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Walter examined Lucky Eddie in the special capsule and the tentacle that went, ghost like, into the top of his head. The rejuvenated genius sighed heavily and scribbled something else on a big blackboard with white chalk. Astrid came in carrying a thin cloth wrapped ream of high quality parchment sheets; she was looking bemused in her jumpsuit as a large hairy dog followed her.


The UNSIA had taken over the chamber where Lucky Eddie was and found that the previous staff was gone under mysterious circumstances. Some bullet marks and blood splashes had been found and Astrid had cleaned up the latter.


The others were elsewhere in the complex. The Special Agents were on guard duty along with the security guards and other staff willing and able to volunteer for such duties.


The fighting in the area had become more intense in some areas but remained scattered. Elite CSAS, Green Berets, Red Berets and other elite forces were busy fighting an officially unacknowledged enemy, let alone an identified one. The whisper-networks were running hot and spoke of LifeProclamation cyborg-clone and android soldiers being busy supporting the elite human soldiers.


Other whispers spoke of humans controlled by things called controlcaps, reanimated corpses controlled by webcaps, by things called synthetic manifesticants, by strange invisible creatures of savage force called kineticants and other menaces. Thousands of contracted immigrants, and even more thousands of refugees, had been enslaved or slaughtered, many of the dead to be turned into cap-zombies, by the unknown enemy.


Walter looked at the parchment sheets that Astrid showed him. He was fascinated by the high quality and almost medieval look to them. “Where did they come from?”


“Some of the AncientOne mechanisms have started dispensing an odd list of items in exchange for regenerating credit inside each mechanism.” She smiled. “I thought the parchment paper would be something that we would all appreciate.” Then she pulled out a wooden cubebox from a pouch. “This healing-serum is amazing. I think we would gain much by using it and by studying it.”


Walter nodded. “Perhaps Lucky Eddie might want some.”


Lucky Eddie was sitting cross legged and meditating quietly but gently floating in the air. That is the other Lucky Eddie that was the same Lucky Eddie as the one in the capsule. He wore a lovely pale yellow dress with orange flowers and rose coloured vines. In his hair was a orange and yellow hair ribbon.


Astrid gave a small jump in surprise and clapped a hand over her mouth to stop a laugh from escaping. Then she just smiled as he handed the healing-serum, in four vials in the cubebox, to Walter. “Ooohhh, how long as Lucky Eddie been with you?”


“Oh, about half an hour. Fascinating mind! Quite mad but quite happy to admit being so, which I suppose makes him sane according to some ways of thinking.” Walter put the cubebox carefully to one side. “He speaks to me through his mind in a way that is hard to explain. It is like he can look right through us, right through our clothes.”


Astrid blushed. “Yes, I am getting the same impressions. He is quite curious. He suggests that I start sleeping with you, at least three nights a week, and I agree that this is a fine idea, if you do not mind that is, Walter.”


Walter grinned. “Oh, no, I think it would be a very good idea.”


Astrid kissed him.

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The effect took place with amazing speed to reinforce the linkage between the Watchitii, AlphaOmega, Brownstone, Zavid, Devlin, Carada, Unifier, Prima and emerging Thirteens including the DC Guardian Thirteen of superheroes. This was the start of changes as something new called the CentroRadius Thirteen came firmly into existence to serve-support the new Network of Thirteen of Thirteen, the NTT.


The Watchitii Thirteen withdrew to the MultiTransCubeShip to undertake a series of special reforms. Many thousands of phantom drones, probes and spies were sent out to carry out their functions as well as possible as this took place and would remain functioning to support them later.


AlphaOmega Thirteen withdrew to the supercity of Zazvellis buried in a great mountain on the northern polar supercontinent of Zazvial. There they began a series of reforms.


The Brownstone and Devlin Thirteens remained in the MultiTransCubeShip but now began to carry out a series of reforms.


The Zavid Thirteen were too busy to do so for now, as were the Carada Thirteen.


The Unifier Thirteen, amongst the Clansfolk, began reforming.


The Prima Thirteen in the Lamplight Caverns were completing their healing process.


Neither the DC Guardian Thirteen or the CentroRadius Thirteen needed any such reforms.


The Sanctuard Thirteen remained missing.


As for such as the PackLord Thirteen, the Perfectus Thirteen and the Fragmentori Thirteen, they were beyond such considerations.

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They entered the dome through a crack, moving as quickly as they could, and yet some super crazed zhouls charged at the triplets and their follower avatars. Guns blazing away, the Carada Thirteen followed the base of the dome, angling away from the charging creatures. Amongst the zhouls, many sporting claws, huge fangs and armoured spiked skin, were many GlowingOnes. Some of the creatures wore the remnants of scavenger gear.


They came upon the ripped up leftovers of a large scavenger group that had been very well body-armoured and armed. Smashed robots and roboremotes lay amongst half overturned, burned out battlebuggies and cargobuggies. The dead had been eaten, it was clear enough, including some big hounds.


