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A great sphere shaped area had been disintegrated into the substructure of the university but then great, almost organic looking, buttresses had been put in place to make sure nothing collapsed down into the empty space. Water was flowing down into the great space where the grey flying-saucer had been along with much else that was now gone.


RothuaRetirwa was suddenly there with the group, almost as if she-he-it had always been with them or so it 'felt'. She-he-it lay down on the air itself, floating as if on invisible mattresses with complete relaxed comfort. Then they began to sleep.


Davad sighed. “Can RothuaRetirwa assist us to know who or what is using manifesticants and kineticants to kill people?”


SammiFaru responded as if choosing words with care. “RothuaRetirwa may or may not be able to answer your questions. RothuaRetirwa is not here to do such. Yet RothuaRetirwa may assist in unexpected ways. RothuaRetirwa states that you need but make stronger contact with other Thirteens of The Thirteen Thirteens.”


Davad frowned. “There has been a breaking of ways of the Thirteen Thirteens, a growing of distrust and a desire for independence.”


SammiFaru nodded. “RothuaRetirwa states only that you must look closer at what is right before your eyes, at what is but a mirror into yourselves and your shared past. Perhaps not all mistakes were mistakes. Perhaps all wise seeming decisions were actually wise decisions.”


Davad became troubled but he had to acknowledge his own doubts about past actions of the Thirteen Thirteens, including his own. Yes, it was time to heal old wounds, to become truly linked with the others yet again.


Damada: *Perhaps now is the time to inform you that the joint mentalities of all thirteen of the Thirteen Thirteens have always been communicating with one another. We never stopped even as others parted ways.*


Davad was not sure if he wanted to be more relieved or angry. Then Damada informed him that the UnityNeo were the targets of summoned manifesticants and kineticants but not the only ones; that there were two powerful but frightened entities in the areas of the Subways Unified Republic; that terrible outsider forces had been infiltrating various factions of the Wastelands; that other Thirteens of the Thirteen Thirteens were already active dealing with the same problems. Another focus of what was going on was in LifeVault0087A2 and in Megaton above, to one side of it. Then there were the Orders of Steel who had come from Calibraska, who the Thirteen Thirteen had assisted to come so far, so strongly and in general safety.


What had happened with the Shaggals, there in the ruins of Springvale University, was strongly linked to what was happening in the Subways Unified Republic and at LifeVault0087A2 but also the Wastelands. The controlcapped supermutants had come from the Springvale University ruins, from the Shaggals, but now they were free, their controlcaps now burned out and useless.

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RothuaRetirwa and its followers were preparing to leave. That is RothuaRetirwa was still sleeping and the followers were gently moving her, him and it into a shapechanged machine that was now a big armoured, elongated oblong of a antigrav transport. The followers would go into that or the other AGT. The AGTs had been the two robots and, before that, the two powerful cross country buggies.


Sarah Lyons was frowning softly. “So the supermutants that were once controlled by controlcaps, are now just one more group of berserker savage supermutants?”


SammiFaru answered that question but she would soon be going to one of the big, long, heavily armoured and armed machines. “Free but now more balanced of mind, body and spirit, these supermutants are of enhanced intelligence and are no longer berserker in nature. They are going to a place where they will meet with RothuaRetirwa and he will assist you as RothuaRetirwa has already assisted the Thirteen of Thirteen.”


Davad turned in surprise. “Yes, I 'sense' changes have been made.”


SammiFaru responded. “Your unspoken offer is accepted. If RothuaRetirwa ever needs your assistance either RothuaRetirwa will call upon you or the RothuaRetirwa Followers will or others will whose nature I can not speak of.”


Davad snorted softly. “The more than invisible ones that have been following so so gently, gracefully and majestically? The ones that try to protect RothuaRetirwa even against RothuaRetirwa's own nature? Remember, we are also older than time.”


Sarah Lyons looked perturbed. “I am out of my league here, only a poor pitiful mortal.”


Davad frowned softly at her. “Mortals are the mainstream, the foundation, the great circulation of life and death of the Positive Multiverse and your opposite number is the same in the Negative Multiverse. You are but one aspect, one moment, of a great stream of consciousness that is also older than time. Your importance, whether you are human or ghoul or supermutant or even true androids or of many other kinds, can never be under estimated.”


