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Scully and Mulder became the basis for the new Special Investigations Solutions Network, the SISN. They were joined by other former members of the X-Files Agency, the Lone Gunmen and then a steady stream of others. Not all came from the same one of three Lost Earths. Scully and Mulder had come from one where the United Nations was a poor other force in a war between the WorldState and the coalition of Corporates, Federates and Soviets. Sam and Dean came from a world of Hunters where the WorldState had arisen to wage war both on free humanity and a zombie plague that had begun to sweep that world. The other Lost Earth was hosted a war between the WorldState on one hand and the uneasy alliance of Eurasian Dynasty, United Civilized States and Lunar Hegemony on the other.


Sam and Dean had been through a great deal and now that they were rejuvenated, they began to exhibit exotic new abilities along with being enhanced of mind, body and spirit.


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega came back from a visit to the MultiTransCubeShip and met the SIS13 main team at the new, mostly underground, prefabricated multimodular complex.


Mulder and Scully had found two more buried lunch boxes, each identical with identical preserved contents. Scully had experienced the same sort of dream again before finding each lunch box and with it a sweet sad story. The little girl had been badly missing her mother, the little girl had had a habit of mislaying her lunch box and mummy had always shown up with the lunch box, a gentle admonishment and some hugging and kissing. By planting copies of the lunch boxes around the place, the little girl hoped that one day mummy would show up. But all of that had happened a very long time ago.


Artisar had come to realize that there was something extremely important about the exotic baby-girl and her amazing abilities, with her odd mixture of companions including the little girl she had clearly taken into her heart. Except that the little girl was not human, as she first seemed to be, but was of the human like people, the aumans.


Aumans had existed in Sanctuarius a very long time ago. A few remains of their civilization could be found in that very area though as yet none of the newcomer peoples had done so. There were some few millions of aumans in status-capsules in a secret, secured location. Artisar was extremely reluctant to speak of what had happened to the aumans except that he doubted it had anything to do with the current crisis. Still, if it turned out otherwise, he would give over more data on them.


The lunch boxes had been carefully returned to where they had been removed from. Somehow that seemed both right and smart along with being highly respectful to the little girl and her wishes.

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Scully was examining something found buried close to where the second lunch box had been led to by one of her dream-visions. She ran some instrumentation readings on it with enhanced human technologies taken from all three of the Lost Earths. They were of a surprising range, having come not only from the various more standard human nation-states, and other enterprises, but from the more exotic WorldStates, Eurasian Dynasty, United Civilized States and Lunar Hegemony. The WorldStates had been surprisingly similar to each other though with some obvious or more subtle differences; now they were merging into one WorldState on their new home world.


She had a look of surprise on her face. “This is feces of some kind but unlike any such that I have ever found before.”


Mulder studied the 3Dscreen showing the data and shook his head in wonder. “If that is baby poop, then I am amazed; it must be some baby who produced that.”


She smiled and sounded amused. “The small one produced this 'baby poop', or so I am hypothesizing.”


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega quietly appeared there and spoke, causing both Mulder and Scully to give a small jump of surprise. “What you have found is an amazing discovery and one that will shake up... almost everything that we think we know about what has happened and what is happening. That 'baby poop' comes from an AncientOne infant which means that an AncientOne has been born, a seemingly impossible fact considering that the last true AncientOne was supposedly gone over a million relative years ago.”


They had learned the legend of the AncientOnes, their drive to self-destruction, the birth of the supposed last two AncientOnes of RothuaRetirwa and Abadonton, the creation of the CirclingCircles that was also the creation of the RotideCitirca which also caused the creation, as a side-effect, of the Phantom AncientOnes.


Mulder turned to Artisar. “What happened to the RotideCitirca?”


Artisar frowned hard. “We know that somehow they have removed themselves into a place we can not find them at the same time as they have always been manipulating others, often manipulating others that in turn manipulated yet others and so on. They are deep conspirators working behind many layers of what one might call the Shadow Conspiracy of Conspiracies. We know they tried and failed to destroy RothuaRetirwa when they realized that they could not control him, that they manipulated Abadonton and helped to have him become a monster and we suspect that they were, distantly, behind the attacks on various parts of the DC of Amtriel. That is they manipulated the OmniMultiple of the Secundan Underworld, and its various followers, to invade the Subways Unified Republic of DC. The OmniMultiple feared it was the Perfectus Thirteen that had done so and perhaps this was the case if the Perfectus Thirteen have become puppet-followers of the RotideCitirca.”


At that moment Artisar paused and a frown of concern covered his face. Only after some moments did he speak. “There is trouble! A large invasion force has appeared some thousand kilometres from here, outside of any of the Sanctuaries, and his moving steadily towards a Secondary Sanctuary. It appears that the invaders are a mixture of wild manifesticants, kineticants, synthecants, capped-cyborgs, PaleOnes and unidentified elements. It is very large, may have come from the Secundan Underworld and may involve the OmniMultiple and the OmniOne.”

