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Is it worth it to start making a new mod or wait until Skyrim S.E


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If the old mods need update, i think there will be soon a separation of users that will stick with the old Legendary version and mods and those that will go to the new version. There are hundreds of mods, that have been abbandoned by their creators. Many of those mods are essential to many players. I doubt these modders will suddenly reappear just to make their old mods compatible with the new version. So automatically, you will have 2 mod worlds.


To that, you must add how many people don't have the hardware to properly run the FO4 engine. Plus, i 've spent months to find a stable mod configuration, plus ini, enboost, step configuration and now i must fight with everything from scratch, because i doubt that the new game will be flawless.


Looks like old mods will be compatible with the new version



Based on this I expect by "Basically Yes" that means that they should be compatible if they are "basic" mods. I highly doubt that advanced mods will work right out of the box without some tweaking.

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I suspect that scripting, forms, meshes, amd textures will be basically the same. So most mods that do not require SKSE will work fine.


Yeah, i have no doubt that texture mods will run perfectly, because they are just that. But if SKSE mods don't work, for me it's a disaster. "Better Stealing" alone is worth to me more than any new release. Not to mention the various Hunterborn, Frostfall, Acquisitive soulgems multithreaded , FNIS, just to name a few well known. Mod Organizer will probably need patching too. Bodyslide probably too. It's a nightmare. Heck, Enboost AFAIK isn't running with 64bit executable. So, assuming that Boris will update it, all old ENB versions that used to run on x32 Enboost will be automatically impossible to use. Not my concern, as i don't use ENB, but just saying. I run FXAA process injector, so i will face the same problem, unless there is a 64bit version of it that i don't know about.

Edited by Legedur
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Get started now. Seems to me that it will be easy to transfer from the Legendary Edition to the Special Edition. The only caveat would be if you want your mod/s to be published for consoles down the track, in which case you'd probably need to determine if it will need SKSE or not as there will most likely not be support for SKSE for quite a while, if ever, for consoles.

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I would finish the mod. There will be a lot of people who won't get Skyrim SE because it's pretty much pointless for PCs, so there will be a lot of people (including myself) who will not be getting Skyrim SE because we can get mods that have the same features.

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