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Feelings of Disappointment


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I see so many people who don't understand a single thing about game design and how a game of this scale needs to be built .. The massive team and the three years were not just them twiddling their thumbs .. This is a massive undertaking and they managed to make many improvements in animation and rendering .. as well as voice acting (yes I watched the leaked intro and I'm ashamed of myself) .. but you absolutely can NOT compare a game of this scale to a linear action game .. the development process is something entirely different .. Its like those people complaining about it being 6gigs and not understand just how bethesda uses its art assets and how every level relays on realtime rendering and not prebaked shadows and highlights like a more linear game can get away with.


I can go into intense detail on why this game is in its own league but I know at the end of the day there will always be one more person who thinks it looks ugly and doesn't seemed polished and there is nothing I can say (outside of taking them into a crash course in game design) to make them understand what is really impressive about this game and why it took so much time to develop compared to most linear AAA titles.

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If you're disappointed that the polish isn't what it could be on Skyrim, I'm disappointed that Uncharted and The Witcher aren't open world. Really, in this day and age, we should be able to hold games to a higher quality, and if Uncharted doesn't offer open-ended, open-world adventuring then I'm very disappointed. *rolls eyes*
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Why do you people care so much about damn combat? it's fine as it is! what do you expect ninja gaiden tricks and moves? The game is a damn godly for godsake,appreciate what you are getting.
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I know, they don't get it. In Solitude in Skyrim, a guy is going to be executed. I'm assuming at some point in an Uncharted game, somebody dies as well, yes?


Well in that town in Skyrim, I fully plan on bow-sniping the executioner before he kills the guy. Then I'll run up, recruit the dude, and escape. This escape will work because the night before, I will have poisoned all the guards' food. We will then travel to a town that hates the first town, and the guy will live! And that will all be non-scripted.


And Skyrim will be loaded with moments like this, where you can literally pick any side you want and make it as complex and awesome as you want.


Can you do that in Uncharted? No? Well, we should be able to expect more from modern AAA games, shouldn't we? *rolls eyes again*

I want to create an open-ended siege in the Witcher 2 when I annoy all the guards and flee to a hostile town. What? I can't do that in the Witcher? That kind of depth is only in Skyrim? How disappointing.

Edited by Rennn
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Why do you people care so much about damn combat? it's fine as it is! what do you expect ninja gaiden tricks and moves? The game is a damn godly for godsake,appreciate what you are getting.

Exactly what I've been thinking.

While combat is a vital part of the game, we should be more excited about the gigantic amount of detail Bethesda has put in the environments, quests and other non combat related stuff.

Take Morrowind as an example, the combat was boring, but the detail in the environment, the quests, the whole world was just amazing.


Here, we are getting much improved animations, and yet still people can't have enough.

I don't care if Uncharted has the best animations ever, it doesn't have the beautiful open world of the Elder Scrolls . And really now, we aren't buying the game because of the animations and combat are we? :rolleyes:

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I see so many people who don't understand a single thing about game design and how a game of this scale needs to be built .. The massive team and the three years were not just them twiddling their thumbs .. This is a massive undertaking and they managed to make many improvements in animation and rendering .. as well as voice acting (yes I watched the leaked intro and I'm ashamed of myself) .. but you absolutely can NOT compare a game of this scale to a linear action game .. the development process is something entirely different .. Its like those people complaining about it being 6gigs and not understand just how bethesda uses its art assets and how every level relays on realtime rendering and not prebaked shadows and highlights like a more linear game can get away with.


I can go into intense detail on why this game is in its own league but I know at the end of the day there will always be one more person who thinks it looks ugly and doesn't seemed polished and there is nothing I can say (outside of taking them into a crash course in game design) to make them understand what is really impressive about this game and why it took so much time to develop compared to most linear AAA titles.



Ive worked at two studios doing freelance projects and spent four years at school studying game design. I have many close friends who work in the industry. No need to 'school' me in its intricacies. I think that because I have this knowledge, I hold Bethesda to a higher standards than I may otherwise. I know they can do better in some aspects of Skyrim.



There are too many responses to reply individually since my last post, so here are a few bullet points;


-I know I cannot compare games like Uncharted to Skyrim, Ive already said that in previous posts (though I dont think we should expect less of the voice acting, in any game for that matter, Uncharted is the gold standard)


-To the people who told me to 'not buy it, stop whining, etc', clearly you havent read through the entire thread, or the first post for that matter.


-I agree that people should stop relying on mods. We shouldnt have to look to mods for anything other than fun, additional content. Not major bug fixes or animation patches.



Let me repeat that I AM excited for this game, and I will certainly be awaiting its arrival eagerly. These are just honest critiques based on what I have seen of the game thus far, and I feel as though they should be discussed. Im not trying to ruin the game for anyone or bring down anyone's excitement.

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Look at the animation quality of Uncharted 3 for example:


It really natural and realistic. Characters moves like human. (Both in gameplay and cutscenes)... Great job.

Erm, are you blind?


Watched the second one... The waving around animations were kinda jerky looking and out of place for them to just suddenly start flailing around. The walking animations look stiff at best, especially the part where they enter that side street and the player is actually controlling something. The voice acting outside the cutscenes is off, especially at the times when the player is calling out to the others. For someone able to bounce off small ledges and dart around, he sure does look like he has lead in his feet. About the only thing that looked even remotely natural was the player extending a hand to touch nearby geometry, and that was mostly because of a collision surface to tell it to do so. Even the combat parts looked bad, poor sync between the mocap animations, clipping... Far from something perfect or even ideal from a AAA PC exclusive title.

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FYI: It's possible to be be a huge, Master Dork Lord fan of a game series and still have criticisms of it.


No one is claiming that Skyrim is bad or isn't going to be awesome. I remember in an interview with Todd Howard for F3 he made a comment about actions that players will be doing over and over again in the game and that his approach was to try to make those repetitive actions as interesting as possible. I think that was a very astute observation for a dev to have. That being said, in a game like Skyrim where characters are going to be running, climbing, jumping and swinging melee weapons thousands of times, it would have been really cool if the animations for those things had some more variety. Of course, I haven't played the game yet, and perhaps our concerns about it will prove to be no big deal overall, but from the footage we've seen, it looks like they could have done more with some of the animations than what we're seeing.

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