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What's the first thing you're going to do and who will you pla


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To be honest... I have no idea. I know I'll do the main quest before I get too deep into exploration, but I know it's going to be too tempting to resist going into every place I discover.


I've even broken down and downloaded the steam version, despite wanting to play it on xbox 360. I just can't wait that 10 hours or so for the local EB games where I per-ordered to open.


I have a few friends who've managed to get retail console copies already... They aren't playing it 24/7... WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM?! lol

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Well, my char I suspect will be inspired by Khal Drogo in looks (but with a magical flare of course...can't play without some magic..but he will be at heart, a warrior).


What to do first? Well, as mentioned above...find the highest peak to take a look. in any survival situation, its best to go as high up as you can to assess the situation.


Beyond that...I think I will simply put one foot in front of the other and see what story may come to me. I think ultimately I am aiming to at least start off as a "just wanting to find a peaceful place to raise livestock, fall in love, and live peacefully" mentality...of course that should last for a good 20 seconds before some proverbial crap hits the fan.

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I've even broken down and downloaded the steam version, despite wanting to play it on xbox 360. I just can't wait that 10 hours or so for the local EB games where I per-ordered to open.

I guess I don't understand this line.


You wanted to play it on the xbox...a limited game with no real modding capability...and you say this on a forum made famous because its plethora of pc mods to games like elder scrolls, fallout, etc...


You will be glad you got the pc version once mods start coming out..

and just stick your controller in your pc...it will work fine if your wanting to use a controller verses mouse and keyboard..there is already a "mod" in misc that teaches you how to do this in the files.

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Going to play my last hours of Oblivion heading north with my character to the border of Skyrim, gonna hang out with a few bears and then fire up Skyrim.

When I've recovered from my heartattack due to the epic intro, I'll create a old Nord character (continuing the epic tale of my fith/fourth Oblivion character). He will mainly use dual axes and the dragon tounge. Then I will be herding some giants riding on dragons listning to this:



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In real life, I'm a very reserved and quiet person. I rarely insult people I don't like, and I never harm them. So, in Skyrim, I'm going to play as a mage, I'm going to enter a bar, and I'm going to K.O the first person who says something I find offensive. I will stand atop a table and shield-bash them to death while laughing crazily.
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