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My Character


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My Character


Name: Kieran

Age: 21

Class: Rogue

Race: Khajiit

Hometown: Solitude

Faction: The Dark Brotherhood

Reason for arrest: Killing an Imperial Captain




i wake up, in a caravan towards my execution...


it seems like it was a long time ago since i joined the brotherhood...but to think it had all been planned out from when i was still a kid...


the earliest memory i have is in Solitude... my first victim, an argonian, moderately built and looked old too.

i remember...his corpse lying on the floor drenched in blood, his and of everyone else inside the house. apparently they were my family but i don't remember, all i can recall is myself running from that scene still trembling...but not from fear, it was excitement.

3 years after that i was stealing to survive, after all...how is a child going to buy anything without money or a job? oh i could get a job if i wanted, but the thrill of getting that gold and slitting the unfortunate throat of whoever saw me was too much for me to give it up. one day, i received a letter.

it only said "we know", in a panic thinking it was the guards or mercenaries,i ran from the city i was staying and laid low for a while, that is... until they found me, the dark brotherhood.

they explained that i had killed one of their finest assassins and in return they would kill me or as luck would have it, recruit me into their midst. i accepted of course, my hands were tingling with excitement and ready for killing.

i spent years with them, honing my skills and having my fun with my targets, maybe a little too fun...one of my colleagues resented me for being the star pupil and so he lured me into a mission where he would get rid of me.

maybe it was because i was rash or too overconfident but didn't see through his lies. the mission was at the border of skyrim and my target...an imperial captain, normal work for the brotherhood.

i killed him, had fun too... but then i was ambushed, they were wearing enchanted armor which rendered them invisible.

after the beating i passed out and when i woke up...i was in the caravan.

i'll get free...it's just a matter of time, and when i do, everyone will cower when they hear the name...




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- Name: Athilien


- Race: Wood Elf


- Looks: Golden blonde windswept hair, green eyes, youthful looks, short in stature but lean in structure.


- Style: Dual-wielding daggers to pounce from the shadows. Also dual-wields short swords when caught out in the open and has a keen eye as a marksman.


- Story: Athilien is a direct descendant to the Champion of Cyrodiil, though he does not know this, as his father left his mother for distant land before he was born, and his mother died during child birth. He was born in the Imperial City, and was raised in the building in which he was born - The Merchant's Inn, in the Trade District of the capital. The elderly couple that raised him were the owners of the Inn, and he has fond memories of the place. He spent his childhood roaming the city streets, scaling walls, reading books, sometimes pinching apples and (when he was caught, which wasn't often) being chased by the guards. Athilien developed a good relationship with the beggars of the city, who were a decent source of information. As he grew up, he much became the opportunist, using shadow as a veil to steal items for coin, whilst distributing much of his wealth to the beggars whom he had become friends with. Most within the city walls held Athilien in kind regard (though most did not know of his shadowy antics, for whom they blamed the illusive 'Shadow Hawk'...) and were surprised at his sudden disappearance, just a short time after his last guardian at The Merchant's Inn had passed away.


Athilien had left to travel North, as the last people he considered family had left for another realm, and he no longer felt any connection to the city. With the Empire in constant turmoil, Athilien wanted to get away, so he travelled North to Bruma, hoping to scale the Pale Pass into Skyrim. At Bruma, he stopped for the night, as he was exhausted and the cold was chilling him to the bone. He had left the imperial city with nought more than the clothes that wrapped him and a dagger made of fine steel. His stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten for a long time. Athilien went to the Inn, and attempted to slide some bread from the counter, neath his cloak. However, in his tiredness he had become clumsy and the innkeeper spotted his actions and let out an almighty yell, alerting the guards. Athilien fled from the city, making for Pale Pass with the guards hot in his tracks. After a while he thought he had lost them, so slowed down to eat whatever bread had lasted the sprint. As he sat in the shrubbery by the roadside, he ducked neath a bush as he heard hooves, and thus two guards galloped past towards the border.


He needed to move. The cold was taking him. Athilien raised the strength to stand, and left for the border, no longer trusting the road, but walking closely by its side instead. Further on, when he was sure he had made it into Skyrim and twilight was on the horizon, he stopped to finish the last of his rations.


