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Who thinks that Elder Scrolls 5 will be the best



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think skyrim will be the best?

  2. 2. If not which one is?

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The problem is, "best" doesn't work. "Best" has to be subjective to the release date of the game. I don't think Skyrim will be as much of a revelation to me as Morrowind was, but that's not Skyrims fault, that's just a result of its release date and position in the ES storyline.


It's still going to be damn amazing.

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All in all, this was a dumb poll I think haha

sorry i was really bored im just need to do something right now

If you have an iDevice, get Fruit Ninja, it's one of the most addictive games ever, and the perfect way to kill time.


Anyway, I voted for Skyrim being the best TES so far. I understand that some people will prefer Morrowind because it's more complex, but I would rather a game be deeper yet more accessible than simply more complicated to manage. I don't want to be worrying about the rank of my items, the damage they've taken, or the probabilities of failing an attack - I just want to explore a beautiful world and enjoy visceral combat.

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The Pokemon Theme song just came into my head when I saw this...I have no idea why...


I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land Searching far and wide

Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside

Pokemon, its you and me I know it's my destiny

Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend

Pokemon, a heart so true Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all

Every challenge along the way With courage I will face

I will battle every day To claim my rightful place

Come with me, the time is right There's no better team

Arm in arm we'll win the fight It's always been our dream


Prolly because of the first line.

Edited by Razthemystic
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<- Morrowind elitist

I respect your honesty. :P


Do you see a lot of promise in Skyrim though based off the things you like in Morrowind?


It's a cool game, but it won't top Morrowind in my eyes. It's just missing key features that made up the atmosphere. Bethesda's making their gameplay too streamlined for Skyrim to ever match that of Morrowind. Anyone remember hunting all across Vvardenfell to find that ultra-rare daedric left gauntlet? What about setting up the Propylon chambers or just buying a boat ride to somewhere you've never been? I loved just making myself lost and wandering.

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I read in the first published review where they compaired it to New Vegas, how? why? I think it was just the authors poor choice of words. How can you compare it to a title bethesda didn't even develop?

Regardless they gave it a 95% out of 100.

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