade. “I must go. I suggest you make the teleport-receptor semiactive and lock it so that no more brainbug swarms can come through it. We will be in contact again, soon.”


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