Before the bread could reach his mouth, a hood veiled his vision. Pain shot through the back of his head, and darkness took him. He had been captured.


I mean, he could have just asked for the bread. Idiot.

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My Character


Name: Jo'Rak

Age: 19

Class: Assassin or something stealthy

Race: Khajiit

Hometown: Cheydinhal

Faction: The Dark Brotherhood

Reason for arrest: Exiled from Cyrodiil for Dealing Skooma




Jo'Rak is a desendent from my character in oblivion. After becoming the listener for the Dark brotherhood my character married and settled down in cheydinhal and started a tradition that would last a lifetime. So Jo'Rak was born and immediately entered in to the brotherhood . but he was rubbish so he was thrown out . he was then living on the street but soon got his hand on a big shipment of skooma. he was caught by some random imperial PIG and exiled so he fled Cyrodiil and entered Skyrim he was captured in skyrim and awaits execution........ 11/11/11

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Name: Amusei

Race: Argonian

Class: Thief / Assassin

Faction: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood

Reason For Arrest: Killing two Argonian soldiers near the border of Skyrim


I wrote his story down somewhere. I'm too lazy to go dig up the link though. It doesn't include him killing the soldiers though. I changed that part. I thought everyone in Skyrim was arrested for crossing the border.

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Name: Amusei

Race: Argonian

Class: Thief / Assassin

Faction: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood

Reason For Arrest: Killing two Argonian soldiers near the border of Skyrim


I wrote his story down somewhere. I'm too lazy to go dig up the link though. It doesn't include him killing the soldiers though. I changed that part. I thought everyone in Skyrim was arrested for crossing the border.


DONT JUDGE ME :unsure:

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Just typed this out :P


Name: Zinn

Race: Nord

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Profession: Battlemage

Hometown: Bruma


Proficiencies: Maces, various types of magic.


Born and raised in Bruma, Zinn lived a fairly normal life, helping his parents run their magic shop. His father, a renowned fighter back in the day, trained Zinn in the peculiar style of dual-wielding maces. It is a fighting style that requires a very offensive mindset, as defensive capabilities are limited and blocking is difficult. One day, Zinn found out that he also possessed magical skills while playing around with some spells in the back of the shop: He accidentally summoned an imp, which wreaked havoc in the storage, and despite his training with maces he was unable to kill it quickly. When hearing the ruckus, his father rushed in and took care of the imp.


Upon hearing that Zinn was able to cast the spell from memory, rather than using a scroll, his parents decided that he must venture to their homeland, Skyrim, and join the College of Winterhold for proper training. Magic can be dangerous when you can't control it and accidents when trying to cast a spell can be very serious in nature, harming innocents along with the caster. The reason why his parents decided to send him to Skyrim is that the Mages Guild was dissolved after the Oblivion Crisis and that joining either Synod or the College of Whispers could be politically charged and force their child to make choices he shouldn't have to. Besides, Zinn possessed some of his father's fighting skills and could certainly take care of a few stray wolves on his journey to Winterhold.


On his way to Skyrim, in a village near the border, Zinn ran into a girl named Sif: She was actually an old friend of his who used to live in Bruma but chose to move close to the Skyrim border, so she'd be able to visit her family in a small village a few miles into the neighbouring country. It turned out that she was heading into Skyrim and asked if Zinn would provide an escort, so they could catch up on what has happened in the last few years. Zinn accepted and they set out for Skyrim.


Short before the actual border, the two of them were attacked by 5 bandits who had crossed into Cyrrodil. Zinn and Sif did a good job of fighting them off, Zinn using his maces and summoning, while Sif used her bow. Suddenly, an arrow zipped past Zinn and struck Sif in the head, killing her instantly. Enraged by the death of his friend, Zinn finished off the second-to-last bandit and chased after the archer, crossing into Skyrim. Unfortunately, the archer had reached the border patrol and told the harrowing tale of how Zinn had slaughtered his friends and Sif, the girl they were escorting to Cyrrodil. In a turn of events no one could have expected, the remaining bandit was from a neighbouring village to Sif's and knew her name and routines. Thus the guards took his words over Zinn's and brought him in, scheduled to be executed for multiple murders.