CentroRadius had sent them some valuable extra data on the Southern DC Industrial Park. It was not only huge on the surface and subsurface but beneath these official layers had been secret research-development bases, manufactories and other facilities. It seemed DC had been created as a great hidden network of such places.


They got away from the attackers by dropping down into a utility tunnel and relocking the thick armoured hatch behind themselves. Then they were running fast along the tunnel, going through and locking armoured hatches behind themselves.


They halted in a large set of metallic chambers dotted with softly humming active and semiactive machinery. They hacked into a computer terminal and were amazed by what they found. The Southern DC Industrial Park had been the basis for building a large military force of exotic hitech units to invade and destroy the Communists of the Soviet Grand Archipelago they could attack. But the strange army had not been completed in time.


NukaCola and NukaCola Quantum had been designed and manufactured to be part of some crazy plan to create ghouls. For it seemed those who drank NukaCola, especially those who became addicted to it, would become ghouls if then exposed to certain other forms of energy. The site of Springvale, with its special designed dome, was set up to be an experiment using innocent civilians to be first addicted with free NukaCola and then radiated. There was no data that suggested that the experiment had been instigated before Doomsday and so it seemed that Doomsday itself had caused the experiment to go on. The idea had been to get the ghouls and control them with controlcaps or brainbugs. Other datafiles spoke briefly of doing the same with supermutants, zenmutants and metamutants. Clearly the plan would have failed for all of these kinds of entities were very resistant to being controlled by brainbugs or controlcaps.


Why was the data sitting there in that terminal for them to find? Because the complex of chambers, with the specialized hardware, had been a very important centre of the big secret project. Or so it seemed. In truth the whole thing seemed rather insane. It was no accident that CentroRadius had sent the triplets, along with the follower avatars, in that direction.


There was a special link between the Southern DC Industrial Park and the unfortunate domed city of Springvale.

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Not too far from the special complex of chambers, they found the vast chamber that stretched out downwards and outwards. It had not been mentioned in the databanks they had scanned but there, in that great chamber, was a zetan saucership.


Zetans had thirteen standard forms of vessels because they tended to be very unimaginative people, if one could really call them a 'people'. There were small, medium and large versions of saucerdarts, saucerboats, saucerbarges and saucerships but only one size of motherships. Saucerdarts were generally the smallest range right up to the very massive motherships. Saucerdarts were the fastest but carried the least while saucerbarges were slower and more awkward but carried much for their sizes.


This was a large zetan saucership being about a third the size, volume, of a mothership but it looked like a smaller version of a mothership. Motherships, saucerships and saucerboats looked almost identical except for size. It had been cleverly opened with out causing booby-traps or the central self-destruct devices to go off.


Dead workers, guards, scientists and others lay scattered across parts of the chamber along with disabled robots, roboremotes, cyborg brainbots and androids. All the humans were still contained in power armour of different kinds. All of them had various TekCorp or Imperial Government symbols.


What ever had killed them had drilled small, deadly holes through power armour, other gear and bodies as it had done through roboremotes, brainbot cyborgs, robots and androids.


When the Light came, many figures were resurrected, including all of the brainbots, but enhanced. The androids, robots and roboremotes were rejuvenated to a new condition. The Carada Triplets were surprised by that sudden intervention by the Light.


The humans who resurrected all turned out to be clones, being enhanced of mind, body and spirit. Soon they, and the others except the dumb roboremotes, made it clear that they wanted to go to Sanctuarius. They were honest in stating they feared that what ever had destroyed them all quickly, but with much terror and agony, the first time around was still active inside the industrial park.


What had it been? They spoke of a glimmering morgue green glowing fog that had filled up the chamber and hideous antinatural things inside it that had attacked. The attack had come with overwhelming surprise, speed and power. Any defensive effort was soon swept away and in seconds the GlimmeringFog and the things inside it, had wiped them out.

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Professor Sarina Vestilli studied the zetan saucership with a frown. “When we first opened the way into the zetan mothership, nothing came out either dangerous or not. So we sent in small roboremotes to explore the big alien vessel. All of them successfully explored outer areas of the saucership but abruptly ceased transmitting as soon as they got any deeper.”


The resurrected, transformed woman went on speaking. “We sent in a fair sized expedition of power armoured specialists, including androids, with assisting roboremotes, robots and cyborgs. They abruptly ceased sending communications as they went deeper into the zetan vessel and all we picked up were a brief moment of savage fighting and terrible screams abruptly cut off. We prepared to send a larger investigative rescue party though we had good reason to believe any rescue plans would be hopeless.”


She looked grim standing there in her power armour. “The GlimmeringFog jetted out of the saucership with amazing power and speed. With it came tentacle things, thin and like whips, that stabbed into their victims. The robots, cyborgs and roboremotes opened up first with volleys of bullets, shells, missiles and pulsebeams. We cloned humans began firing just seconds later but then... then I was killed. That was a long time ago, or so I sense, perhaps years. How did the planned preemptive strike go against the Communists of the Soviet Grand Archipelago?”


