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As someone who obsessed over Oblivion for several years, I can say I'm a little worried about the companion system. Will it be better or worse than the cm companion mods in Oblivion, I wonder? Either way a mod will make it better, but I'd prefer a comprehensive companion system from the vanilla version.
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I'm almost 100% sure that Skyrim will be an awesome game that almost everyone will sink 100s of hours into. That being said there will probably be some small things that don't live up to expectations here and there. Like maybe NPC interactions wont be as much like talking to an actual person as some people would like. But I know it will be better then Oblivion because they have addressed, taken out, or changed everything I didn't like about it (and most of the stuff the majority didn't like).


As far as the community goes in not a hardcore vetran so I cant really speak for it. In my opinion though, TES community is way better then the majority of gaming communities I've seen. People in TES forums tend to be opinionated in an intellegent, almost overly informed way. Basically the opposite of the CoD community. :sick:

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I'm sure they'll be complaints, at least here most people will discuss them in a sensible way. You're unlikely to get "OMG everyfink is teh sux!!!11!" countered by "No U sux cos dis is teh bestest game evar!!111!!", that's the horror awaiting those on the official forums.
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That's actually the benifit of discussing this game with the core MODDING community, as opposed to reading the Steam and Bethesda forums for it. Much less doom and gloom, and for what little there is, someone probably will craft a mod to deal with it.


As for companions........no matter how good or bad the AI is......they always get me noticed when I am being sneeky, no companions for me.

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Well lessee, I am somewhat worried about the homogenization of races. And....and.....I gots nothing. Unless I load up the game and everything posted and leaked is just a lie, I am going to be happy. So a tad worried that there may be less distinctiveness between the races and a whole lot of excitement. I don't know if I am a "core" Elder Scrolls communitarian, but I have played Redguard, Morrowind and Oblivion.
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To be honest, TES is pretty "mainstreamified" and way too easy as it is already. But I'm happy as long as they keep releasing mod-tools so we can change whatever we dont like in the game :rolleyes: The base-game is the best sandbox ever!
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To be honest, TES is pretty "mainstreamified" and way too easy as it is already.


What's wrong with that? It doesn't need to be an impossible game(like Dark Souls). It is more about storyline than anything. It is an RPG after all.

Personally I like TES way more then I liked Demon Souls (haven't played dark souls). I really liked the idea of Demon Souls and was eager to try it when I first heard about the game. But after trying it, I came to the realization that a super hard rediculously punishing RPG is not as fun as it sounds. Seriously, if you don't spend 24 hours a day on that game you will never get good enough to go anywhere or beat anything. Not a fun experience if you are a busy person who wants to enjoy the small amount of time you have to play video games.


Oblivion was just the right difficulty for me. Not so hard that I didn't have fun, but difficult enough so that if I screwed around and didn't focus I would get slaughtered. I just don't get how anyone could say Oblivion was too easy. Maybe they just play so much that its easy for them? Idk

Edited by fisban0
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There's going to be tons of complaints :biggrin:

a clue :




Just being lighthearted there, but my prediction is tons of bitching about the female (and to a lesser extent, male) bodies not being *cough* "realistic" when you remove their clothes :facepalm:

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