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Mods you want to see or create


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I would like to see a really huge dungeon filled with traps and puzzles. A thieves dungeon. It's own little mini-game. Each level is a new level of the game, the puzzles get harder, the traps deadlier. Just a downright devious dungeon. All the stuff many people hate and thus has been removed from games. If you want mindless hack-n-slash then you have the wrong mod. You might have to think on it for a day or two before you figure out how to get through that door.
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There are different Mods I want:



I don't like the interface right now it feels too much like it belongs to a console and not on a PC. Also, I miss the possibility to sort by weight, worth etc ... or I have simply not found it.


Dungeon Respawn:

Was already said but ... I want it.


Planes(Shivering Isles, Oblivion):

Well or just about any way to bring some more variety and I am a sucker for the Daedra, so I would love to have some Oblivion-like dungeons.


Midas Magic:

One of the best mods and I loved the collecting aspect of it.


Disable Leveling Mobs:

Just about anything that makes me feel like I am a weakling at start till I get higher and higher and can kick ass. I just prefere a much more static environment where there are places where I can't go to at start.


Disable Fast Travel:

Well just that and enhancing the travel system so you don't have so much problems to get to smaller villages.


Different Start:

Not an issue right now but the starting squenze is really long ... it would be good to have a faster alternative. I had one that lets you start in a dozen different places, with or without house, equipment etc. that was great.


That was about it ... naturally I will download far more mods but those are the ones I will look out for.

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Probably THE most atmospheric mod for Oblivion is the 'Dark nights' mod, which makes nights properly dark and realistic.

I remember walking through forests in almost pitch black during a stormy rainy night. Now THAT'S immersion....


As it stands in Skyrim, I can see for around 5 miles in the middle of the night. That just isn't very cool.

I hope someone will work out a way to do this.

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There is a very important UI mod that I simply cant believe got by the devs... The magic and items in the main menu should be reversed.. Seriously.. why the heck is the magic on the left and the items on the right, but when you select them, they appear on the opposite side of the screen!?! The skills are up toward the sky as they should be.. come on Bethesda.. this is a real oversight that just makes things feel unpolished..
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more health, mana, stam per level or rather just lvl the values per each level.


A level cap on many mobs such as bandits, wolves, and mudcrabs.


Better magic without nerfs. Bigger mana/stam pool plz.


Buff Potions, nerf infinate use in combat.


New more interesting enchants hate hate hate having to get enchants that just makes my toon better at what they already should be able to do w/o enchants...ie boots of swiftness/jumping more interesting than plus health, cape of displacement better than plus damage, sheild of brilliant flash more entertaining than plus armor value.

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