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Saints Row: The Third


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Well this turned out to be a little disappointing, it looks lovely but there's only a fraction of the content there was in SR2. It's still fun but I can't help but think they've removed stuff to sell later as DLC.

That's THQ for you... Milking its consumers with endless crappy DLCs.



So how's the PC port this time around?


It runs and looks a lot better than SR2 did, they've made use of DX11. The characters are a little cartoony but that's more an art style than it is a reflection of quality. The character generation is staggering, there are sliders for just about everything, it puts Skyrim to shame.


Thanks for the info, is it worth the 30GBP that Amazon are selling it for? I am strongly considering getting it.

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Well this turned out to be a little disappointing, it looks lovely but there's only a fraction of the content there was in SR2. It's still fun but I can't help but think they've removed stuff to sell later as DLC.

That's THQ for you... Milking its consumers with endless crappy DLCs.



So how's the PC port this time around?


It runs and looks a lot better than SR2 did, they've made use of DX11. The characters are a little cartoony but that's more an art style than it is a reflection of quality. The character generation is staggering, there are sliders for just about everything, it puts Skyrim to shame.


Thanks for the info, is it worth the 30GBP that Amazon are selling it for? I am strongly considering getting it.


I would wait, I don't think the game is worth 30 quid. I'm sure it won't take long to come down in price, the game is still fun but it's nowhere near as good as SR2, the reception it got on the official forums is far from positive.

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About half-way through, feeling a little disappointed by the lack of content in some areas. The weapon shops never have any new weapons to buy other than what I can just pick up from gang members... Save the penetrator. The clothing and tattoo shops also don't seem to change their stock, which is disappointing since the preview video showed quite a large selection. I'm hoping things unlock as I do missions eventually... But I get the feeling like most of it is being held back for paid DLC.


Humor is good, destructive chaos is good, but lacking some key content. Atleast the driving and stuff on the keyboard works fairly well, if a little rigid. But I havn't played games with a thumbstick in ages, so would probably be worse.

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I'm getting the PS3 version, I enjoy games like these more on a console.

Well, the main thing I think which makes PC better for me is the aiming. I'm far more practiced at getting precise headshots from a few blocks away using a mouse than I am with a control stick. So switching would probably result in me relying more heavily on NPC teammates to do most of the killing.

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I'm getting the PS3 version, I enjoy games like these more on a console.

Well, the main thing I think which makes PC better for me is the aiming. I'm far more practiced at getting precise headshots from a few blocks away using a mouse than I am with a control stick. So switching would probably result in me relying more heavily on NPC teammates to do most of the killing.

I thought that pad was going to be better but Mouse and KB is actually the best.



This game was worth every pounds I paid for it!

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I'm getting the PS3 version, I enjoy games like these more on a console.

Well, the main thing I think which makes PC better for me is the aiming. I'm far more practiced at getting precise headshots from a few blocks away using a mouse than I am with a control stick. So switching would probably result in me relying more heavily on NPC teammates to do most of the killing.


I've always traditionally played GTA style games on a console, no real reasoning behind it other than that. But yeah, I would rather aim with a mouse than with a pad. Most of these kinda games don't require that kind of precision.

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Played through, 99% completion, but can't get 100% because some mission or location isn't ever showing downtown. Shop inventory doesn't ever really change except for some melee weapons toward the end unfortunately. I'm a little disappointed on that end since it looks like they're holding stuff back for DLC. Hopefully some mods will be made to make things more interesting.
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Over on their forums someone posted a press release intended for investors, it pushes the DLC thing very hard, it's obvious they intend to nickel and dime players to death which is a shame because the game is very good. The game is so lacking in content that they've included activities as missions just to pad it out. On the plus side it's playable this time with a keyboard and mouse, SR2 was terrible without a 360 pad.



I'm getting the PS3 version, I enjoy games like these more on a console.


Don't you get SR2 free with that via PSN?

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