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Are you and your character similar?


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My characters usually have much of me in them (that means I don't play as female and never will), they're about my age and act as I would. But for Skyrim I plan on making my character a huge Nord warrior, so... :P
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As much as the constraints of computer technology allow I develop my characters to have as many of my own physical traits as possible. I behave and mis-behave in very similar patterns to what I do in the real world as well.


though unrelated to skyrim, I finished playing through KOTOR 2 with a dark-side character and I have reached the conclusion it really isn't in my nature to be a cruel spiteful jerk that poisons all he touches, but I also find it difficult to play as a pure lightside character as well because that is bending to the other extreme, being a goody-goody pacifistic wuss isn't my cup of Nirnroot either.

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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I have attempted to base a character off of myself, I practice kenjutsu, so someone with a blade skill is a must, but im also somewhat of a stealthy type. However the basic back and forth motion of a weapon in oblivion, while wielding a katana was quite unrealistic, maybe it will be better in skyrim. As for looks, I like to explore each races unique abilities, backstories, and physical looks, so who knows o.o
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Yeah, I have a raspy voice, gray skin and red, glowing eyes.


No. I just make a character I might feel connected to. I make them out of my imagination, and it's not like I'm sitting there thinking "If I could just make the nose a bit different, and ad my hairstyle in a mod later on... Yeah, that'll do." I just make someone I think will fit the way I'll play the game.

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I always make stealthy ones... since I'd be hopeless in a fair fight...

I struggle making them look like me though- with a high elf, if I take the age right back I can get a similar face, but the rest of the body is impossible, in oblivion at least, as I'm no where near that buff!

I'm hoping there will be sliders in skyrim for this, so I can change shoulder width muscle size and muscle defention etc, I dont like being a thief with a 65" chest...

In real life I probably wouldn't rob everything in sight... but that's what games are for!

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I typically build several characters. For Oblivion I had a Nord female warrior who I envisioned to be like a Paladan; a psychotic, female, wood elf Assassin; a Dunedain (used the Imperial race) type ranger; and a Nord, male, barbarian that I somehow managed to get to look a lot like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Those were the memorable characters that I built up to high level, finished the main quest with, and did just about everything else with. I also had roughly two dozen "faceless" characters (faceless in that I don't really remember them). Every single character has one or more aspects of my personality, but none of them look like me.


For Skyrim, I am planning on running at least one character of each race. The Argonians and Khajiit now look like something I can play. My first character concept that I have rolling around is another Nord female. A descendant of the one from Oblivion, but probably not so honorable as her ancestor. From there, we will see.

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