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Alternate Beast Races


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Hello all, just dropping in to throw out the idea of a mod for someone who likes the concept of beast races but isn't a fan of cats or lizards.


I myself had countless outs of fun playing as a canine-esque hunter/ranger in Oblivion with the Soqui race mod, and would love to see that type of mod gain new life on skyrim.

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I'd like to see another rendition of the wolven race. A canine like race would make me happy.


Also, since Skyrim is so dragon based, so I'd want a recreation of sabregirl's Ryukaissen race from morrowind mods. You are Dragonborn after all, why not a dragon race?

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please for the love of skyrim! weresharks/shark people!




5 sneek

8 light armour

5 onehanded

4 alchemy

5 lockpick

4 pickpocket




60% desease resist


skin of the shark (damage resist 50%)

shark bite (an attack 10 damage)

tail wip (also an attack 8 damage)

Edited by ZainHallows
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