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Gaming After Skyrim


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Id have too say Assassins Creed: Revelations, Diablo 3 and Mass Effect 3 of course will get some of my attention. But most of it will go towards SKYRIM :woot:
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You don't have to stick with one game all the time. At the start, sure, but later, there is nothing wrong with changing the scenery a bit, without really abandoning anything in the process :P
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Saints row the third, assassins creed, mass effect, jurassic park, and probably a whole lot of others that i don't know yet, i'm not very faithfull to any game. I do know if i have a quality game tho when i go back and play it, normally i'm just meh need a new type of gameplay but yes the jewels take that emotion, wrap it around my neck then strangle me with their goodness
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Fallout 4, whenever that comes out. :nuke:

vanilla skyrim will keep me happy thru 2-3 playthroughs, after that mods will cause the game to never die. :happy:

only reason i uninstalled oblivion was to make more room for skyrim, and because someone hit me over the head with an urge to roam the Capital and Mojave wastelands, until skyrim comes out. :dance:

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Guild Wars 2 is probably the first thing that will actually draw me away from Skyrim, but that's most likely at least 4 months away if not 6. If Skyrim is like Morrowind and Oblivion were, I will go back to for an extended periods of time at least 2 or 3 times over the next few years.
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wanted to play AC:revelations but so short after skyrim, i probably will completely forget about it lol...

aside from that... just ME3 i think =)

and possibly guildwars 2 too, but that's still quite far off

Edited by superjeno
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mass effect 3 (which origin gave me for free for some reason) ill pick up fable 3 and Dungeon Defenders(got its own nexus) on steam Christmas sales. play dragon age 2 once they announce dragon age 3 and BF3, starcraft 2 never gets old, but skyrim will remain my main past time for a long long time.
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