“Centuries ago the Communists attacked first. A major taskforce struck the Dominion of Columbia.” Kerz responded. “Then came Doomsday. That was over five centuries ago. Amtriel is now covered by, in roughly thirds, the Wastelands, the Lostlands and the Greenlands. Even the Greenlands are relatively harsher than the PreDoomsday Amtriel but the Wastelands are far worse and the Lostlands are a living hell. Billions died or vanished or were horribly transformed on or after Doomsday as lingering effects of Doomsday. The Amtriellan Empire survives in a weakened fragmented form mostly dominating the Greenlands. Rogue robots, mutated monsters, ghoulified creatures, tribal marauders and other threats are common through out the Wastelands and the Sublands deep beneath them.”


The woman went to say something as if to refute his words but then visibly gave in. “Yes, I can see it in your eyes that you speak the truth. I do not wish to stay in this place of horrors. We were created to do our tasks here, not recruited, and we seek freedom. We are UnityNeofolk now.”


Kiri nodded. “Sanctuarius needs you as much as you need it. You will be sent there and will be filtered on the way but I 'sense' you will do fine there. The androids, smart-robots and cyborgs will of course be given a choice also.”


The woman nodded. “The cyborgs are UnityNeo.”


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After the cloned humans, cyborgs and some of the androids plus smart-robots had gone to Sanctuarius, the Carada Thirteen entered the saucership but they 'sensed' no danger at all. They found the Stargate at the core of the exotic maze of corridors, chambers and other zetan type facilities. It was clear that this big saucership had been heavily modified in the central area to both house and to utilize the Stargate as some kind of experiment.


There were hundreds of dead zetans, zetaman hybrids and abominants (zetan abominations) that were another kind of human zetan hybrid. Yet there were also zetadroids, zetan androids, that were not commonly used by zetans and zoton enslaved workers. Zotons looked like zetans but were passive cousins of them, created as workers by the greytori as the zetans had been created with an emphasis on aggression. These creatures, and dronebot robots, were all riddled with tiny holes.


The AncientOne designed and built Stargate was deactivated and locked closed but also sabotaged to keep it deactivated. The triplets hacked into exotic zetan computer network-systems with some difficulty due to the strange logic of the creatures. They found zetan type databanks of zetan type datafiles that showed that greytori had forced the zetans to bring the Stargate to the world of Nirn and land in Amtriel before opening the Stargate with an odd set of thirteen chevrons. The GlimmeringFog had come flooding through at once to destroy all of the zetans, zotons, zetamans, abominants, zetadroids and dronebots.


There were only a few fragmented security recordings of what happened after that. The GlimmeringFog had attacked those in the bigger chamber outside and then had withdrawn back through the Stargate when RothuaRetirwa had appeared briefly to somehow force it to do so.


The Light intervened again and this time a large minority of zetans and zotons, all zetamans and abominants, were resurrected successfully. The transformations caused the zetans to become more enlightened, aware yetans, the zotons to become yotons and the abominants to become yetamans. They and the rejuvenated, transformed dronebots, zetamans and zetadroids, were all sent to Sanctuarius. They needed to, especially the yetans, yotons and yetamans, for the zetans and greytori would strongly seek to destroy any such.


The Carada Thirteen sealed up the zetan saucership and departed. They left behind those who had decided to stay to guard the saucership in hopes of stopping others from trying to open up both it and the Stargate inside it.




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They paced into a huge, recently constructed storage chamber full of cubecanisters of many sizes and in these were stored an amazing array of manufactured goods. Laser-cutters, Tshirts, inflatable furniture, toy race cars, small domestic roboremotes, nuts and bolts, bottles of SodaCola, carpentry tools, fake fur rugs, 3Dbooks, holotapes, larva lamps, cased copies of famous paintings, books, golfcars, tennis rackets, mild pain suppression pills, 10mm calibre submachineguns, mattresses and much much more.


It was not the sort of thing they expected they would run into. Roboremotes scurried around, of different types and sizes, carefully finishing off the storing of the items. Others were constructing new storage chambers while others were moving cubecanisters and oblong shipping-crates into other chambers.


The security roboremotes and turrets, including rail-turrets, did not attack the newcomers but made it clear that certain areas were no go zones, NGZs. This seemed as much for the safety of the newcomers as it was for security reasons.


They began to pick up traces of strange energies and elements. They did so with their own special abilities and with highly refined equipment. They were picking up what could be the GlimmeringFog and what could be the GlowingMist.


They came to a computer terminal that was not in a NGZ but it was only a dumb terminal and deliberately designed not to give too much data or control over anything important. They did find out about something called the Something for Nothing Project which, for reasons they were unsure of, seemed somehow disturbing.


Yet they also found something more important and that was a scientist in experimental prototype status power armour. With care they took him into a medical bay and there they lay him on a special autorobotic medical bed.


They began to complicated, careful process of bringing him out of status after centuries when the suit had been designed only to preserve somebody in status for a few years at most.

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