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favourite weapon and armor?


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Light armor: Leather and fur armor (just for their good-looking :))

Heavy armor: Ebony armor (looks good on female characters, and good defences)


Weapon: Ebony longsword (nice weapon, and looks better than daedric longsword or goldbrand)

Mehrunes razor (great ability to kill allmost everyone by one hit; also damages as same as daedric dagger, but looks better)


So I'm Ebony Fan, haha :)

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I wrote my previous reply before playing through "The Helpless Army" quest.


This is my first run through the Shivering Isles, and I took Cassie-the-Assassin along for the ride. Now, she looks (and can pretend) Manic, but her heart is Demented all the way (actually, her heart is a stone, but that's another story). Casandra Serein became the new Duchess of Dementia and took a new twist with the Lady of Paranoia thing, Dark Brotherhood style ("My dear Haskill, I don't succumb to paranoia. I instill it...").


Anyhoo, being the Duchess of Dementia meant, of course, she earns herself a fancy new suit of Golden Saint armor. I did my best to console her over the fact she'd never have a Mazken outfit ("You already have enough black armor! How much more do you need?").


The thing is, the first time I slapped that Golden Saint armor on Cassie, I thought she quite ready— for a Halloween party. Honestly, with the solid gold miniskirt and knee-boots, she looks like something out of a 1970's sci-fi fantasy movie.


My second thought was that she could probably moonlight as a table dancer instead. I had a giddy vision of her getting past Bravil Castle's defenses on the pretense of entertaining at Gellius Terentius' bachelor party, then giving the lout one last vision of heaven— before she unleashed hell.


All in all, the Aureal armor is an insult to good taste and sensible practicality. But I can't stop looking at it. Maybe it's the halter-top and bare back. Or perhaps the pauldrons. Yeah, definitely the pauldrons. I keep telling myself the reason she's wearing it all the time is because she's already mastered Light Armor and needs to get her Heavy Armor skill up to par, but I'm lying to myself. Already slapped a Transcendant Fire Shield effect in the outfit and renamed it "Aureal Phoenix Armor". The Fire Shield effect when it slaps on, coupled with the details of the armor itself, is a perfect fit.


The Gold Longsword that should go with the kit is still sitting in Cassie's armory chest. Instead, Goldbrand fits the look and offers better damage, as well as the Fire Damage effect to go along with the motif. All in all, it's the better deal.

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By far, I still love Glass set Armor.. Actually, the old Glass set Armor was much better..

I miss my old Adamantium Armor from Morrowind...


For weapons, my favorite one is Elven Mace! It looks sooo.... Ancient and majestic even though I rarely use it.

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Dadric all the way for me.


Got to boost that heavy armour skill to the max. Endurance is King.

Later on the light armour is good for raising speed.


Dadric Longsword and Shortsword enchanted of course.


I tend to avoid the one handed blades cause I work hard to get that block skill up.

Endurance again. Dadric shields don't fall apart when the action gets hot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ohhh this is hard


i use mutch mods


but i say armor its all from platearmors to leather


weapons all from claymores to daggers


weapon i use right now


Enchanted elven claymore with drain health 100 and a enchanted braid shortsword(its a mod its a black version of vanila steel)


armor i use right now


that coat you get with addonays elven weaponary and a green cloak with a green mask

(this is on my rogue cahracter)

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