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No Automatic Reloading Please


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Picture this:

The Lone Wanderer, taking down a raider. The plan: use the dart gun to poison and cripple the raider, then pull out a melee weapon and beat them to a pulp while they cannot run away or dodge.


What happens:

Use a dart gun to poison and cripple the raider, then.... slowly... reload.... weapon.... while raider attacks... ow...


The dart gun has a 'clip' of only one 'bullet' - a poisoned dart. Time is of the essence in battle: if I only want to shoot this weapon once, why can't I reload it when I'm SAFE instead of making it an immediate priority? Why should the LW be thinking of the next battle while someone is trying to crush their skull with a super-sledge? The dart gun isn't even the weapon with the slowest reload time, it's just one of the few one-'bullet' weapons (along with the sniper rifle) that ends up requiring the most reloading. What if people are reloading their laser pistol even though they want to switch to a sword or pipe?


What I'm hoping for is this:

A) A mod that reloads ONLY when the player presses R (that is, actually commands a reload). Trying to shoot without reloading can just play the 'empty clip/magazine' noise as would be the case if completely out of ammunition. This would be preferable. It would even be more realistic and help prevent panicked constant firing (the same reason many real weapons are not fully automatic) OR

B) A mod that auto-reloads ONLY when the player tries to FIRE a weapon with an empty clip and has more ammunition on-hand. This can prevent breaking up the 'flow' of combat (for people where 'flow' means aaaahhh shoot shoot hold down the button ahhhhh) while not wasting time reloading a weapon we have no intention of continuing to use.

Edited by Karsciyin
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Picture this:

The Lone Wanderer, taking down a raider. The plan: use the dart gun to poison and cripple the raider, then pull out a melee weapon and beat them to a pulp while they cannot run away or dodge.


What happens:

Use a dart gun to poison and cripple the raider, then.... slowly... reload.... weapon.... while raider attacks... ow...


The dart gun has a 'clip' of only one 'bullet' - a poisoned dart. Time is of the essence in battle: if I only want to shoot this weapon once, why can't I reload it when I'm SAFE instead of making it an immediate priority? Why should the LW be thinking of the next battle while someone is trying to crush their skull with a super-sledge? The dart gun isn't even the weapon with the slowest reload time, it's just one of the few one-'bullet' weapons (along with the sniper rifle) that ends up requiring the most reloading. What if people are reloading their laser pistol even though they want to switch to a sword or pipe?


What I'm hoping for is this:

A) A mod that reloads ONLY when the player presses R (that is, actually commands a reload). Trying to shoot without reloading can just play the 'empty clip/magazine' noise as would be the case if completely out of ammunition. This would be preferable. It would even be more realistic and help prevent panicked constant firing (the same reason many real weapons are not fully automatic) OR

B) A mod that auto-reloads ONLY when the player tries to FIRE a weapon with an empty clip and has more ammunition on-hand. This can prevent breaking up the 'flow' of combat (for people where 'flow' means aaaahhh shoot shoot hold down the button ahhhhh) while not wasting time reloading a weapon we have no intention of continuing to use.


i thinked about it too ,its easy but it would give a hell lot of work.. would be boring as hell do for all weapons

Edited by betto212
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Seconded, Xepha.


Things that seem like a very simple thing become complicated by the fact that they're hardcoded behaviors. The only way I can see to do it would be to dynamically remove all the player's ammo whenever using a weapon, except for one clip exactly, keep track of it all in a formid list, and then use FOSE to hook the reload key and give the ammo back for a split second when you request a reload.


A bit hackish, but (kind of) doable. I just wonder if it's even worth it.


Find a good scripter, show him this message. There should be enough information to try it with this technique.

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...its easy but it would give a hell lot of work.. would be boring as hell do for all weapons


So how do you do it?

i thinked on use one script for each weapon ,convert the ammo for a copy type like 10mm unboxed ,that the script convert back the amount need when the player hit reload

would be a lot of work...

1 script to convert all normal ammo to its copy

and 1 script per weapon to reconvert to the normal type of ammo ,doable i think but a hell lot of work


i thinked on this for a script that make pistols store 1 more round when roloaded and limit player ability of use ammo on his bag ,limit to something like 5 clips

is doable but too boring to add for all weapons

Edited by betto212
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