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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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Whilst neither side is 'Good' I don't like Ulfric, he reminds me too much of fascist types, such as the BNP's Nick Griffen (though in a more violent capacity); due to Ulfric's 'Skyrim for the Nords only' policy. (My character isn't a nord so it makes little sense for him to be fighting for the Stormcloaks, either.) That said, i wouldn't of been surprised to of found some kind of Stormcloak concentration camps for the other races, especially elves, somewhere in skyrim.

Rebels are usually look fondly upon because of the whole popularity underdogs get, but i don't see that the Stormcloaks rebellion as a noble cause, more as a unnecessary hindrance in already trying times. Ulfric is just a oppunisitic power-hungry despot


Therefore i chose the lessor of two evils: the Legion.


The only things i don't like about the Legion is their quickness to chop a man's head off and their banning of the Talos worship.

Though this last one is the fault of the True Enemies of the game, the Aldmeri Dominion and the Stormcloaks serve as more of a proxy for them. I wouldn't of thought if the Empire couldn't defeat them, then the little band of Stormcloaks could either, if they can't even defeat the remnants of the Empire left from the Great Way.


The only way i can see to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion would be to Restore the Empire to its former glory (Nords included) with a new Dragonborn at the lead once again...

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I'm an altmer wh*re, and considering it was our race who kind of detonated the Skyrim conflict... I'll go with the Imperials.



Problem, lesser beings? http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n530/Felipe_Baleiro/trollface.png


Edited by necKros
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It's one hell of a tough decision and even after finishing the main quest I have YET to make a decision. You're right though, the stormcloaks are rather fascist, and their capital is especially full of racist bigots! ... yet at the same time I find the legion's utter disrespect of the nordic ways troubling (not to mention their own, the banning of Talos as you mentioned).


I walked into Solitude... I got turned off with the legion, talked to Fullius, get turned off even more. Then I walked into Windhelm, and witnessed the racist bigotry of the city. So I'm :wallbash: Hard to side with either.

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Yeah my Orc is a neutral party, seeing as he's dragonborn he doesn't want to take sides.


However, my Khajiit is still very peeved at the imperials for trying to execute her even though she wasn't on their execution list. Kind of hypocritical that she sides with Stormcloaks even though they're clearly a racist lot, and Khajiits are one of the most oppressed second to Argonians.

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Given the choices at hand, and having spent a bit of time poking around cities and learning what I could before making a choice... I will choose to go with Yes Man. Neither the NCR (Empire), nor Caesar's Legion (Stormcloaks) seem to really have the best interests of the region in mind, only their own twisted view of what will provide them the most gain toward their own goals. That said, I am still looking for a proper Mr. House parallel.

I think the NCR deserved to rule a lot more than the empire.

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Everyone seems to have a problem with the Legions ban of Talos worship... but did they have another choice?

The Legion (and the Empire) is between "a hard place and a rock" as the saying goes. Accepting the treaty means they have to denounce the founder of their empire and unrest all over the remaining provinces. NOT accepting the treaty means continuing to fight against overwhelming odds until one side is destroyed. And then the Thalmor will still hunt down Talos worshipper.

The empire is supposed to protect its citizens, but how is a weakened overstretched Legion supposed to do that?

As long as there is an Empire, Talos worship will never really die.


That being said, I support the Legion. Under the rule of the empire, everyone will be treated more or less the same, since your race is not as important as the amount of Septims you own.

Under Ulfrics rule, the Nords are the only ones who count. If he rules Skyrim, do you think he would move if the Thalmor crush the Empire?

If Tamriels history follows the usual life cycle of Empires, the choices are either Empire, Thalmor or a "new" empire. Considering that the Thalmer believe themselves to be superior to everyon else, I will throw in my lot with the empire, or its spiritual sucessor.


PS: Besides, I wouldnt be surprised if one of the DLCs tells us that the Thalmor sent agents into Skyrim to start Ulfrics Rebellion! If you think about it: the Nords where one of the reasons the Empire survived, so an intelligent General would try to cause a rift between Skyrim and Cyrodil.

And with the current Civil war over there, the reappearance of the dragons and the Ban of Talos Worship I would say they almost reached their target.

Edited by Namorax
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Do we have to choose one or the other? Aren't there other options? I'm avoiding either side and just focusing on other things so I won't have to decide. I was for the Storm trooper dudes but their guards keep drawing their weapons and threatening me every time I pass by them on a path. Is that the way they're going to rule if they win? I'm Nord, so, it's not like my race is encouraging this behavior. It wouldn't help if it was because of someone's race either.

I don't like the Imperials, for obvious reasons and experiences I've had in the past with them. And I don't like that they bow down to the Thalmor aristocrats. But they seem more civilized to me than the Storm Trooper dudes. I'm partial to civilized people for some reason.

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