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Laws against bullying


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I'm talking about harassment and beating people up--things that are actually criminal offences. This has nothing to do with political statements--that was another of those "political correctness gone mad" 1984-reference strawmen.
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But, is this is a case of the school not dealing with it, because they don't want to, or, is it because the government has already deprived them of the ability to discipline the kids in any effective way?


Bullying is rampant at the high school here. For a while, I was in the office almost daily, raising hate and discontent with the admins there, as they apparently WOULDN'T do anything to curb the behavior. There was always some excuse, or platitude handed out, as to why they weren't doing anything, or, due to various privacy laws, they couldn't tell me what they were doing. (which was nothing, so, I can understand why they didn't want to tell me....) it wasn't until the bullying started happening outside the school environment that I was able to get the police involved. They weren't real keen on doing anything either. I had to press the issue directly with the head of city police department to get anything at all to happen. Turns out, that the crowd that was doing most of the bullying both in school, and out, were already known to the police, a selection had already spent some time in the local campus (training school... yeah, right...), and a couple were on probation for the same thing. Eventually, the police acted. But, not until I FORCED the local courts to press assault charges on a couple of the worst kids. Even then, they got a slap on the wrist, and that was it. (for some, it was their fourth of fifth slap on the wrist.)


The whole environment is to blame. In this day and age, with everyone so touchy-feeling about 'self esteem', etc..... you simply can't tell someone that "What you are doing is WRONG." as they might develop a poor self-image, or some such nonsense. You can't tell anyone "you failed", nor is anyone actually responsible for their own actions. It's Peer pressure, or, some nebulous experience while in the womb, or some mental imbalance, etc.


We actually had a parent SUE the school system for expelling a kid that assaulted a teacher....... and won....... (the teacher was tired of the student disrupting class, and sent him off to the office, instead of going, the student thumped the teacher once, and THEN left school entirely.)

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I doubt that something can be done about bullying. It's getting worse and worse and unfortunately some people who are being bullied commits suicides. :sad:

I was bullied in school myself and there was nothing for me to do other than suffer through it because majority of teachers saw what was happening and ignored it and the only teacher who I guess wanted to help wasn't able to do much. The only thing she did was talk to the bullies and say that what they're doing is wrong or send them to the principle office so he'd say the exact same thing. But that of course never helped, the bullies always continued with the bullying.

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I only had a brief time in school and it disgust me at the things people get away with, to say the least I stood up for someone and ended up breaking my knuckles and having to deal with the "let's mob this individual because hes a foreigner and knows nothing of our ways". Violence solves nothing these days,and giving people a slap on the wrist does not either. This might be somewhat off topic but old neighbours of mine both had absolute crap childhoods, the years pass on and they have kids. What do they do? They gave them everything they wanted at a whim pretty much spoiling them rotten to the point where they got away with anything from not going to school to racking up a $2700 phone bill (I don't even want to know how that's possible). Moral of the story: Discipline children and make them work for everything they want. Edited by Flintlockecole
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I have had encounters with bullies when I was in school. (yeah, back when dinosaurs walked the earth. :D) In one situation, I was approached by a 'gang' of seven individuals, that flatly stated they were going to 'kick my ass"..... Funny part was, they thought I was someone else..... When I tried to point out that little fact, they just got more belligerent. I could see the writing on the wall here..... and really didn't care for the direction they were taking things. Certainly wasn't in my best interests..... So, I walked up to the leader of the bunch, grabbed him firmly by the crotch, and collar, (the look of surprise on his face was precious.) and slammed him against the windows. I suppose I should have known what was gonna happen when I did that.... but...... the glass shattered, and Mr. Bully went out a second story window. (and I thought the previous look was precious? THAT was a Kodak moment......) I think I was almost as surprised as he was. The drop was only about 15 feet, into deep grass, so, he wasn't really hurt...... I turned to his REALLY surprised buddies.... and just asked: "Well, anyone else care for a flying lesson? Your friend there didn't seem to do so well." Strangely enough, they all found they had someplace else to be...... I was never bothered by them again, (nor was the guy whom they thought I was....) and never heard a peep from school authorities about it. They never even asked me about the broken window.


Now, most folks that are victims of bullies probably wouldn't have taken that course of action..... Guess I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.

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I have had encounters with bullies when I was in school. (yeah, back when dinosaurs walked the earth. :D) In one situation, I was approached by a 'gang' of seven individuals, that flatly stated they were going to 'kick my ass"..... Funny part was, they thought I was someone else..... When I tried to point out that little fact, they just got more belligerent. I could see the writing on the wall here..... and really didn't care for the direction they were taking things. Certainly wasn't in my best interests..... So, I walked up to the leader of the bunch, grabbed him firmly by the crotch, and collar, (the look of surprise on his face was precious.) and slammed him against the windows. I suppose I should have known what was gonna happen when I did that.... but...... the glass shattered, and Mr. Bully went out a second story window. (and I thought the previous look was precious? THAT was a Kodak moment......) I think I was almost as surprised as he was. The drop was only about 15 feet, into deep grass, so, he wasn't really hurt...... I turned to his REALLY surprised buddies.... and just asked: "Well, anyone else care for a flying lesson? Your friend there didn't seem to do so well." Strangely enough, they all found they had someplace else to be...... I was never bothered by them again, (nor was the guy whom they thought I was....) and never heard a peep from school authorities about it. They never even asked me about the broken window.


Now, most folks that are victims of bullies probably wouldn't have taken that course of action..... Guess I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.


