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“The NukaCola Corporation was a so called Secret TekCorp in that it was officially not a TekCorp but was unofficially very much so. The TekCorps, including WorldTek, the mother or umbrella corporation to all other TekCorps, were guided by the Bethesda Enterprise as based in the Bethesda Sector of the DC. An alteration of the word 'Bethesda' is 'Adeshteb' that is a primary follower avatar of Abadonton. I suppose you could say it is all part of an elaborate, well planned conspiracy as run by Abadonton but Abadonton is too crazy chaotic to ever run such a conspiracy. No, more likely Abadonton has been manipulated by another for a very long time.”


SuperGoodGirl was talking as she indicated a great big holographic projection showing a 'tree diagram' of TekCorps, of the Bethesda Enterprise and other organizations. There was the Amtriellan Imperial Government, including the Amtriellan Imperial Court itself, and linked Amtriellan Imperial Institutions of many kinds from universities to defense forces, security intelligence agencies and even large quasigovernment corporations.


She sighed. “Somebody wanted Doomsday to happen, wanted it badly, but the question is, did Doomsday actually happen as that one wanted it to? Or was Doomsday meant to happen at all? Perhaps what was meant to happen was quite different from Doomsday? Perhaps Doomsday was a mistake.”


Kerz asked. “What does the Lucky Eddie Thirteen have to do with RothuaRetirwa?”


SuperGoodGirl suddenly looked uncomfortable. “RothuaRetirwa? Why do you want to know about RothuaRetirwa? The Lucky Eddie Thirteen is going good and strong; we are truly unified.”


Kerz kept on speaking. “Because Lucky Eddie did not really send you here. Lucky Eddie Thirteen is a nonsense term for poor Lucky Eddie and his Thirteen Character Personalities are not fully in tune with one another and this needs to be done. You came here on what you consider to be a whim but you are under some kind of fleeting influence or so we can 'sense'. It is too bad that we can not 'sense' the identity of this one. Who are you really?”


SuperGoodGirl pouted at the triplets. “Oh, dang! I was going to have some fun with you.” Then she transformed into her 'real' self.

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FatelliNefaria stood stronger than the real SuperGoodGirl and nastier. She was even more scantily clad being in tight fake fighting leathers that left a good deal of her slimly muscular, lightly voluptuous body uncovered. She stood in black fake leather high-heel boots that went up to her knees of her legs that were otherwise bare. Her outfit was a leotard that exposed her tummy, her middle back, much cleavage and much of her bum. The Carada Triplets were not impressed.


FatelliNefaria scowled with sharpened teeth. “Humph, you have a nerve. Okay, I was promised a thousand and one leather boots but I am not stupid enough to believe in such offers or the one doing the offering. I came her mostly out of curiosity. Don't look at me that way. Who are you to judge me?”


Kiri sighed. “You are the product of a deranged patriarch male teenage mind.”


FatelliNefaria shook her head. “The truth is more complicated than that, and more subtle. I have evolved beyond the initial influence of Lucky Eddie and we all have become more independent of each other. External female influences have come to me. I like what I am! How did you know I was fake.”


Kaen snorted. “We had doubt that the real SuperGoodGirl would dress so scantily.”


“Shows what you know.” The fake leather clad figure smirked. “SuperGoodGirl dresses just like that as a symbol of her rebellion against her original goody two shoe image. No, you 'sensed' the truth. You Thirteens are very dangerous though you come ultimately from poor teenagers who became absorbed into the MultipleMatrix of the AncientOnes. Lucky Eddie wants to know how and why he was treated, experimented on and changed the way he was. We all do. RothuaRetirwa is linked with Lucky Eddie Thirteen, as good a name as any, but even she-he-it does not seem to know the why or how or whom of it or at least he-she-it is not saying. Confusing really!”