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OmniMultiple had wanted to wage war against its enemies inside the Secundan Underworld, with its allies supporting it. It had seen this as an opportunity to take control of most, if not all of, that underworld. So it had prepared to attack its enemies, building up forces to do so.


Only to be attacked first before it was truly ready for war. To add insult to injury, the daleks had betrayed them, along with other puppet-followers.


OmniMultiple, along with its puppet-followers and allies, some of the these being new ones that had been enemies, had been thrust through a barely stable transdimensional gateway and sent to Sanctuarius. It was an invasion but not a voluntary one.


Interesting news was that OmniPrime, the controlling force of balances inside the Secundan Underworld, was also attacked. OmniPrime, and its various followers and allies, had been forced into a brutal fighting retreat up towards the Secundan Overworld.


The nature of the forces inside of the Secundan Underworld, that had attacked both OmniMultiple and OmniPrime, was largely unknown. The daleks, and their slave-followers of the ogrons, were part of it. There were PaleOne factions that had also betrayed OmniMultiple. Some reports suggested that zetans were involved also, along with zetamans and abominants. Other reports spoke of great glittering bat like monsters hurling elemental energies, strange dragon like creatures, synthecants of many kinds, wild manifesticants, kineticants and others, many others. Yet just who, or what, was in command, remained a mystery.


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega stood floating in a bubble and observed the enemy invasion forces, not all of which were military in nature. Or so was the illusion for he was really a safe distance away inside an underground fortress quite close to where the SISN was based.


The invaders had not planned to invade, had not been prepared for any invasion, certainly not of Sanctuarius. The noises of battle, the flash of energy weapons and explosions, were all evident in the dimness of dusk. They were fighting not any of the organized forces of the Sanctuaries yet or those directly serving the new Network Thirteen of Thirteen Networks, the NTTN. They were having trouble with the same wild mutations and other denizens of the wilder regions that had led to the creation of the Sanctuaries in the first place.


Lord Artisar AlphaOmega expected trouble as he reached out to communicate with the OmniMultiple, expected to have to threaten, to force negotiations or even to prepare for battle.


Then OmniOne spoke for OmniMultiple and all of the others. “We surrender!”

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CentroRadius was growing very quickly, evolving in sophistication and power. It set up central bases of operations in both Sanctuarius and in the MultiTransCubeShip. It reached out to all of the known active NTTN sections. CentroRadius Thirteen were rising into existence but were only semiactive as they formed.


The Watchitii Thirteen continued reforming, upgrading, being now inside the MultiTransCubeShip Core.


The AlphaOmega Thirteen were again in the Northern Polar Region of Nirn, on Sharp Island off the coast of the mainland of Amtriel and in Sanctuarius. Lord Treasar AlphaOmega was continuing to work general operations at the top; Lord Savisar AlphaOmega was overseeing events in Amtriel in general and in the DC in particular; Lord Artisar AlphaOmega was dealing with the surrender of the 'invaders' who did not even want to be in Sanctuarius but who were now being given a Protectorate, a Special Status Sanctuary. A deal was being made as OmniMultiple gained while being forced to make reforms and to give over much valuable data to the NTTN.


Reformed, the Devlin and Brownstone Thirteens prepared to embark on new missions from the MultiTransCubeShip.


The Carada Thirteen, in the NukaCola Museum, began to reform.


The Zavid Thirteen met together at the ZavidVault where began to reform. CentroRadius was going to run ZavidVault from then on, leaving them free to go on missions with their full strength, which they began to realize that they would need. They not only 'sensed' coming trouble, troubles began to emerge in the DC though in weaker and scattered forms at first.


The DC Guardian Thirteen departed from Bethesdatown and went to a new, secret underground base that was actually a big TechnoVault that had been nearly completed when Doomsday had struck.


The Unifier Thirteen continued to live amongst the Clansfolk and to work with them.


The Prima Thirteen were slowly but steadily recovering in the Lamplight Caverns Vault.


The Sanctuard Thirteen continued to be missing.


The PackLord Thirteen, Fragmentori Thirteen and Perfectus Thirteen were active, as were the newly discovered OmniNexus Thirteen. Or so it was assumed, based on known information.

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RotideCitirca emerged from another existence, crossing from a dark twisted pocket dimensional realm between the Positive and Negative Multiverse. RotideCitirca emerged into the Secundan Underworld where its minions, monstrous creations and seduced allies were completing their conquest of all that would oppose RotideCitirca.