Sarah looked surprised for a moment and then she smiled. “I never expected an immortal to say something like that.”


“The Thirteen Thirteens, also known as the Thirteen of Thirteen, are eternals, not immortals.” Davad continued. “Also eternals and true immortals, like mortals, come in all varieties as individuals. Even UnityNeo mortals, like yourself and your Lyons' Pride Soldiers, are basically individuals of the great stream of consciousness, the Cycle of Life and Death in the Positive Multiverse.”


Sarah Lyons nodded. “I suppose we are different from most others, we have discussed it amongst ourselves. Often we do not need to speak of matters to share knowledge. Often we 'sense' things of each other. There are others of our kind out there and, recently, some have been murdered horribly.”


SammiFaru spoke then with a sound of surprise. “RothuaRetirwa wishes for me to remain with you, along with some special assistance that RothuaRetirwa will provide. In truth I am always with RothuaRetirwa and RothuaRetirwa is always with me.”


The two big vehicles departed but not before two other RothuaRetirwa Followers in exploration power armour had joined her.

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RothuaRetirwa was gone, along with most of the RothuaRetirwa Followers, but RothuaRetirwa was still with them in a real sense because three of RothuaRetirwa Followers were still with them.


Davad learned of the new resources that had been given by RothuaRetirwa to the Thirteen of Thirteen and was both surprised and pleased. He was also relieved because all of the Thirteen Thirteens had been picking up a strong but subtle impression that a lack of resources could be soon a big problem. Even with the boost in resources by RothuaRetirwa, the need to be careful would still be there.


The Thirteen MultiTransCubes had once been fused together and now they were again but also expanded both individually and as it came to shared common resources such as space and utilities. To the MultiTransCube had been returned the MultiTransCubeCore where was anchored, transdimensionally, the special realm of Sanctuarius. The whole was now once more known as the MultiTransCubeShip. Yet, for the immediate future, in practical terms, matters would stay the same as the MultiTransCubeShip had to go through a transformation process of reconnection, upgrades, augmentations and stabilization in a safe and secure manner.


The group began to move through the deeps of the Springvale University. As they did, they found some surprises waiting for them, some good, some bad and many more neutral.


There had always been a DC Subway Station down inside the university but instead of being partly destroyed and abandoned, as it was supposed to be, it was the base of a thriving settlement. Calling themselves the Real Shaggals, these were survivors and escaped refugees, along with others who had joined with them, who had more than survived. They had been slowly, but steadily, building up resources to invade and destroy what they called the False Shaggals.


They would have failed badly and so it was good that RothuaRetirwa had dealt with the False Shaggals first.


At Springvale University Station, the newcomers were made welcome, especially after they brought the amazingly good news of the destruction of the False Shaggals and proof that it was true. So it was that the Shaggals retook their old name but were soon considering a new one because of the dark stain that now lay on the old term.


There were humans, the ghoulified, 'tame' supermutants and other entities amongst these people including some exotics who had escaped from the False Shaggals. These were voton aliens, zetaman human-alien hybrids, animal-humans also known as anihumans, false vampires also known as biovamps, friendly subhumans such as hooters and combers, peaceful feral ghouls known as rhouls, cyborgs both more robotic and more humanoid, androids including, 'true' androids, friendly Mer Uyloids and a few other kinds.


Most were humans as effected and transformed by Doomsday as all Wastelander humans were excluding those isolated in special circumstances. Even LifeVaultfolk and ShelterVaultfolk had been so transformed, ShelterVaults and LifeVaults being relatively closer to the surface than other kinds of TekVaults as designed and constructed by VaultTek.

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The Republican Guard attacked areas dominated by Anticentralist factions and looser movements. The Subways Unified Republic Security Intelligence Agency, the SURSIA, began rounding up a long list of VIPs who openly opposed the Subways Unified Republic Central Government but also many others who were suspected of secretly doing so. Except that the whole operation began to run into trouble from the first. Even in Amtropolis, the Loyalist stronghold, it was having problems.


