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They studied the sphere in an isolation cube projected out from the actual MultiTransCubeShip. The data was extensive and while much of it was already known by the triplets, much of it was totally new or enhanced the value of what was already known or both.


The OmniMultiple, and its prime avatar OmniOne, were not happy at being forced to depart from an old war of survival in the Secundan Underworld, that was actually quite huge. They feared and hated the Perfectus Thirteen who had created them but had done so leaving the creations with many distortions to deal with. They did not know for sure if the Perfectus Thirteen were the ones forcing them to invade the DC of Amtriel of Nirn of Divinaedra. The PaleEmpire reflected those feelings as a semiautonomous follower of OmniMultiple. Then there were the still evolving daleks of the Dalek Empire, that was becoming a semiautonomous follower of the OmniMultiple. They also feared and hated the Perfectus Thirteen.


The OmniMultiple, and its followers, had nothing to do with the Enclaven and what had happened to it or to such as the doppelgangers that had invaded the settlement of Bethesdatown.


Then came the strange but welcome news. The war of the Subways Unified Republic had ceased. The enemy had vanished away and had taken people, other lifeforms and many resources with it, but at least it was gone. Had they returned to the Secundan Underworld of Utopiastra, a name that hardly seemed to fit it any more.


Large areas of Amtropolis and Afritropolis were heavily damaged and stripped of resources. An amazing range of items had been taken from water to copper piping, robotics, areas of smart-concrete, vehicles, captive peoples, corpses from mortuaries, artworks, PreDoomsday artifacts, animals, plants and on and on and on.


Left behind was a great big mystery? Why had the invasion begun in the first place? Had the PaleLord been telling the truth about the OmniMultiple and its followers being compelled to invade? If so, were the long ago vanished Perfectus Thirteen involved? Why had the invasion suddenly ended? Had more taken place than was obvious?


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Damada heard about more secrets of Springvale University because it turned out that mirroring the well known university above, was a secret university below. Not only was it a place of research and development projects but also the manufacturing of prototypes, the special teaching and training of elite members, the main site of secret government agencies and where great big armoured archives were situated.


They had already investigated basic projects of cybermen, metahuman super-soldiers and strange robots disguised as vehicles known as tritransformers. Those projects, and others, had seemed to be in early stages and with doubts if they were viable.


Professor Anna Wuling met Damada, and his companions, in a private antechamber of a large restaurant where they sat on the floor. The tables were low, being called knee-tables. She had carefully approached them earlier on and had spoken some names that had gained their interest. Now Davad finished serving himself up a bowl of vegetable stuff. Rice was not available in the Wastelands but noodles were and there were big bowls of noodles with sauces, plates of meat rolls, steamed vegetables and small, steamed spiced mushrooms.


Anna Wuling was yellow brown of skin and with black curly hair. She wore yellow civil fatigues of something called the Scientific Exploration and Charting Office. She spoke as she put some food into her own bowl, starting with noodles as was expected. “I have been sent to speak to you on behalf of the Subways Unified Republican Rethink Tank, the SURRT, who have been researching the real history of this world and its many lands. We have come to the painful conclusion, after many trials and tribulations, that this world of worlds is not 'real' or at least it is both 'real' and yet 'not real'. We have come to believe that we may all be trapped inside capsulechairs and being made to experience some kind of ultimate virtual reality.”


Davad studied Anna fore a moment, quietly, and then responded. “This is a most interesting theory. How have you come to believe that this is the case? What evidence have you gained?”


The woman smiled. “After we have finished our meal and have had some fine tea, then I will take you to a special place.”


So that is what happened. They departed to a secondary subway tunnel where they caught a small electric monorail tram that hummed along a metallic tunnel. It was a tunnel with two such monorail lines and raised walkways along each wall.


The monotram stopped at small stations and people would sometimes get on or off or both. Some times backpack couriers would do so also. There were a fair few uniformed military, paramilitary, police and special civil service people, usually in fatigues or jumpsuits, the latter being much like vault-jumpsuits. The military and paramilitary people often wore body-armour and carried weapons.


They got off at a small secondary stop, a place that did not look much used. Past some storage bins they went and then a big old abandoned robotic unit. The door was partly hidden behind the robotic unit and then they went along a metallic utility tunnel.

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Going through an airlock style chamber, it looked like a typical security safety arrangement, had them all experience an odd moment of dislocation, of slight disorientation. Yet the oriental woman did not seem to be aware of it.


They were then in a large metallic domechamber. It was quite exotic with silvery smooth surfaces and totally unlike the typical underground architecture of the university or any part of the Wastelands or Sublands. This was greatly more advanced, technologically, with a great glowing metallic crystal globe floating at the very centre of the domechamber. It was about half way between the centre of the floor and the apex of dome shaped ceiling.


