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What's the first thing you're going to do and who will you pla


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Well, when Steam finaly lets us play N install, and you're let off the leash, what will you do first? Buy a big sword? find a quest? buy fancy new duds?


Me, Im going to try and leeroy. What dungeon? any dungeon. It's a tradition of mine, whenever I play a Bethsoft RPG I always make a Beeline for the nearest hole in the ground yelling LEEEERRRROOOOYYYY JJJEEEENNNKKKIIINNNSSSS!!!!!!!!(somebody please translate "leeory jenkins! into dragon-shout, PLEASE, I want it to be my warcry) and usualy either kick ass and take names, gaining an XP head start, or suddenly find myself perform a "retrograde charge" (running away like a wuss) It usualy works, but I'd be interested in finding out what you lot are planning to do first, and as what/who.


I mean it didn't work in FNV because the nearest hole was The Devil's Gullet and I faceplanted like a moron, but in Oblivion rushing headlong into Memorial Cave (probably not the wisest idea in hindsight) got me a nice gear headstart and a bunch of XP, hope it works this time.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Find a sword. Swords are epic, no denying that.

Anyone who says different is a COD player o_O

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Click Start, watch it crash to desktop, stick head through monitor.


HA! Obviously the only one to know what to expect from the latest bethesda release! Experience is a priceless thing! ;)

Edited by SariDecember
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Well, when Steam finaly lets us play N install, and you're let off the leash, what will you do first? Buy a big sword? find a quest? buy fancy new duds?


Me, Im going to try and leeroy. What dungeon? any dungeon. It's a tradition of mine, whenever I play a Bethsoft RPG I always make a Beeline for the nearest hole in the ground yelling LEEEERRRROOOOYYYY JJJEEEENNNKKKIIINNNSSSS!!!!!!!!(somebody please translate "leeory jenkins! into dragon-shout, PLEASE, I want it to be my warcry) and usualy either kick ass and take names, gaining an XP head start, or suddenly find myself perform a "retrograde charge" (running away like a wuss) It usualy works, but I'd be interested in finding out what you lot are planning to do first, and as what/who.


I mean it didn't work in FNV because the nearest hole was The Devil's Gullet and I faceplanted like a moron, but in Oblivion rushing headlong into Memorial Cave (probably not the wisest idea in hindsight) got me a nice gear headstart and a bunch of XP, hope it works this time.



I think a Leeroy Shout would add chicken to your inventory ("At least I got chicken!") and totally shield your character from all attacks, while any companions take the brunt of it :D


I want to try out the physics and trap mobs in their own traps and see how many crazy ways I can die and try to kill a dragon if I see one (and probably die)!

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