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Well crossfire/sli is something I may or may not do in the future. So I see what you guys are saying, better to invest a in a nicer GPU and save money where I may buy something I may never truly utilize. however the use of overclocking is important to me, so a mobo that supports that to the fullest would be nice.


Would a sound a card bog down the GPU? Might skip on on one of those all together to be honest.

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Would a sound a card bog down the GPU?

because most sound cards process sound in the CPU - putting extra load on the cores

(and this usually robs FPS from the video as the CPU does other things - to hold it up)


but most onboard sound chips do exactly the same thing


so spending cash on one often simply deflates your wallet

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you can overclock with any mobo (well any mobo youd be considering


and unless you plan on pushing a CPU to its absolute limits (something greater then 5.0Ghz) then its doesnt really matter. dumping an extra $200 into your mobo just isnt worth it in my opinion.




what r u trying to show me?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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you can overclock with any mobo (well any mobo youd be considering


and unless you plan on pushing a CPU to its absolute limits (something greater then 5.0Ghz) then its doesnt really matter. dumping an extra $200 into your mobo just isnt worth it in my opinion.




what r u trying to show me?


I thin that fonger was trying to show that the mobo you had selected was not true 16x16 even though it operates in crossfirex and sli

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Right on. Alright so I think this is what my setup is going to look like...


This mobo mentioned in the second post has a nice array of features, seems like it would be great for ocing, might go a little cheaper




Simple and cheap and should get the job done



I wonder if its ocable too


CPU Im going with the Core i5 2500K I suppose




The case




The PSU hoofhearted mentioned (or something similar)



and since i will be ocing the Corsair H60 Cooler


So thats around 850$ give or take. Wouldn't mind shaving some money off the Case but if its all for the sake efficiency 150$ isnt a big deal.


So now all thats left to consider is the GPU (unless im missing something)

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that wasnt the mobo i had selected (though im sure the point was the same)


i just assumed that all PCI slots worked at x16 (PCI-e being a different story) but honestly all that stuff has always confused me.


personally, i dont plan on going SLI so it wouldnt matter to me. by the time i would NEED to go SLI to keep up with games, i would just buy a new card....besides, going SLI in the future is risky cause they need to be the exact same card, and there is no guarantee that your card will be available.

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that wasnt the mobo i had selected (though im sure the point was the same)


i just assumed that all PCI slots worked at x16 (PCI-e being a different story) but honestly all that stuff has always confused me.


personally, i dont plan on going SLI so it wouldnt matter to me. by the time i would NEED to go SLI to keep up with games, i would just buy a new card....besides, going SLI in the future is risky cause they need to be the exact same card, and there is no guarantee that your card will be available.




Yea i assumed incorrectly on the link.





But gravtrax, that corsair vengeance will hit an aftermarket psu cooler with its giant vents. Corsair makes a version of it without the fancy tentacles designed for large coolers. Just fyi.


Here: http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-Profile-1600mhz-PC3-12800/dp/B0058J1QYC/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1320282117&sr=1-1



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Speaking of keyboard problems...a small water spill somehow just caused my space bar to stop working. :(


My bad, that was the mobo Powdered ToasterMan Recommended, thanks for the heads up I suppose for another 40$ I could deal with having 16gb

The H60 Would interfere with the Corsair? Interesting, I havent looked into the installation process so I haven't gave it much thought


This is an alternative mobo



I sorta like the Asus name, I don't know we've had various products by them and they've never given us any problems


What are your recommendations on a GPU? I guess Id be willing to spend up to 500$ maybe a little more

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no i know pcie comes in difference speeds, i just thought regular pci slots were all x16. but like i said im still confused when it comes to the difference between a pci slot and a pcie slot. or are they the same thing?





again, buying a mobo because "its better at OCing" is kind of moot because you prolly wont be OCing enough for it to make a difference. im talking high levels of OC.


as for your RAM, you dont have to worry about clearance because your using the H60. RAM has nothing to hit with those. so the RAM you picked out will work fine.

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