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Animation Fixer Problem


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Well, I knew I would have to use it soon, as my game time was approching 278 hours. The doors started slowing down but everything else was ok. Since I had used it before in a different game 2 years ago I didn't expect any problems. Sure enough, the doors started working again. HOWEVER, now my TAB function locks up the entire game and I must restart a pre "FIXER" game to have it work again. The only mod(?) which may have a influance is the key extender OBSE extender. Any of you experts have an idea of how to fix my fixer?
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Yes, I did apply the fix to the correct file. I think the problem may be something else as I applied the fixer to an earlier game where there was no problem. Everything continued to work fine, I think the system has a different problem.

When I exit the game I get a message "Oblivion has stopped working" and everything locks up. I need to go to (cont-alt-del ) to get control back. This problem has been getting worse over the past few weeks till now it is everytime I exit the game. I did a defrag but no help.

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I'm not sure what unpleasantness might result from running the fixer on a corrupt save (the readme does mention that it doesn't do anything to prevent or repair corruption). I mentioned the wrong file thing because I've done that myself.
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I think I'm on the correct path now. I removed all my mods (15 ) from my mod manager and restarted the game. NO Problems! I then continued to add a couple of mods at a time. So far I've got 10 mods back and all is well. It may be a problem in the "Knights of the nine" or the OBSE , which I removed. I'm closing in on it! :dance:
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I think I'm on the correct path now. I removed all my mods (15 ) from my mod manager and restarted the game. NO Problems! I then continued to add a couple of mods at a time. So far I've got 10 mods back and all is well. It may be a problem in the "Knights of the nine" or the OBSE , which I removed. I'm closing in on it! :dance:



It's definit;y the OBSE and the fixer together. I'm going to make a new post related to the OBSE application once I get more information, Thanks for the tips.

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What fixer are you using? I always thought they were just little external programs that altered the save, and that was it.



Yes, I'm using that one. Never use to have any problens but that was 2 years ago when I was using windows XP. Now it's Windows 7. Ya :verymad:

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