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Materials in the UE - Particles


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Hello everyone!


Quick question. How do I go about changing the color of the fire that comes out of the Archon's thrusters and mortars and the pinion landing indicators? Is there a simple way to simply switch the yellow/red color to something else with a few clicks?


If not, what would the long, complicated way look like?

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Hello everyone!


Quick question. How do I go about changing the color of the fire that comes out of the Archon's thrusters and mortars and the pinion landing indicators? Is there a simple way to simply switch the yellow/red color to something else with a few clicks?


If not, what would the long, complicated way look like?


You've gotta find and copy the Archon's thruster Particle System to your package first (There's 8 of them, btw), then edit the Particle System in UnrealCascade. If it is a texture that you have to change with Photoshop or something, not sure. If it isn't, then you must add Initial Color if it isn't there already and change the parameters within. If you do not know how to use Unreal Cascade, then I suggest taking a look at these resources:



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