Anna stopped, stood and stared into the sphere as if mesmerized by it, which she was. Somebody picked her up, gently but firmly, to move her to a safer spot where she could be better taken care of.


Davad walked closer to the sphere as the others moved carefully around part of the great domechamber. He noted now that floating inside its transparency of metallic crystal, inside swirling energies and soft glowing mist, was a figure. She was not fully visible but she looked like a naked woman sitting with legs in full lotus position except that she had six arms and four breasts, two being above the other two. In her forehead was a third, larger eye more rounded than the others.


She spoke except that her mouth did not move and the voice seemed to emerge from the whole sphere. “Professor Anna Wuling is now 'experiencing' showing you a vast chamber full of people in capsules linked to a vast machine. Such places do exist but this is not one of them. One is not too far from here. The SURRT people are brilliant, brave and imaginative in the way they approach finding solutions to very old mysteries, in how they question so much dogma and mythologies disguised as solid fact. I suggest that you of the Devlin Thirteen, take them under your protection and provide them with some more resources. Of course this is not why I had Anna bring you here. I am here to inform you that everything you believe in is what you might call a solid illusion. I once heard it called ultimate virtual reality, a contradiction but one that actually exists here and now. For this realm comes ultimately from an amazingly complicated and sophisticated set of game worlds. Yes, game worlds of very advanced computer software.”


Davad frowned softly. “What game worlds?”


The sphere woman spoke again. “A magical world of Roman Medieval mixture, a world of power armour and mutants, a world of ancient power lords welding super powers and others including of the undead. Somehow these game worlds became involved in an ancient alien device that attempted to make them real. It needed resources to do so and so it began to absorb the world of the people who had created the game worlds and used that whole world as a basis to create the new realm of Divinaedra, the moons, the world itself, the supercontinents, the super-archipelagos, the great underworld, the overworld of the skylands.”


Davad nodded. “This must have been a very long time ago?”


The sphere woman smiled. “In Domain-Internal Terms, centuries have passed but in Domain-External Terms, sixty-eight hours have passed since thirteen young adults got together and decided, as a prank, to feed game programs into the ancient alien artifact that their parents had found deep inside the moon of Luna that orbited their world of Terra, or the Earth. Brilliant young adults but arrogant, rebellious and foolish. They were special sets of triplets given each a name for the three of them and individual names. Yet they meant no real harm and were the first to be drawn into the new reality.”


“The Thirteen became each one of the Thirteen Thirteens. You are but an aspect of one of those children, one of the sets of triples whose general name was-is Damada Devlin, being the name of the mutual mentality of you triplets and your shared name. Your name was Davad Devlin, as it is now. This new reality is 'genuine'. There are no capsules full of people except for those who are inside the general game reality of realities where such exist though they are not always in the main continuum of the game realm of realms..”


Davad frowned. “I would love to reject what you are saying but... deep down I know it is true.”


The sphere woman nodded slowly. “I must break contact and leave. I can not at this time tell you why this is so but we will meet again. You may call me Aeiou of Uoiea.”


There was a sparkling shimmer all around and suddenly they were standing in a big, largely bare metallic domechamber. The professor came out of her trance as if she had never been in one and then started to lead them further.

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The domechamber was huge, metallic, a little shiny and heavily protected by autorobotic network-systems including heavy security roboremotes. Yet they got easily into a viewing chamber built into the sloping dome wall and from there could see through one-way armaglass to the great main chamber. The great cylinder shaped column had 111,111 humans in slanted capsules with the head upwards towards the column. The column ran from the apex down to the centre of the great gentle sloping bowl shaped floor. They were men, women and children. The domechamber was filled with glowing mist that made some places inside the chamber seem, at times, to be translucent. This effect shifted as did the changing internal patterns of the mist.


The professor smiled. “As you can see, this is part of the basis of our hypothesis.”


Davad nodded. “Except that your group has made one fundamental mistake. These captive humans are projected not into their own realm but into this one. That domechamber is not just removed from us by physical barriers but by transdimensional barriers. That chamber is one step removed from the primary realm, in a transdimensional manner. Notice that they are all young or youthful adults and that they all wear odd metallic copperish, golden or silvery jumpsuits. Each has the Dharma Enterprise symbol on chest, shoulders and back. Those are Alpha, Beta and Gamma.”


“There are no special castes of Delta or Epsilon in that chamber. Alpha are in leadership and high administrative tasks. Beta are skilled workers beneath them. Gamma are semiskilled workers. Delta are law enforcement and security. Epsilon are paramilitary and military. There are other castes in the World State and all castes have subcastes. All castes are genetically engineered.”