No offense, but in my opinion, your account is extraordinarily dubious:


1. Back then, if you were that old, there was no safety glass. You'd have shredded the guy in half.

2. Why bother trying to punch him up?

3. A catch-phrase? Really?


Note: I'm not trying to troll you, I'm just doubting the seemingly hyperbolic account.


But anyway, back to the point: bullying differs in severity. When a bloke gets thrown down the staircase and had his face stepped on merely because he was annoying, that's when you drawn the line.

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I went to a British Boarding school where systematic hazing was par for the course, corporal punishment the norm. What does not kill you makes you stronger but will admit for some it probably scared them for life, for me at least it taught me to survive more effectively. It stiffened my resolve and steeled my will, a lesson that was far more useful than being coddled. Life isn't remotely fair and there are not always someone to appeal to for the injustices that one must surmount. I would rather learn that lesson early than late.
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I have had encounters with bullies when I was in school. (yeah, back when dinosaurs walked the earth. :D) In one situation, I was approached by a 'gang' of seven individuals, that flatly stated they were going to 'kick my ass"..... Funny part was, they thought I was someone else..... When I tried to point out that little fact, they just got more belligerent. I could see the writing on the wall here..... and really didn't care for the direction they were taking things. Certainly wasn't in my best interests..... So, I walked up to the leader of the bunch, grabbed him firmly by the crotch, and collar, (the look of surprise on his face was precious.) and slammed him against the windows. I suppose I should have known what was gonna happen when I did that.... but...... the glass shattered, and Mr. Bully went out a second story window. (and I thought the previous look was precious? THAT was a Kodak moment......) I think I was almost as surprised as he was. The drop was only about 15 feet, into deep grass, so, he wasn't really hurt...... I turned to his REALLY surprised buddies.... and just asked: "Well, anyone else care for a flying lesson? Your friend there didn't seem to do so well." Strangely enough, they all found they had someplace else to be...... I was never bothered by them again, (nor was the guy whom they thought I was....) and never heard a peep from school authorities about it. They never even asked me about the broken window.


Now, most folks that are victims of bullies probably wouldn't have taken that course of action..... Guess I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.


No offense, but in my opinion, your account is extraordinarily dubious:


1. Back then, if you were that old, there was no safety glass. You'd have shredded the guy in half.

2. Why bother trying to punch him up?

3. A catch-phrase? Really?


Note: I'm not trying to troll you, I'm just doubting the seemingly hyperbolic account.


But anyway, back to the point: bullying differs in severity. When a bloke gets thrown down the staircase and had his face stepped on merely because he was annoying, that's when you drawn the line.


1. Correct, no safety glass, just a winter coat.

2. My theory was, take out the leader, and the rest of the dogs would run. It worked. (which was also a surprise. I fully expected to take a beating, but, wanted to at least get my licks in. There was no diplomatic solution here, nor was there a convenient authority figure. Sometimes, ya just gotta do, what ya gotta do.)

3. Yep, even back then I was a bit of an arse. Very little has changed since. :D


Believe it or not. Makes no difference to me.

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I have had encounters with bullies when I was in school. (yeah, back when dinosaurs walked the earth. :D) In one situation, I was approached by a 'gang' of seven individuals, that flatly stated they were going to 'kick my ass"..... Funny part was, they thought I was someone else..... When I tried to point out that little fact, they just got more belligerent. I could see the writing on the wall here..... and really didn't care for the direction they were taking things. Certainly wasn't in my best interests..... So, I walked up to the leader of the bunch, grabbed him firmly by the crotch, and collar, (the look of surprise on his face was precious.) and slammed him against the windows. I suppose I should have known what was gonna happen when I did that.... but...... the glass shattered, and Mr. Bully went out a second story window. (and I thought the previous look was precious? THAT was a Kodak moment......) I think I was almost as surprised as he was. The drop was only about 15 feet, into deep grass, so, he wasn't really hurt...... I turned to his REALLY surprised buddies.... and just asked: "Well, anyone else care for a flying lesson? Your friend there didn't seem to do so well." Strangely enough, they all found they had someplace else to be...... I was never bothered by them again, (nor was the guy whom they thought I was....) and never heard a peep from school authorities about it. They never even asked me about the broken window.


Now, most folks that are victims of bullies probably wouldn't have taken that course of action..... Guess I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.


No offense, but in my opinion, your account is extraordinarily dubious:


1. Back then, if you were that old, there was no safety glass. You'd have shredded the guy in half.

2. Why bother trying to punch him up?

3. A catch-phrase? Really?


Note: I'm not trying to troll you, I'm just doubting the seemingly hyperbolic account.


But anyway, back to the point: bullying differs in severity. When a bloke gets thrown down the staircase and had his face stepped on merely because he was annoying, that's when you drawn the line.


1. Correct, no safety glass, just a winter coat.

2. My theory was, take out the leader, and the rest of the dogs would run. It worked. (which was also a surprise. I fully expected to take a beating, but, wanted to at least get my licks in. There was no diplomatic solution here, nor was there a convenient authority figure. Sometimes, ya just gotta do, what ya gotta do.)

3. Yep, even back then I was a bit of an arse. Very little has changed since. :D


Believe it or not. Makes no difference to me.


Fair enough, they had coats, and your theory usually works. Funny how bullies are all inherent cowards once they face someone who knows what they're doing........


Anyway, in Australia, a while back, a (much smaller) bully taunted and hit Casey Heynes after school while other kids laughed and videotaped the whole incident. Eventually, the much-bigger Casey could take no more, as he picked up the scrawny kid and smashed him hard onto the concrete. Personally, I think that's fair enough: the kid started it.

Edited by dazzerfong
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