RotideCitirca was many that was one that was less than nothingness. RotideCitirca was extremely powerful but, at the same time, had great vulnerabilities.


RotideCitirca's long term had not gone as expected but RotideCitirca had no choice but to come to the Secundan Underworld of Utopiastra. RotideCitirca like this name though it hardly fitted the bitter madness and horrors of that underworld. RotideCitirca's old dimensional hiding place had always been temporary and had begun to crumble, to fracture and to threaten to turn into a death trap. RotideCitirca had brought many things with it but many had come only because RotideCitirca had no choice but to bring them.


RotideCitircaMaku raced across a blasted, ditch dotted battlefield as a great six legged freakish monster whose shapeform shuddered and twisted in a very disturbing fashion. As it darted about it plucked up daleks, in their warmachines, and ogrons, to pop them into his secondary big mouth gaping with rows of blackened burned looking fangs.


Betrayed, the daleks fought back in the dalekkans, their deadly armoured hovering cone shaped machines. Hairy ogrons, in special power armour, also fought a fighting retreat. Both daleks and ogrons entered great shallow cone shaped dalekanauts, general purpose dalek aerospaceships with special capacities. Each of these huge dalek dreadnoughts lifted off and then vanished with a sparkling shimmer. The daleks left no ogrons behind or any of their robots or roboremotes that survived. They did lose many other resources and over a third of their number, about half of their ogrons.


RotideCitircaMaku howled with frustration, caring nothing that he, that RotideCitirca, had easily committed betrayal with out any hesitation at all. Yes, he had devoured many lifeforms, had fed upon flesh, mental energies and some life force but the souls had escaped him, being inviolate.


RotideCitirca began to betray and devour other fools who had become its allies but most, observing earlier on the fate of the Dalekakan, Dalek Empire, departed quickly as they could. Some bought passage off others. None staid except those who were caught and devoured.


PaleOnes were not devoured; they would not sustain RotideCitirca and they were needed. Same was true for synthecants and the elementals that animated the wild manifesticants and kineticants along with the reanimantors inside the bodies of zicap-zombies. Yes, not webcaps of OmniMultiple but zicaps of RotideCitirca though in most ways they were the same.


In the blackened twisted metallic stone supercity of Necrotropolis, recently renamed, gathered RotideCitirca Leadership, such as existed amongst the twisted abominations that had been AncientOnes. ShadowOnes was what many called them now though they did not normally use that name for themselves. The Leadership conversed, fought each other, screamed agony and hatred at each other, managed to make some kind of consensus of plans though one ShadowOne was hurled, wounded, from the meeting for no rational reason. This abnormality was considered very normal for the RotideCitirca.

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GrahamMaharg paced swiftly, smoothly, more than just invisible but leaving no traces of his passing behind himself, rushing over the surface of water as if it was solid ground. In theory GrahamMaharg should not exist for he was an AncientOne but not one born after but before both poor RothuaRetirwa, the exploited strong, and Abadonton, the exploited weak.


GrahamMaharg had gone away from the other AncientOnes in search of solutions to their problems and had found the answer; that the AncientOnes would have to give up their wonder-mechanisms and their form of immortality to become mortals once more. When he got back to the other AncientOnes it was to find them long distorted into monsters and he realized that not only would they reject his plan but that they would try to destroy him. Unable to assist either RothuaRetirwa, or Abadonton, GrahamMaharg fled into hiding. The Twisted AncientOnes, on their way to becoming both the CirclingCircles and the RotideCitirca, had assumed he was destroyed or would not come back for other reasons.


GrahamMaharg had made many dangerous expeditions, had gathered up resources, forged alliances by doing favours, sometimes risking himself for the sake of others, and had generally made preparations for what he knew was going to happen. Except things did not work out as he had expected them to and he had been taken by surprise even as others had such as RothuaRetirwa, RotideCitirca and Abadonton.


Lucky Eddie Thirteen was not supposed to exist both inside and outside of the MultipleMatrix of the AncientOnes. He was supposed to have been totally absorbed along with others, including the Thirteen of Thirteen. The unexpected existence of Lucky Eddie Thirteen had changed everything.


Now a baby AncientOne had shown up but GrahamMaharg had failed to track her down or to learn how she had come to exist. This also changed everything. GrahamMaharg feared that RotideCitirca would learn of the existence of the relatively vulnerable AncientOne Baby.


GrahamMaharg paused and plunged his hand into a small mound of ground. He brought up the lunch-box, checked it carefully and then made it vanish into special energy storage with a sparkling shimmer. So far he had found only two lunch-boxes as left by the AncientOne Baby for her auman child friend. GrahamMaharg wanted urgently to find any others to make sure that the RotideCitirca did not find any of them.


But he was too late.