“Yet there are specials, individuals allowed to develop who have a chance of random genius, creativity and lateral thinking to give to the World State. One such project was carried inside the moon of our home world when it was discovered that a semi-artificial, quasinatural underworld existed there called the Lunar Labyrinth for it was a vast atmosphere filled system of chambers and tunnels. Not just that but ancient alien artifacts, some being more reactive to and interactive with humans than others. They were of different levels of life supporting. There were three great levels with each being of heavier gravity than the one above it. As part of triplets, I was one of those.”


“Memories are vague, spotty and painful but I can put some kind of narrative together. We are also known as the Thirteen of Thirteen or Thirteen Thirteens. We were geniuses, we were angry, were were going to pull a prank to prove that we could act free of the oppressive control of the World State. We messed up.”


He paused before going on. “The World State Taskforce working inside the Lunar Labyrinth had found, or been led to, an artifact that was taking inputs of computerized data and was transforming areas of the Lunar Labyrinth in response to those inputs along with creating amazingly realistic 'ultimate virtual reality' domains. Input had been heavily regulated, being carefully chosen, filtered and then rechecked before being utilized.”


“Then, as a prank, we uploaded into the ancient alien artifact a compact heavy compression data disk, CDCDD, with over a hundred terabytes of data in it. We thought we had made sure none of it was too dangerous but amongst our number, three sets of triplets had added material with out telling other triplets, not even the other triplets who had done the same. I mean games, encyclopedias and... well we never really did find out what else. Yet there may have been another set of triplets who even went further in their actions, who may have been after far more than carrying out a prank.”


“For some reason these memories have been heavily suppressed but now they are coming to the fore once more.”


Anna stared at him in wonder but nobody else there seemed at all surprised by his words.

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The synthetic manifesticator chamber did not prove dangerous when Aaron returned there with the three follower avatars. The great machines were still humming away softly but the odd doorway that the synthetic manifesticants had come through, was no longer active.


Aaron wanted to get back to the vault proper or even to the Zavid MultiTransCube of the MultiTransCubeShip. The Devlin Thirteen had sent through information about the strange sphere entity shaped somewhat like a woman and her message. The Brownstone Thirteen had sent through information about what the PaleLord had told them and also about the abrupt ending of the invasion.


RothuaRetirwa had dealt with the threat inside the Springvale University ruins that had been the False Shaggals.


The strange threats both in the Subways Unified Republic, and around LifeVault0101A2, were gone. UnityNeofolk were no longer being attacked.


Yet there was a strong 'sense' that this was more of a pause, not a stop, to what ever was really threatening the realm of Divinaedra.


On the other side of the chamber was a door that led to a ramp tunnel which in turn led to another door to the control chamber for the manifesticator chamber. A one way armaglass window overlooked the chamber and there were 3Dwallscreens dotting two walls. The control chamber was dimly lit and only semiactive until they pressed some buttons.


Aaron carefully checked out the primary control panel and then activated the 3Dflatscreen so that it slid up out of a slot in the console. He was soon flying through the system and was surprised at the sophistication of it and the ramifications of what it could achieve.


Aaraa: *Question is, how was LifeVault0101A2 to be used as an experiment to do with the ability to create synthetic manifesticants?*


Aaron: *I have a feeling the experiment was not going to be a pleasant on. Aaahhh, yes, there we have at least part of the answer. Yep, not very good! The experiment was to attack vaultfolk in three ways with increasing intensity. The first way would be the use of synthetic manifesticants of radroaches, radspiders, rad-ants (giant ants), radrats and other fake mutated creatures. This would continue until the creatures were such as mirelurks, deathclaws and radbears. The second was to replace people with very sophisticated synthetic manifesticants, infiltrators, for the attack to take place from within the population. The third was to create a series of tiny synthetic manifesticants that would attack the vault itself, sabotaging machinery, making robots go berserk, polluting water, undermining bulkheads and much of the same.*


He paused to go through some more data.


Aaron: *The experiment was not activated. Problem! This synthetic manifesticator is not the primary one but is only a specialized experimentation model. It creates relatively small numbers of highly sophisticated manifesticants so that they can be tested in a chamber next to this one, not being the laboratory workshop still being checked out by UnityNeofolk.*


It was not hard to find the testing chamber mentioned, a holographic projection site with some fancy tricks to test the synthetic manifesticants. There were other chambers in the complex such as more laboratory workshops, laboratories, workshops, storerooms, a dormitory, a research library-study, a computer centre, more storerooms, a small security armoury and a few other facilities.


He found the status-capsules with people, androids and cyborgs inside a concealed secret status-shelter. They wore Springvale University Special Project Department, SUSPD, uniforms of different kinds. There were scientists, science officers, techies, admin workers, security people, mechies, cyberlinkers, family members and others including some 'comfort workers' and entertainers who happened to be in the complex when Doomsday took place.


He began activating them for somehow all of those in the status-capsules, including the androids with their positronic brains, were now UnityNeofolk.


