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Bug with Stealth/Detection?


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I've recently encountered a bug of some sort when it comes to sneaking.

Basically, every time I enter sneaking mode, everything that I am within the detection radius of instantly detects me. That skeleton two floors and 100 feet away? Instantly aware of exactly where I am, and instantly hostile. The only time I am "hidden" is when I am outside the detection radius of every creature. Otherwise, I'm instantly spotted and cannot sneak, no carry out sneak attacks, regardless of sneak skill level or equipment loadout.

I can't figure out what the issue is. The only mod I have that I believe would affect stealth would be Ordinator, since it changes the perks, but I've had no issues with it for a year. This is a very recent development. I'll try deactivating recently-installed mods to see if one of them is the culprit.


Has anyone else encountered this sort of issue before, or know of a solution?



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Ordinator doesn't only affect perks, it also changes everything in stealth detection, particularly when it comes to light and sound (it's easier for enemies to detect you in light and if you make noise). It's in Ordinator's readme file. But you probably also have some other mod that alters sneak detection and you don't know about it (like you didn't know about Ordinator doing it). Ordinator's sneak difficulty has actually been nerfed in the last editions (like in 6.xx series). Before, it was harder.


With Ordinator it's easier to be detected, also sometimes unrealistically easy, but nowhere as bad as you describe. I can tell you this though. If you are in light, with Ordinator they can see you miles away, especially during the day. And if one sees you, they all get alerted (it's normal). Also, i hope you aren't trying to sneak, by running around in heavy armor, because heavy armor makes noise and in Ordinator, like Dengeir wisely says, "Enemies and ears. Both are everywhere."




Here are the Ordinator changes:



fSneakActionMult: 2 -> 2,5
fSneakAlertMod: 0 -> 0,3
fSneakBaseValue: -15 -> -17.5
fSneakCombatMod: -0,4 -> -0,6
fSneakEquippedWeightBase: 12 -> 13
fSneakEquippedWeightMult: 0,5 -> 0,55
fSneakExteriorDistanceMult: 2,1 -> 1,85
fSneakLightExteriorMult: 0,5 -> 0,6
fSneakLightMoveMult: 0,01 -> 0,03
fSneakLightMult: 0,33 -> 0,4
fSneakLightRunMult: 0,2 -> 0,5
fSneakMaxDistance: 2500 -> 2750
fSneakRunningMult: 2 -> 2,25
fSneakSkillMult: 0,5 -> 0,4
fSneakSleepBonus: 0 -> -0,6
fSneakSoundLosMult: 0,3 -> 0,4
fSneakSoundsMult: 1 -> 0,9



Assuming you don't have some other mod that also messes with these settings and you don't know about it, if you think that Ordinator is too hard with it sneak detection settings, i can suggest to use this and make sure you load if AFTER Ordinator in your load order:




It's still harder than vanilla, but probably more balanced.


Note: With Ordinator, if you intend to play the stealth game, you better invest heavily in stealth and make sure you use a muffle enchantment as early in the game as you can. An easy way to get that, is if you use Hunterborn. In Hunterborn, after you kill a few animals, you can use Scrimshaw to craft a muffle ring. It helps a lot with the noise aspect, when you sneak behind the enemies. But, be aware, that if you try forward lunging power attack with anything other than daggers, while you sneak behind them, they will most likely hear you. My favourite weapon is 1 handed waraxe, but when i sneak behind them and prepare for the sneak kill, i switch to dual daggers and do the lunging power attack, so that they don't hear me. You can usually land a full 3 power stabs with both daggers and sometimes repeat, for a total of 6 power stabs before they detect you. I play with High Level Enemies full scaled version, so often they have tons of health and they don't go down easily, so they need the full 6 stab treatment, plus many perks to get rid of them. Until you can get Emperor's death.

Edited by Legedur
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