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With 13 days to go how are you feeling?


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The last 16 things on my youtube had to do with Skyrim in one way or another, its safe to say im quite excited still get a shiver down the spine when he dragon shouts the dragon in the trailer lol


I havent ordered it yet either Jim Im at school now and dont really know the game stores yet so Im just gonna go at midnight :)



this is neat

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Until it went Gold recently, I was afraid then were going to pull an Oblivion on us. You know, it was supposed to come out in November, then they went "Psych! Delayed until March!"


Now I won't have enough money for a gaming rig for at least a year, and I don't want to do a 360 or PS3. On the other hand, it's a good thing because this means I'm saving to move from Denver to Phoenix, and Dunmermaiden will be joining me, so that makes it all better :)


Plus, I can nag her for all the detail and get vicarious Skyrim jollies :D

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No difficulties here, no plans to ever get it.


Thanks for stopping by the skyrim forum :D .. cya around.


I don't see the point of such statements. It'd be like walking into McDonalds and having the following exchange:


Counter Person: Hello sir/ma'am, may I take your order?

Chef: No, I simply came in to inform you that I will never partake of your dining establishment.

Counter Person: Um, okay, bye?

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