Zinn now needs a way to escape, find the bandit behind his execution and to get into the College of Winterhold to control his magical talents. He knows the latter is possible, since no one in Skyrim knows who is, but the first two will be tricky. However, an opportunity to escape might just present itself on the day of his execution...

Edited by Zinro
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Ooh, can I post mine as well? That is what this thread is for, right? :3


I actually have two characters planned, depending on how character customization works, but I'll go with the most likely one:


Name: Adalgar d'Lerian

Gender: Male

Age: Approximately 320 years old

Race: Altmer (?)

Appearance: Tall and muscular, weathered tan skin with a grayish tinge. White, shoulder-length hair and sharp silver-colored eyes, an old scar running across the left one.

Occupation: Warlock

Origin: "Where I come from is not important. As for my destination... well, we will all kiss the earth at some point."

Faction: "My only true allegiance is to myself."

Reason for arrest: Murdering the father of his childhood friend. The latter accused him in front of the City Guard, and he admitted, though the actual crime was committed over 200 years ago.


Background Story:

Adalgar was born with a natural talent for magic in a land where magic was outlawed for all but a select few. His childhood was spent in the slums and sewers of a great city, hiding among thieves, beggars and others like him, every day a struggle for survival with prosperity and fortune always within sight, forever out of reach. His two closest friends were Timothy, the son of the local thieves' guild's head, and Aikha, an elven beggar's daughter who was later adopted by a jewelry merchant and given the name Elena.


Timothy was killed during a heist along with two other guild members, and Adalgar, mad with grief and fury, unintentionally unleashed his powers upon the contingent of city guards responsible. He would have been caught and executed if it was not for Marthein Lerian, a Magician who had escaped notice and bore witness to the event. He took Adalgar far away from the city, to his home in the mountains, and taught him how to control the flow of magic energy. Out of gratitude and respect for his master, Adalgar took the name d'Lerian ("of Lerian").


Marthein was betrayed, however, by one of his contacts in the city - a jewelry merchant named Theron Ferrelin. Soldiers and inquisitors found his hidden refuge and executed him on the spot, but Adalgar somehow managed to get away and immediately started planning his revenge. In the process he delved deep into the dark secrets of Black Magic, and nearly lost his life when contracting with a demon - he avoided being possessed and gained exceptional understanding of destructive fire magic, but was cursed instead with a body that did not age or heal. When Ferrelin learned that Adalgar had escaped he sold his home and business and fled overseas. Adalgar hunted him for nigh on a century before finally managing to track him down in Tamriel, in the province of Cyrodiil. Just as he had exacted his revenge, Ferrelin's adoptive daughter Elena (ooh... the plot thickens) arrived at the scene. At first she was overjoyed to reunite with Adalgar, whom she had not seen for several decades, but as soon as she realized what he had done she was heartbroken and told him she never wanted to see him again.


After this he traveled across Cyrodiil, seeking the powerful, secret magic and and ancient relics hidden away in the many old ruins in the region, until he met a girl who was trying to enter the Arcane University in the Imperial City. Her name was Aikha Millicent, and while her having the same name as Elena before she got adopted made Adalgar pause, what really interested him about her was the fact that she, too, had been cursed by a demon. She looked like a child, but was actually several hundred years older than he himself was. He convinced her to let him join her in the quest to obtain recommendations from all the Mages Guild Halls in the province, and eventually they fought together against a Maleficus Animus that had arisen in the wake of the Oblivion Crisis (however, this is another story that would fill hundreds of pages, and so I will not elaborate further).


They walked separate ways afterwards - Aikha went south, seeking her past, while Adalgar turned north towards the province of Skyrim, having heard tales of ancient magics of great power yet to be uncovered in the mountainous home of the Nords. He spent two centuries researching old civilizations, as well as local custom and culture, to gain clues on where to look, but just as he thought he had found a solid lead he met Elena again. She claimed to have been looking for him ever since he'd murdered her father, wanting to know why, but when he did not defend himself or make excuses she reported him to the guards. When he was sentenced to death he accepted it as his fate... but it appears fate would not accept his death.


I shortened the story down a lot, so I apologize if there are inconsistencies in the progression. I could, quite literally, write a book about this guy. :whistling:

Edited by Zeus_II
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