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To be honest, TES is pretty "mainstreamified" and way too easy as it is already.


What's wrong with that? It doesn't need to be an impossible game(like Dark Souls). It is more about storyline than anything. It is an RPG after all.


I'm not necessarily saying it should be harder as in Dark Souls. I just like to have more "realism" and less forgiving in the gameplay. Also love to have "basic needs" (Eat, drink, sleep), no hud/gps/icons, etc. That makes the game even more of an RPG for me, when I have to be a lot more careful and strategic ;) Doesnt make the main storyline less important, eventhough I dont care much about Bethesdas attempts on that part.

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To be honest (and maybe I'm just not observant) I haven't seen a whole lot of criticism and I'd say this game is looking pretty awesome (says a lot considering I really didn't like Oblivion that much). In some ways I think its because Bethsoft has really started to change some fundamental gameplay stuff (i.e. replacing attributes with perks, dropping classes) so there's more of an attitude of 'this is supposed to be different' than 'I can't believe they changed this'. Plus the game is really more of a successor to fallout 3 in a lot of ways, which obviously has a pretty sizable fan base here on the Nexus as well, so you kind of just assume that at the very least this game is essentially ES at Fallout 3's caliber, and it's quite possible that it will far exceed it.
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