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midnight launch


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I'm going to the midnight launch in downtown Seattle... Gamestop said they'll have a few consoles hooked up at 10pm to let people play Skyrim prior to the midnight sale. Needless to say, that clinched it for me... that and the fact I've only got a half-day Friday before a weeklong vacation. I've been telling people that I'm vacationing in Skyrim. When they ask where that is... I tell them it's a northern province and that only a small percentage of the population gets to visit.


Well is Steam required to play? I don't have a steam account and don't plan on getting one. Im just going to get it, install it, and play it. simple as that.


No you won't be playing "As simple as that". Steam is required no matter what. No if ands or buts. You will have to get a steam account, which I recommend you do now, and then once you do that, you can go get the game, come home, install and activate it through steam, and then play as simple as that. Sound good?



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