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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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I'm having a difficult time decideing as well on which side to support. While I do support the ideals of the Imperials they've lost thier power and are more or less puppets of the Thalmor, whom I despise. That being said if the empire held onto Skyrim it would increase the chances perhaps that they could one day restart up that Great War and win back the empire. However, since this event in anycase would not only take place off screen it would take years to see such an endevour happen. So, by supporting the stormcloaks at least I'm seeing the immediate effects of my choices. On the topic of speciesism, both sides are rascist, I found my talk with a Thalmor agent in Marakth most enlightening on how the elves plan on dealing with other species, he even says it himself.


"Were going to prove the superiority of "Mer" over Man... and in a couple centuries your empire will be ruins."


Since to me the imperials are just puppets to the Thalmor, I consider this their idea of what's to become of all "Man" realms. Even if they don't recognize it, the Imperium is crumbling they couldn't beat the Aldemri dominion when they had control of Skyrim why the hell would it help them now if they owned it? Besides looking back into lore what Alessia did started a rebellion and like any war there is sure to be an ugly side, but there is always that price to pay for freedom. The other thing to think about is that there are several conversations in the game about how most of the imperials in the army are native recruits cause the army is stretched too thinly. So if that's our arguement that somehow if Skyrim became indepdent and the Dominion just invaded anyways, Skyrim would damn near be standing alone anyways. Not to mention the Imperials probably wouldn't intervene anyways for fear of being dragged into war again. Anyways just my two cents, personally I don't like either faction cause they both piss me off, but the one thing I can do agree on is that I kill Thalmor agents when and wherever I see them.


See you hell you Thalmor bastards lol.

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For a Khajiit specialized in heavy armor, the Imperial Legion is the obvious choice. Ulfric's boys are too racist, and it's not like he can stand against the Thalmor on his own. Hell, maybe the entire rebellion is financed by the Thalmor. No one in the Imperial chain of command is happy about the compromise regarding Talos, but until the situation is stabilized in the provinces, there's no other option.


It is kind of odd that I'm a battlemage in the Imperial Legion (where the battle part involves hand to hand), but then again it's very odd that I'm Dovakiin, slayer of Alduin :D

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My character supports the Aldmeri Dominion since he is a altmer (high elf) :) can't wait for the construction set, will probably see quite a few good dominion faction mods. But OT I chose the stormcloacks the first play through simply out of chance. I had the event where 3 imperials where escorting a prisoner and decided to free him, and it picked up there. Out of the two factions though I prefer the imperials play through due to the fact that solitude dose not get bent over and anal... well you get the picture.
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As a Dunmer the obvious choice should seemingly be the Imperials... well not for this dark elf.


I hate the Imperials and sympathise with the Stormcloaks. Back in Morrowind my people have the same desire to rid themselves of foreign oppression and rules. Not to mention the destruction of culture and tradition that the Empire encourages. Leaving all borders wide open and flooding the lands with foreigners. Sure we Dunmer have our history with the Nords but in the end it's the same thing we're after, the restoration of our homeland. So whilst Ulfric may be far from a ideal leader, he can serve to unite the people and start taking back the lands.


This proud Dunmer offers her bow and arrow to the Stormcloakes. To death and beyond!

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Need i point out, Shera, that it was the intervention of the Empire which got the Nerevarine back to Morrowind in order to fulfil the Prophesy? Morrowind is something of a poor example for the 'oppression' of the Empire and the claim that it destroys cultural identity, since they had more automomy than any other province. There are several things which they did in Morrowind which were illegal in other povinces, including Slavery, the independance of House Telvanni, the Morag Tong, the worship fo Daedra and the continuation of the Tribunal. Of course, all this was part of a treaty the Tribunal aranged with the Empire, in exchange for the Numbidium, but you know... Still makes it a bad example. If anything, the Empire is what maintained Dark Elf culture through several rather unpleasent periods in history...
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Well it seem both has their good and bad sides. Ulfrid seems to not care for other races besides the Nord. I prefer to go against both of them if the game have that option, but I haven't progress far into the game.


It's interesting how will the Elder Scrolls writers take their story, continue the Empire collapse or unite it. If they unite it then its easier for them to to stick with the king and queen stuff which isn't that interesting to me. I'd like to see them keep continue with the collapse and have the main character lead the actual uprising.

Edited by tmx
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@Lachdonin When you are permitted something, does that mean you are free or does that mean you are governed? I'm a strong believer in self-determination. It is something that cannot be given by other, you either have it or you don't. A benevolent foreign occupation is still a foreign occupation. No I cannot change my position on this. The Nords have the right of self-determination. Even if they make the wrong decisions or choose the wrong leaders, it's their wrong decisions to make. Only through this process can true freedom be found. It can never be given by the Empire.
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@Lachdonin When you are permitted something, does that mean you are free or does that mean you are governed? I'm a strong believer in self-determination. It is something that cannot be given by other, you either have it or you don't. A benevolent foreign occupation is still a foreign occupation. No I cannot change my position on this. The Nords have the right of self-determination. Even if they make the wrong decisions or choose the wrong leaders, it's their wrong decisions to make. Only through this process can true freedom be found. It can never be given by the Empire.


Then we have a fundimental differance of oppinion on the nature of 'freedom'. I beleive that an individuals freedom ends when it connects with the freedom of another. The nature of community invalidates the nature of freedom, and thus freedom is irrelivent when talking about community. There is only "The Greater Good". Of course, the nature of freedom is an ongoing philosophical debate, and has no real resolution, so this is an irrelivent conversation.


Also, it isn't the Nords seeking self determination. It is a small group of Nords who are acting on their own self determination, at the expence of others. The whole situation is a debate on whether individual rights are superceded by community rights. I beleive they are. This isn't the case where a majority of Skyrim wants independance. In fact, most of the cities against it are presumably the larger ones. This is a situation where a few disenfranchised individuals are rallying behind a borderline despotic man to vent their frusterations, at the expence of the community as a whole.

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For me it was a choice between two evils, neither offered the citizens of Skyrim any sort of freedom or self determination. The end result would make little difference to anyone outside of the two groups inner circles.
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