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Maybe I'm confused, but aren't there several dozen up currently?

yeah but those are just basically npcs. I'm talking about like voiced companions with quest lines and everything else



I'm working on one and I've heard a few other people are planning to release one.

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I don't have a companion with a quest line... but I have a quest line that has two companions you can choose from. Both of them happen to be the opposite of obedient though, and refuse to make you the center of their world.


It is not uncommon for them to have to leave to go take care of more important tasks, a lot of which will have to do with my quest. They also don't like it if you tell them what to wear or try to send them back to your settlement to farm tatos, unless they are specifically invested in that settlement *which can happen through my quest and/or getting the character to trust you*


One is a banjo playing robot I modeled from scratch based on the Fallout Tactics Calculator robots *loosely I might add, as the Fallout Tactics designs strayed from Fallout art style a bit*. I voice him myself, and as a result he thinks he is funnier than he actually is.




I am going to market them as the two worst companions ever. Just whatever you do, don't use one of those other mods that allows you to bring both of them with you, because they will bicker with each other all day long if you do.

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Maybe I'm confused, but aren't there several dozen up currently?

yeah but those are just basically npcs. I'm talking about like voiced companions with quest lines and everything else


care to share anything you're doing with it?



You just quoted yourself and asked a question...

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