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Trying to sort down games


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Right now I'm trying to sort down how many games I'm Playing for more useful projects (basically stuff to improve myself) I've already sorted down to 7 games. I'm trying to get it down to 3 or 4, Starcraft is permanant on the list since I play with friends on it. Also borderlands is on the list. Trying to decide between Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Also between Oblivion and Dragon Age. And finally deciding if I should go back into world of warcraft with more of an open mind (Did it for revenge reconnasience reasons).


Anyways let me know your thoughts and thanks.

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As for WoW, I wouldn't bother. Most of the recent changes to WoW have been to make the game appeal to a younger audience, and their current promotion of giving away D3 for an annual subscription can tell you clearly that they're no longer on top and are grasping for anything to keep from toppling. Expect tie in's with Pokemon coming soon.


Skyrim should distract you from Oblivion/DA/Fallout 3, so should make things easier.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Actually Vagrant they have a pokemon tie in already planned out in "Mist of Pandara" expansion pack where you take the non combat pets you had form vinilla to now and use them in a special battle arena. I headed this from a couple of people who went to blizzcon. Jessie of OMFGcata, and Pride of Smoking Gamer/Nordarssil Radio.
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yea WoW pokemon is gunna happen. heard it on G4s MMO Report.


i prefer FO3 over NV.



and if you want an MMO, wait for SWTOR. i just had a beta weekend and i was lovin it. only a couple more weeks. im pumped.

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Gee, you've just selected like 5 of the LONGEST games in history. Good luck getting anything else done. :P


Ok, here are my suggestions


---Fallout 3 vs FNV---

Many people will either tell you that FO3 is massively superior to FNV, or vice versa. But the truth is that they are very similar games, and you can't really go wrong with either of them. FNV has slightly more interesting writing and a few improved mechanics, but more bugs and somewhat less interesting locales. They both have great DLC, but overall FNV's are better. On paper, FNV seems slightly better, but FO3 has had more memorable moments for me, on account of it having a more varied and quirky world.


---Oblivion vs Dragon Age (Origins)---

The real answer to this question is "Skyrim". It's better (slightly, but noticeably) than Oblivion in just about every way. Oblivion at this stage is kind of like a 2nd-rate Skyrim - the same continent of Tamriel, but worse graphics, worse combat, worse levelling, worse dungeon design, no wooly mammoths, no dragons. whereas Dragon Age:Origins is still a 1st-rate game in its own right, with its own deep, interesting world and well written characters. You should also consider The Witcher 2.

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