They all 'sensed' the sudden arrival of deadly threat about the same moment. The triplets, and their follower avatars, in their stealth power armour, drew up their battlerifles even as FatelliNefaria made appear a huge autopistol of fashionable black fake leathery appearance. She fired off a huge bolt of sizzling, sparkling energy that was focused by the weapon but provided by herself. The shimmering entity that came rushing through the doorway, the kineticant of elemental telekinetic forces, was destroyed; it sparkled and was gone, the summoned elemental being sent back to its home dimension.

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But the kineticant had been a decoy, a diversion, and the real attack struck FatelliNefaria and hurled her through the air. She cried out more in rage than in pain or surprise as she rebounded from an armoured display case of large size.


The glistening black thing was a humanoid of distorted plastic appearance. It had four arms, the two upper ones ending in hands which held bizarre pistol weapons and the lower two ending in multiple whip like tentacles, three per limb. It was three metres tall and about two metres wide, being a hulking monstrosity.


The special 12.7mm bullets fired by the battlerifles slammed into the creature, seeming to do it no harm, but then exploded internally. The creature screamed out in agony and rage, then burned away with amazing speed as if with spontaneous combustion. Then it was gone except for the bizarre black pistols that struck the floor but seconds later they vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


FatelliNefaria was standing again and looking peeved. “Damned it, fell for one of the oldest tricks in a very old, very worn out book of trickiness.”


Kerz frowned. “So it would seem. The real FatelliNefaria is in this domechamber. She is over there, trapped inside that very exotic fake exhibition display of a small experimental spaceship that is actually a highly sophisticated but unstable status force prison. You over played your hand, Abadonton! You became FatelliNefaria by linking doppelganger fashion with her and then created both the kineticant and the powerful exotic manifesticant; we 'sensed' the trails that your acts left between you, the real FatelliNefaria and the things you created. Tricky Eddie Thirteen has some of your genetic inheritance and so you used that as a way to knock out the real FatelliNefaria and them mimic her excellently.”


The fake FatelliNefaria laughed sourly. “Not Abadonton, just an extension avatar. I am your enemy. You have to deal with me before you can really start to win this game of games and lay claim to all the prizes, especially the one big prize when one is the one and only victor. Abadonton will win. Abadonton who set the ball rolling a very long time ago. Abadonton the cunning, the clever, the brilliant and the already victorious. Yes, none are like Abadonton or as perfect as Abadonton.”


Then the fake FatelliNefaria was gone with a sparkling shimmer and they released the very angry and frightened real FatelliNefaria. She gave them some interesting gifts, making them appear out of mid air, and then vanished off to the MultipleDrobe.

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The one who was there, but not there, appeared and stood to look at the triplets. The translucent robed, AncientOne figure spoke in sweet melodious tones. “Abadonton is your enemy, is monstrous, but is also to be pities; you need to deal with him but only destroy him if you must. You need to capture the real Abadonton and the real Adeshteb has to be destroyed. There is a war going on between Lucky Eddie Thirteen and Abadonton with Adeshteb distorting and supporting Abadonton. For Adeshteb is more than just an avatar of Abadonton. Destroying Adeshteb will hopefully free Abadonton.”


She raised both hands, pointing her fingers at the triplets. “I will transform you now so that you will become stronger.”


The triplets, and the follower avatars, dropped into a crouch, aimed their weapons and began blazing away at the entity. The entity shuddered, sparkled, cried out in pain and vanished away.


The triplets looked carefully around with their guns ready. The follower avatars guarded them from other angles of possible attack.


Kerz frowned. “That was Adeshteb!”


The other triplets agreed with a small nod each. Adeshteb had tried too hard to create falsehood, as Abadonton had, and had revealed its true nature to the refined abilities of the Carada Thirteen. Both Abadonton and Adeshteb seemed clumsy unless they were playing some very intricate or even crazy kind of manipulative game.


Kaen spoke. “Adeshteb was the threat that we 'sensed' earlier in the chamber where we found the scientist in that prototype status power armour. Abadonton is completely gone from this sector but Adeshteb is out there somewhere in this, the Southern DC Industrial Park. We will have to take great care.”


They began to explore the NukaCola Museum more carefully in case there were other secrets to be found there.

