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anime styled mods in skyrim?



23 members have voted

  1. 1. emo/furry/anime

    • This stuff has no place in the world of Skyrim
    • Skyrim is the perfect setting for this stuff

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I would rather not see these categories myself, but I have no issue with people creating them...


They have a lore-friendly tag for a reason, and I personally only use mods that are lore-friendly, or lore-friendly to me.


Having a third-party tag (Basically saying a mod is inspired from another game) would be nice as well.


Edit: How exactly can a mod be emo? Furry-related mods are quite scarce. The only thing I really agree with are the anime mods. The only situation that would annoy me is if I go searching for cool weapons, 7/10 results are bleach and naruto weapons. But that's not the case, most of the anime content you have to specifically search for, as its not vastly popular enough to show up.

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I don't think those are genres, they are more likely derogatory and/or disparaging terms.




well not when the terms are created by the people themselves and openly refer to themselves by said title.

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But the point is, why would they? I agree with Stormcrown.


If you don't know what trolling is, let me assure you, your topic is a troll of itself, which pretty much makes you a troll, but thus far I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because this is not allowed to be debated on a release thread so I'm willing to give you a little bit of forum time. I guarantee that most of the Staff would have shut this thread down long ago, and I have no problem if any of them come along and decide they can't stomach it. It always leads to the same flamefest.

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Heres a way to maybe cut back on the trolls and flamers. Add a seperate category for the Anime themed mods.


I don't think we should have to budge an inch for the intolerant CC. The system works fine as is, and if you dislike a particular piece of content you can simply avoid it. I don't think modders should have to hide their mods away because a vocal minority dislikes them, it suggests they're doing something wrong, and they aren't. Who is more in the wrong-an artist who creates something provocative, and causes offense, or the puritan who has them burned for it and upholds the law?


If you give in to these people sooner or later what you're going to end up with is no mods at all. Everything offends someone and if we start allow such vocal minorities to punish mod authors for their creations they'll start packing up and going home, which would kill off the site.


Learn to accept others is my opinion on this.


Speaking personaly though the whole idea of being persecuted or allowed to be persecuted for mods which would fall well within game rules, simply because they do not fall within a tiny but abusive minority's personal and aesthetic prefferences goes against virtualy all my values. If something like what Nebrule is suggesting goes through, then I'm simply going to leave the site. Live and let live, we've already seen what happens when you let a group punish people for their beliefs and or creations, two famous examples being the spanish inquisition and the germna nazis. Dont let that happen here.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I don't understand whats wrong with having anime, emo, furry, whatever mods. It's the diversity of mods that made games like Oblivion vastly popular to almost every genre even after it's expiry date.


It's just like asking an english teacher that she is able to teach any subject but english just because you dislike it. (If you get what I mean.)

Edited by N3C14R
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Heres a way to maybe cut back on the trolls and flamers. Add a seperate category for the Anime themed mods.


Or do as we do now which is to kick the flamers and trolls out, do we really want people like that here anyway?

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