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Your hero's alignment?


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As much as I like the DnD style lawful/neutral,Unlawful/evil, ect system I don't use that for games like TES. I basically play a character as myself which isn't really any specific good/evil morallity. If anything its neutral/neutral, but my characters personality changes and it's too complicated for a simple alignment. :cool:
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Chaotic Good would be the best way to describe it I guess.

An attempt to be moralistic but generally speaking I look out for myself and am more than happy to chop people down if they get in the way. On the other hand, if I find a particular attachment to certain characters, I tend to go out of my way to help them out.


Basically. Looking after myself and my close friends. Killing everyone else.

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D&D alignment doesn't really map well outside of D&D, in my opinion.


I tend to play characters who are more good than evil. For instance, I won't do any Dark Brotherhood quests--they just feel icky to me. Generally speaking, I just sort of mind my own business, but if some NPC does me wrong, then I go after them relentlessly and annihilate them and everyone they cared about.

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I am most likely to play a very self-serving character the first time through, not necessarily the most heroic, though I will try it eventually. Also somewhere down the line, I am required by law to play at least one Chaotic Stupid character, rendering many parts of the world barren of all life.
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