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Mattercation produced dangerous toxic side-products of exotic nature that were quite unnatural. Mattercation could otherwise manufacture a wide range of non toxic items with amazing efficiency. The toxic side-products were turned into NukaCola but also into mutagenic gels, life enhancement resonance treatments and a range of special products coded simply as IEAs (Industrial Extensive Additives).


They found this data in a hidden isolated computer that somebody had deliberately created and left there for the truth to be found. Thus it was revealed that the dangers of NukaCola were well known by those who had created the drink, many years before the first bottle of NukaCola was actually produced.


The production of NukaCola was done partly in an attempt to recover the high costs of the initial research-development projects but also to spread effects amongst the population to help lead to a special kind of ghoulification of many people. This was not the wild ghoulification of Doomsday that led to so called tame ghouls, ghoulers and feral ghouls of zhouls and rhouls.


The intended ghouls were boneskinned creatures called ghoulicants that would be turned into basic cyborgs to control and enhance their abilities. These expendable creatures would then serve as soldiers and workers for the new empire that would arise to crush all opposition and to rule Amtriel first and, later, the whole of Divinaedra.


Mutagenic gels would turn peoples, and some chosen types of animals, into something called supermutants that would be utilized as special soldiers and workers.


Chosen select humans would gain the 'life enhancement resonance treatments' that would create new 'superhumans' that would be the elites of the new empire. These would supreme to all others except for their leaders of Abadonton and the Perfectus Thirteen.


Except that there was a growing rift between Abadonton, his followers, and the Perfectus Thirteen, along with their followers. Details were basic but it seemed that the Abadonton Faction wanted less to do with something called the 'undeath', the deathfane, while the Perfectus Thirteen wanted far more involvement with it. By this time the Perfectus Thirteen had become a type of very powerful PaleOnes though in many ways different from the PaleOnes, of the Secundan Underworld, that had attacked the Subways Unified Republic.


Then data inputs ended on the day before Doomsday.

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The previous stated mission of going to LifeVault0101A2, so as to deal with the GlimmeringFog there, was no longer necessary. New instructions and resources came to them from the CirclingCircles.


The figure was there, and not there, standing to one side of the museum domechamber as a AncientOne woman in translucent silken metallic robes. Next to here were metallic cubecanisters of resources but also a semiportable AI-supercomputer network-system with some roboremotes for it to operate, a semiportable computer-chair, some smart-robots and some androids being a mixture of duplicants, replicants and one very sophisticated simulicant.


The CirclingCircles One spoke with grave tones. “Abadonton must be dealt with but captured and questioned if that can be done. Abadontess, his female counter-part, is just as dangerous but perhaps you can negotiate with her as you can not with Abadonton. Adeshteb must be destroyed for it is a refined essence of all that is the worst in Abadonton himself.”


She went on. “The CirclingCircles will give you no more direct requests or resources. That is up to the new Network Thirteen of Thirteen Networks, the NTTN, that you are part of, that we will assist indirectly as best we can. Lucky Eddie Thirteen and RothuaRetirwa are vital to the solution of the crisis that is taking place, a crisis far greater than most comprehend; many do not even know there is such a crisis. Lucky Eddie Thirteen, RothuaRetirwa and Abadonton were at the core of the crisis as it arose.”


She began to fade. “Be careful with the Phantom AncientOnes, who are ingrained interactive memories of the AncientOnes trapped in the ancient mechanisms created by the true AncientOnes. They can offer assistance but it will always carry at least some risk with it.”


Kaen spoke out. “You have no new data for us.”


The CirclingCircles One smiled. “Each of us is but one Circling Circle of the CirclingCircles. We are one that are many that are one. We are a very advanced form of Unity. We are the AncientOnes who diverted from the path of becoming Living God-Goddesses to go the Unity Path instead. We ceased to be AncientOnes, fearing that they were heading for a finality of destruction and self-destruction. What happened was worse! This current crisis is an extension of what happened to the AncientOnes; to understand one, one must understand both events. We-I will communicate when we-I can do so.”