He used his mindeye and observed RotideCitirca digging a lunch-box up out of the ground, the distorted, flickering, super abomination clutching the item and staring at it with three huge blood shot eyes. ShadowOnes were always in physical, mental and spiritual agony and RotideCitircaKada was no exception. She turned and cried out to others, cursing them and all existence, spitting burning, sizzling gobs of toxic gunk as she did so.


Twisted, distorted shadow-minions, none being the same as any, darted out of the way but one got caught by a gob of substance and died in terrible agony as it was burned away.

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GrahamMaharg stood floating with RothuaRetirwa, as three figures, in the beautiful MultiTransCubeShip Core. GrahamMaharg was communicating gently but firmly. “Time to forgive yourself for something that you did not intentionally do. Time to forgive yourself for something that you were manipulated into doing in the worst possible way. Time to forgive yourself for what very many have already forgiven you for, mainly because you really did not need to be forgiven.”


“Very well.” RothuaRetirwa sounded surprised, puzzled and not sure how to take the appearance of GrahamMaharg. “I dreamed of you. You would give me messages of hope and support. I considered you imaginary but clung to your being there anyway. Why did you not do more?”


GrahamMaharg sighed. “I could not do more. The Twisted AncientOnes were too powerful and when they became RotideCitirca they vanished into hiding as did the CirclingCircles and yourself. I could not find you but somehow I could continue to reach you in your dreams so I did what I could.”


RothuaRetirwa was embarrassed. “I expressed some strange things in my madness.”


GrahamMaharg smiled. “Firstly, I am a very ancient AncientOne with vast experience and hardly find anything you communicated as shocking; secondly, I would never judge you because there was no good reason to do so, because you were sick and because I am one of your three parents. I suppose that my being one of your three parents was the reason I could reach you in your dreams the way I did.”


RothuaRetirwa was embarrassed but much happier now. He was relaxing, was healing more quickly. GrahamMaharg hugged him, energy wise as was the way of the AncientOnes, and RothuaRetirwa went back to restorative sleep of mind, body and spirit.


GrahamMaharg made himself comfortable so as to stay with his AncientOne child.


The RothuaRetirwa Followers were there also, of course.

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The Devlin and Brownstone Thirteens were more blended together as one entity now, the two sets of triplets becoming truly semiautonomous now. Now the Devlin and Brownstone Thirteens would often be only one individual able to call upon a prime, three followers and nine follower prime avatars, along with eighty-one follower auxiliary avatars now. This same process was happening to other Thirteens.


So now there were but one Devlin and one Brownstone representing each Thirteen, each being a young woman in appearance and yet having no individual identity for the moment. Yet the old identities were still there, were very active and influential.


Devlin Prime spoke to GrahamMaharg as they stood facing each other in a large garden domechamber of subtropical semiwilderness. It was very big, stretching into the distance, and held much flora and fauna of amazing variety. “Why have we gone through these changes that we have?”


GrahamMaharg responded. “You are becoming fully what you were meant to become in the first place but you failed to become the evil puppets of RotideCitirca as RotideCitirca had planned. RotideCitirca caused Abadonton to turn a poor human child, a super genius named Eddie Marx who was genetically engineered for his role, into Lucky Eddie Thirteen. The process must have been agonizing on many levels.”


“Yet Lucky Eddie, unlike others that were also treated like he was and who became absorbed totally into the MultipleMatrix, was able to stay both inside and outside of the MultipleMatrix at the same time. In doing so he stopped the Thirteen of Thirteen, you and others, becoming the puppet slaves of RotideCitirca. RotideCitirca needed you because RotideCitirca could not access the MultipleMatrix, and its powers, once it ceased to bet the Twisted AncientOnes. That was something it had not anticipated, a nasty shock to its plans, if one could ever expect such as the RotideCitirca to really make any form of rational plans.”


Brownstone Prime spoke: “Then why did Thirteen of Thirteen fail and fragment to be betrayed by the Perfectus Thirteen, to have the Fragmentori Thirteen go insane and to have the Sanctuarius Thirteen vanish?”


GrahamMaharg answered. “Thirteen of Thirteen was not designed to function except as puppets of the RotideCitirca. You Thirteens disintegrated because you lacked any real core network holding you together. Also RotideCitirca's dark influence was showing up, through Abadonton, as was Abadonton's own dark influence. It expressed itself in the emergence of the Perfectus Thirteen and the Fragmentori Thirteens from their old Thirteens. As for the vanishing of the Sanctuard Thirteen, I have no idea.”


GrahamMaharg frowned. “This is the problem; while we seem to have a full picture, a full explanation for what has happened and is happening, there are gaps and mysteries along with strong hints that we do not have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I suggest you bring forth your primary identities and we have a nice garden picnic.”


So they followed the suggestion.

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