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The triplets got together again in their family apartment. Professor James Zavid was out, as was his girlfriend, and it would probably be a long time before they saw either again. At the time they did not realize just how true this prediction would prove to be.


Aaron spoke as he cleaned a 10mm semiautomatic pistol, illegally owned of course, in the commonroom of the apartment. “DJgirl got rejected yet again in her quest to have her own music program on the LifeVault Telenetwork.”


The Telenetwork was the audio-visual communications and broadcast network-system using fibre-optics through out the LifeVault. Such were common to all TekVaults such as ShelterVaults and LifeVaults.


Aarie frowned. “Damned vaultcrats can't stand to let anybody have any real freedom of expression except the elites. If the UnityNeofolk take over the vault, hopefully they will let DJgirl play some music and give her witty moments of entertainment to the vault citizenry.”


Aarie was using a smart computer terminal, it looked like a legal semismart terminal but it was illegal in what was inside the terminal case. She was again hacking the computer network-systems of the vault with the assistance of Aaraa.


Aarao frowned. “Damned Tunnel Snake idiots have been hassling Amata again just because she is the daughter of the Prime Overseer. I had to force Butch to back down.”


“So I heard.” Aaron grinned even as Aarao kept using a palmtop computer to go through some datafiles on the synthetic manifesticator experimental project of LifeVault0101A2. “UnityNeo tried to find a synthetic manifesticator where we used to assume it was. There they found a large research and development archives full of early experimental devices, blueprints and datafiles that went to dead ends.”


Abruptly she cursed softly. “Well, I will be... Professor Alice Zavid is noted here as being able to create more long term stable and secure forms of synthetic manifesticants by imprinting them onto a form of bioplastic body mass. They become a very very sophisticated form of android or other shapeform. She called them synthecants as based on the mixture of the words synthetic and manifesticant. It states here that the grandson of Alice Zavid was Jake Zavid, a previous Prime Overseer when Professor James Zavid was allowed into the LifeVault along with his three triplet children...”


Then she looked up in shock. “It states here that the children of James were named Eva and Adam. They were twins, being a boy and a girl.”


Aarie and Aaron turned to look at her in shock.


Aaraa: *Yes, now it is explained. You three are cloned children of James and Catherine Zavid, taken from cells and birthed inside another woman. Her name is Cathy Zavid. Until this moment the data I had was not conclusive and so I did not wish to alarm you with out having any good reason to do so.*


The three felt profoundly betrayed and enraged but also sad and disappointed.

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Hacking official datafiles, the triplets discovered that the twins had officially been adopted by Terri Rosewood shortly after James Zavid had arrived to live in the vault. Official datafiles, hacked from security databanks, revealed that the open story that James had come to the vault with just triplets was a falsehood. He had come with three other adults, a set of baby twins and two sets of triplets.


The previous Prime Overseer had been quietly and efficiently removed from the Overseer Government when they learned that he was secretly working for an unknown agency of some kind that was based outside of the vault. Jake Zavid had killed himself before he could be questioned any more, using a tiny poison capsule inserted into a false tooth.


The LifeVault Security Intelligence people began to observe Professor James Zavid most carefully. Three times they questioned him under various excuses, each time when they did a security sweep under some context. Nothing was found to link Professor James Zavid with the unknown agency that the treacherous Prime Overseer had been serving.


The triplets knew the twins, Eva and Adama Rosewood, in a general fashion because a population of about eighty thousand people was actually quite small and people tended to meet each other sooner or later. As it was they had met the twins at school tutorials and lectures, at competitions and other events. They did not think much of the twins, finding them brilliant but arrogant and over self confident. The Zavid Triplets had defeated the Rosewood Twins in a series of school and then collage competitions causing the twins to be angry but the triplets no real reactions.


So their father was not really their father except as a kind of clone father and Catherine was their clone mother while a woman called Cathy Zavid had actually given birth to them. They had always dreamed vivid dreams of being with Catherine Zavid and had always liked Cathy Zavid.


They waited for Professor James Zavid to come home so that they could confront him but he failed to do so. They remembered the fake manifesticant copy of their clone father. Terri Rosewood came to the apartment but was clearly agitated about something. She refused to communicate with the triplets but quickly packed her personal belongings, put them into a small electric hand-cart and was soon gone from living in the apartment.


DJgirl came over and was not happy. She had been questioned by officers of the new Overseers Security Intelligence Office, the OSIO, The security officers had questioned her generally at first but then had focused on what she knew about the Zavid Triplets.


The OSIO had very recently replaced many smaller departments. It now had black jumpsuit wearing officers and guards with fatigues and body-armour. The officers would also wear body-armour at times. There were also more secretive agents.


It soon turned out that the OSIO had questioned others about the triplets.


Then the Zavid Triplets were requested to come to the OSIO Offices.

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