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Is Yes Man the best thing for NCR and Legion as well?


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Fascinating debate.


This was my favorite:


"Democracy is worse then a dictatorship if you have a good dictator. "


I'd like to see that list of "good" dictators.

I can't really say that there are any good dictators. That is different in fallout where you have a immortal robot and tons of technology that can't exist in our world.


The funny thing is people tend to assume democracy is perfect. A group of people making decisions can be just as bad as a single person making decisions. Of course a group of people making decisions makes it a bit harder to be corrupt, but it also makes it harder to be good.


Comparing real history to a game like fallout that takes place in another universe and doesn't even follow all of the laws of physics makes no sense.


However there are some people who are considered good dictators. Google benevolent dictators, there are a few people who are considered to be good dictators by some.

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  • 1 month later...

I've enjoyed reading through this discussion and have some notions and ideas I'd like to add.


Firstly I believe that the YesMan ending is the best one for New Vegas and here is why:


all throughout the game we get told, are given broad hints that both the NCR & Legion are doomed to failure. Ulysses pretty much states that once Legion reaches the West Coast it will fall apart. It's also stated that as soon as Caesar dies the Legion will fall apart as he is the glue that is holding it together. It may take a few decades but Legion will pass. We learn that the NCR has over-reached itself, that its modelled itself on the pre-war style of government and we all know how well that worked out for humanity. We know that the while the NCR is democratic, its also corrupt, incompetent and unable to run itself effectively. Marcus the Super-mutant gives the NCR credit for trying but he warns that the discontent within the NCR's population will eventually lead to revolution. Neither Legion nor Legion have the Mojave's best interests at heart and neither faction has a real future.


If you pick Mr Houses' ending then I think Cass sums it up perfectly here:

"Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Vegas burned brighter than ever, Securitrons filled the streets, and Cass's heart skipped... just a little. Her last words were to the Dam - and to herself. "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time."


What she is essentially saying is that Mr House is still stuck in the past. He wants to recreate a consumerist economy which we all know is doomed to failure. House sees a world of customers... not people. Although he is probably the best person to quickly rebuild humanity, I think that this undying Autocrat with no accountability, is defiantly not the best choice for saving humanity.


Now with YesMan, some of the posters here have said that he becomes a sort of Skynet at the end.


I disagree totally with this premise and there is ample evidence to show that YesMan does not become a Skynet monster.


There are subtle hints that you can pick up on that Mr.House had left some embedded code within his mainframe and that its somehow affected YesMan. We know Mr.House brain scanned his favourite girl and had her AI personality uploaded into a securitron. We know that he is a genius and planned for all sorts of scenarios and situations. Thus I think the developers left us a subtle hint that Mr.House has still some influence even beyond the grave. He hasn't overwhelmed YesMan completely but I suspect there was enough of a code change which allowed YesMan to become more independent from the Courier.


We get thess definitive statement at the end if you let YesMan win and upgrade the securitrons:

1 - "The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, part of the Securitron army was diverted to The Strip to keep order. Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. Chaos became uncertainty, then acceptance, with minimal loss of life. New Vegas assumed its position as an independent power in the Mojave."


2 - [good karma ending/Yesman] "Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the man/woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. He/she ensured Mr. House's tyranny was broken and neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas."


3 - [Don't expose the Chief, complete No Gods, No Masters or All or Nothing.] "Despite distinguishing themselves during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the rangers' victory was short-lived due to the Courier's interference. Chief Hanlon personally directed the evacuation of the rangers to Mojave Outpost as they fell back into NCR territory. Bitter over the waste of life in the Mojave, Hanlon stepped down from his post. After a campaign in which he denounced Oliver's and Kimball's hawkish, imperialist ways, Hanlon was elected as the senator of Redding."


Those points show that by choosing YesMan as the final end for New Vegas mean that although things at first are a bit messy they eventually work out for the best.

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  • 2 months later...

Fascinating debate.


This was my favorite:


"Democracy is worse then a dictatorship if you have a good dictator. "


I'd like to see that list of "good" dictators.


I'd like to see that list of "good" democracies as well.


I think there is no best ending in NV.

NCR = corruption, taxation aka pre-war bs

Legion = slavery and genocides

Yesman = technofascism

House = semi-decent, but what happens when house dies? no one thought of this. technofascism/anarchy most likely.


I usually go with the NCR because if they fail in the Mojave, Legion will conquer it, and I think Legion is worse than NCR (especially after Caesar dies).

I feel it's better than indipendent because even though NCR is bull, they defend their citizens and unlike Legion they don't instate slavery.

A slavery-less Legion would be far better than NCR, but they are too brutal to make a good civilization.


I wish there was an option to "cure" the NCR or the Legion.

The Courier either helps the NCR to be more servants of the people than rulers, or convince Caesar and his successors to drop give rights to slaves in order to turn them into citizens.


If it was possible to convince Caesar to ban slavery it would be the best option all the way imo.

Legion does a great job at defending traders, cities and repelling the rogues, if it wasn't for slavery they would make a very good society.

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