A combination of poor planning, of clever sabotage by enemies, of reluctance by many Loyalists to risk their lives, of factional infighting, of unexpected resistance and other factors, meant that the SURRG Soldiers and SURSIA Agents were soon in retreat from many areas.


Jayle traveled to Amtropolis using the (RothuaRetirwa) enhanced abilities of the Brownstone MultiTransCube, that is she teleported there to arrive in one of the experimental public teleport-booths of a network-system that had yet to become fully functional when Doomsday had struck. On Doomsday many folks had gone into the teleport-booths, had used them in desperation, but none had reappeared in any teleport-booths.


Thankfully the isolated teleport-booth was in a big antechamber to a public semi-open mall that was dotted with other teleport-booths, related machines and almost tidy stacks of semi-useful stuff stored in the chamber. Outside was an area where resistance forces to the Central Government crack down, uneasy allies of each other, were attempting to prepare for more trouble.


Jayle wore typical Subwayer gear of fairly decent looking, strong, reliable clothes, boots, a pouchbelt and a cap along with a compact backpack. She

ran along a winding clear area of a path through refugees packing a big hallway tunnel. They were folks who had been helped to escape from the Central Government's highly illegal actions. Central Republican Army deserters in fatigues and body-armour, had removed old unit identification patches and now served the Amtropolis Free Militia. There were even some soldiers in power armour, mostly basic survival power armour, with some more powerful weapons.


The UnityNeo woman politician met her at the back of a big empty parking-charging bay for electric minibuses or delivery vans to use. The woman seemed a little puzzled at her own actions. She frowned softly at Jayle. “I dreamed of you, of talking to you, when I was napping. It was more than a dream. So we really are UnityNeo.”


“Yes and you are in danger. You must organize, grow, be tough, be compassionate, be careful and, if you have to, fight hard.” Jayle came to a halt and slipped off her backpack. From it she took a thick yellow flat-case and handed it to the woman. “Five hundred thousand Emergency Issue Dollars in coins and cards. Excellently forged, computer authenticated ID-smartcards. Lots and lots of thick datafiles, with print-outs of some more vital data, on Central Government secrets and your real enemy. That is humans who are not humans though in many ways they seem very human. Doppelgangers!”


The woman, Glenda Patterson, grimaced. “I have met some of the 'doppelgangers' as you call them. The name fits. What are they?”


Jayle sighed. “My people are not totally sure. Have you heard of manifesticants or kineticants?”


She nodded. “Information came through the whisper-networks about people that both exist but are not really... existent. Other network-whispers spoke of the summoning of kinetic forces. Some speculate they might be some kind of poltergeists.”


Jayle shook her head. “Poltergeists are different. These doppelgangers may be some kind of manifesticant but a special and very deadly kind. I need you to take me to a place and get a two cubic metre cubecanister and fill it with useful items, even if they are damaged or apparently destroyed, such as fused computer processing superchips or burned out hitech pulselaser pistols. The cubecanister needs to be as packed full as possible, even if you place into it smaller items just because you can. Nothing living, though. I will deal with microbiological organisms safely in such a way as they will not be harmed.”

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They came to a big dome shaped chamber where stood the statues of the Thirteen Grand Divines, each statue huge as the chamber was amazingly big with great pillars and flying-buttresses to help support it or at least to look good. The gardens were well tended but a great disk shaped area of flagstones was now a refugee encampment complete with dometents, big cubecanisters turned into shelters, pavilions and screened off topless areas.


Glenda Patterson led Jayle to a side area where a two by two metre cubecanister was already waiting. Jayle touched the side of it as around them stood quietly observing a mixture of workers of different kinds, a police constable, some soldiers and a few others, all being UnityNeofolk. Jayle closed her eyes, focused and then stepped back.


She frowned. “Who put an active bomb in there and why?”


A tall man in a white labcoat stepped forward. “It was a test. I did not believe you would be up to no good. I still do not.”