Then she was gone.


The triplets looked to each other and to the follower avatars. There was a great deal of work to be done. They were going to make the NukaCola Museum into their base of operations and after that, they were going to try to find out anything else that they could.

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The synthetic manifesticant was a copy of a human but augmented with armour, weapons and other devices as extensions of its body. Walter, with the assistance of Astrid, carefully cut open the body and inside was found a reanimantor. It appeared that these synthecants were propelled by reanimants just as the dead humans had been that were controlled by webcaps. These synthecants, synthetic manifesticants, had been designed and created to be animated by the quasiliving entities but was that always the case?


Walter frowned softly as he studied the 3Dscreen of a new type of medical forensic diagnostics device. “The structure of the synthecant indicates it was not designed at basis to take an reanimant but was adapted to do so. Some other form of entity would have motivated it. We have here an evolution of adaptations of different resources.”


Then Walter sighed. “The LifeProclamation have provided data that indicates that manifesticants were previously animated with the use of what are called kinetic elementals, that is entities from another dimensional realm drawn to this one, trapped but then kept here by a mixture of pleasure and pain, of the carrot and the stick.”


Olivia spoke with an odd expression on her face. “Elementals and traditional manifesticants and kineticants are to do with special powerful forms of psychic psionic abilities and not to do with science as we know it. Synthecants, synthetic manifesticants, were first created by the AncientOnes a very very long time ago. Before that they created wild manifesticants and kineticants. They had used summoned and trapped elementals to drive both the wild manifesticants and kineticants but found, after some experimentation, that synthecants were not so reliable being animated by such elementals. The elementals would take over after a while and would rebel against control either in a rogue or more organized manner. This history was later to be repeated in the Secundan Underworld of Divinaedra but the use of synthecants was to remain of limited use there.”


Olivia Dunham snapped out of the trance like state with a puzzled look on her face. “That was a message from something called the CirclingCircles.”


Lucky Eddie marched into view wearing a sparkling pink suit of medieval knight's armour dotted with purple teddy-bears. “CirclingCircles are truthful and honest. Left overs from the AncientOnes, they are, but good hearted and enlightened left overs. When the AncientOnes, in their final madness, divested themselves of their conscious, of their souls, thus came to exist the CirclingCircles. Yet CirclingCircles are frightened and ever ready to run and hide but for good reason and that reason is not Abadonton. No, that one is the treacherous dark force that seduced Abadonton, the last of the real AncientOnes, to carry out the evil that he did with the silvertori. That dark force is what the AncientOnes became after they rid themselves of what became the CirclingCircles.”


Then he gave a grin. “The CirclingCircles are of Unity and truly believe they chose to separate themselves from the evil that the AncientOnes became. I suppose they need to think this way in order to give themselves some strength and indeed there is some truth to the story for they did break away at the end; broke away and fled away to hide in fear but for good reason.”


Then he lost his grin. “RothuaRetirwa was uniquely powerful and brilliant even by the standards of the AncientOnes but was young, naive and arrogant when the other AncientOnes pressured him to solve a problem that they had caused themselves. For the AncientOnes had become enhanced by their amazing wonder technologies but also entrapped by them and, finally, doomed by them. They could no longer reproduce true AncientOnes.”


“RothuaRetirwa was the last of the true AncientOnes born except for Abadonton who was born a couple of centuries later, which by the reckoning of the AncientOnes was but a few days. Poor Abadonton was weak and stupid by AncientOne considerations and was never allowed to forget it; RothuaRetirwa suffered also from never being allowed to forget what he was. RothuaRetirwa was driven by the other AncientOnes, now dying and desperate, to create the final solution that was supposed to save the AncientOnes. Instead it led to RothuaRetirwa becoming an insane twisted wreck of himself and Abadonton fleeing for his existence while the other AncientOnes became the RotideCitirca.”


Lucky Eddie yawned and burped. Then he walked over to a spot in the room and abruptly vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


The others were all taken by surprise, were looking at each other in amazement.

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