Jayle frowned and pointed her right hand at the man. A spark of energy shot out of the fingertip of her middle finger and struck the man. He cried out in pain and crumpled to the flagstones. “Not a test but an intended attack!One who tries to deny his or her nature as UnityNeo through conscious treachery, that is what you are. My people are linked to Unity and thus to UnityNeo.”


UnityNeo soldiers took the semiconscious man away. What UnityNeo did to him was their business or so it seemed.


Under Jayle's careful guidance, the bomb was disarmed and removed. The contents of the cubecanister were removed and repacked carefully. Some more items were added into odd spaces otherwise not used such as foodbars, boxes of survival long-matches, a roll of sticky tape and even a packet of bubblegum. Some cockroaches fled under Jayle's influence and she made sure they got safely away into the gardens, they being garden type cockroaches.


Then she touched the great big cubecanister packed full of damaged and good valuable or potentially valuable items. Then there were two cubecanisters, exact duplicates of exact copies of the contents but everything was as new. The microbiological lifeforms in the original container had not gone through the process.


That she had expected but there were eight other two by two metre cubecanisters but these were full of a random mix of basic standard survival food rations, drink rations, canteens of water, blankets, clothing, boots, medikits, supply kits, toolkits, torches, .22LR folding carbines, compasses, hand-computers, flares, coils of rope, tents, sleeping-bags, flexikevlar hazmat suits, small roboremotes and much else. There was no powerful military equipment or industrial grade gear or special computer equipment or anything but items from the survival list of sublists.


Still, nobody was complaining. Jayle left the UnityNeofolk sorting out the contents of the big cubecanisters and knew that the cubecanisters themselves would be very useful to those people. She had more items to deliver and more tricks to do, thanks to the exotic assistance of RothuaRetirwa.

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The follower avatars of Arie, Astie and Azie materialized to join Jayle.


Jayle had given two thick plastic envelopes to two different UnityNeo VIPs, one being a military commander and another an influential investigative reporter. She had done the rejuvenation duplication multiplication trick again; first time she ended up with two large cubecanisters of duplicated items and five extra ones of survival equipment and supplies; second time she ended up with two duplicated cubecanisters of stuff along with nine extra cubecanisters of survival stuff.


Now, though, she was 'sensing increasing danger. This increasing threat was somehow not linked directly with the fighting going on between Centralists and Anticentralists not too far away. Network Government Soldiers had entered that sector of Amtropolis to assist the growing strength of the turning tide against the Central Government. Why the turning tide? Because UnityNeofolk had been spreading the truth of some of the terrible, dark things had been happening with the Central Government.


Doppelgangers had arisen in some sectors, absorbing and replacing human victims. These were at least some of the humans who were not humans, who disturbed so many people who met them, some very deeply such as UnityNeo; was that last fact the reason that the UnityNeo were being attacked by manifesticants and kineticants? Yet they had not been the only ones.


Aggressive manifesticants had been appearing but with mannequin like bodies of animated bioplastic. Were they synthetic manifesticants and linked with the experiment that had failed to take place in LifeVault0087A2? The Zavid Triplets knew of the experiment to some extend but it was time they did some deeper looking into it.


If that was not bad enough, there were stories of raging kineticants of brutal elemental kinetic force smashing and killing.


Then there were reanimants, reanimated corpses controlled by webcaps.


It did not surprise when stories began to appear of controlcap enslaved humans, some aggressive puppet-soldiers but most as passive puppet-workers.


This was linked somehow with what had been happening with the False Shaggallan Survivalists in the ruins of Springvale University. Yet what exactly was that link and what implications did it have for the Subways Unified Republic and its people?

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EyeotiiAlpha observed CrazyManPoe leaping and dancing in front of a large, increasingly impatient crowd of settlers of the settlement of Bethesdatown. There were general citizens, some councilors, some militia soldiers in crazy mixtures of body-armour and a local trader. The Sheriff was busy dealing with troubles at a local gaming girls saloon that belonged to the infamous Moriarty Family that also had gaming girls saloons in Megaton, RivetCity and Sugartown. One of two deputy sheriffs of Bethesdatown was there along with two lower ranked sheriff deputies. Beside and behind the councilor were his beautiful young woman of a mistress to one side and his grim faced bodyguard on the other. The mistress wore a skimpy minidress type outfit while the bodyguard had good body-armour and a powerful 12-gauge pump-shotgun (pump action shotgun).


Councillor Paul Gred, many called him Councillor Greed, scowled and then looked pointedly at his authentic replica fob-watch. “Time is money, time is money, Mr CrazyManPoe.”


CrazyManPoe stopped dancing and leaping with amazing agility and smiled from his thin dusky white angular face beneath his tall, thin black tophat that somehow had not even shifted slightly during all of his activity. He smiled with large, perfect white teeth. “The dance is the dancing dance of focus, my dear wonderful greedy nasty little man. Ooohhh, you are a selfish one! Well, one focuses, one focuses and then one is focused.”


Then he clicked his fingers of both hands. In part of the big walled workyard clearing, made clearer by pushing some machines and big containers to one side, there was a sparkling shimmer. Then three neat, good condition Volkswagen Beetlecars and four very small cars so small they could only take one standard sized human and to get in and out, two Second Great Amtriellan War military truck as built by Imperial Ford with six wheels and a canvas covered framework on a semi-open back. A Deuce and a Half or one and a half tons in one of the old imperial measuring systems. They were all adapted, upgraded replicas with electric motors and rechargeable batteries.


CrazyManPoe bowed gracefully. “Now pay me now the $1,500 in Emergency Issue Dollars, the five kegs of expensive good quality beer and the twenty ghoul slaves. I hear you are giving up slavery here in Bethesdatown since you began the process of joining the New DC Republic.”


Councillor Gred sighed dramatically and swept his arms out. “Oh, did I forget to tell you about the special transactions taxation and extraordinary charges placed on extraordinary productions. I mean to say, can you actually prove you manifested, materialized, created these items. Taxation and special charges. Well, it might just mean you have to produce other items for us. I think you have have to work overtime just to...”


The shot struck him between the shoulder blades at his upper back. Councillor Greed looked mildly surprised and then he disintegrated. The mistress and bodyguard, being other doppelgangers, whirled and darted away with amazing speed. They did not get far. The NDCR Guardsmen snipers shot them down quickly and efficiently.

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CrazyManPoe smiled as all the other false humans there, all being doppelgangers for Bethesdatown was a fake settlement full of fake settlers. A few months ago it had been a smaller but very real settlement full of real people but then the doppelgangers began to appear, to absorb victims, except those immune and others also able to flee.


There were Regulators there also, the special law enforcers of the Wastelands, in dusters and sometimes concealed body-armour. Regulators were well known as surprisingly deadly law enforcers, hunters and survivalists but most people did not know they were of a very special nature. In contrast the Guardsmen looked a good deal like PreDoomsday Imperial General Infantry or GIs.


Two Regulators came, along with a NDCR Guardsman officer, a sergeant and some privates being all horse infantry. Horse infantry rode horses on patrol, to and from battle, but did not fight on them. Instead the horses were carefully tended and protected by soldiers, keepers and even dogs.


Soon CrazyManPoe gained all that he had asked for and he went off with the ghoul former slaves, the coinage and the beer. He and the former slaves had a nice party with the beer plus some snacks materialized by CrazyManPoe before he divided up the coinage between them and sent them to the Free Ghoul Underworld by teleporting them there.


CrazyManPoe never was really sure why he did anything or how he did anything, he just did them. CrazyManPoe sniffed the air as he stood on a great big half collapsed building that had once been some kind of technical school. The voices began in his mind but he largely ignored them and they no longer disturbed him.


Popsi: *Pop goes the squeeze me by the hand of fate. They think we betrayed them, the other Thirteen Thirteens, but we were betrayed. Popsi knows everything except knows nothing. Just ask Popsi; he will back me up in what I say.*


Once upon a time the Fragmentori Thirteen had not had that name, had been quite 'sane and stable' but then had come betrayal, attack and madness. The madness had ebbed but the fear and distrust remained.


Perhaps it was time, at last, to seek truth and justice. CrazyManPoe loved that idea so much he danced a little dance in his purple and pink vertical striped pipe trousers.


Then he vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


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