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Power armor mounted weapons


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How cool would it be to have a mounted minigun on your power armor or some integrated armblades.

It would take a lot of work but eventually it would be cool to see some of the automatron dlc robot mods and weapons on a power armor rig.
The real challenge is to make them usable though.

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Well with hotkeys I can totally see it being a thing and that would actually kinda own. I would love to have a Galting Laser on one of my shoulders.




Could even use this as inspiration...I mostly want the plasma backpack

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  On 6/15/2016 at 7:07 PM, CiderMuffin said:

Well with hotkeys I can totally see it being a thing and that would actually kinda own. I would love to have a Galting Laser on one of my shoulders.




Could even use this as inspiration...I mostly want the plasma backpack

sick! @ the magazine pic, i always wanted power armors to feel like deadly war machines, but they need integrated weapons for that. I wish I had the modding expertise to make it myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Power Armour workshop allowing the following:


Left and right arm vambrace rails, allowing the following weapon mounts. (when selected, left and right buttons fire left and right arm weapons)


-Ripper claws

-Shishkebab claws

-Electrified knuckles

-Triple pipe-gun


-Twin-Assault rifle

-Twin laser (and institute lasers)

-Plasma gun

-Flame thrower

-Tesla gun


Torso shoulder-rail allowing the following weapon mounts, which are fired with grenade button, and replace jetpack. Weapon would fold along back when not firing

-Grenade launcher (allows lobbing grenades extreme distances, and impact fuses them)

-Missile launcher (replaces grenades with missiles)

-Minigun (uses one big rotary barrel set, or two smaller ones, one over each shoulder?)

-Gatling laser (one large rotary, or twin auto lasers?)

-Sniper rifle (auto-scopes, fires on release of button)

-Gauss rifle (auto charges and scopes, fires on release of button)

-single-shot Fatman


There are probably more options, but I think this covers the majority.


I figure crafting could be done by making a new option at weapon workbench for compatible weapon types, that when equipped, removes stock, (and for most weapons, sights) and adds option for twin/triple barrel and other rail-only mods.

These are then equipped to rail slots on suitably upgraded power armour at power-armour station.

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Have a heavy weapon that replaces the right or left hand as it encompasses the arm. The power armor carries its own ammo, but you still need to provide it. By heavy I mean instead of the standard minigun its a bigger model that uses custom ammo, in lore the gun was more meant for anti vehicle and anti air as it shredded soldiers. It was to heavy for a normal person to even carry or operate until power armor was invented so it was a turret emplacement or on vehicles. Revolver rocket launcher Either 2,3,4 or 6 tubes that auto loads the next shot, So the player can fire missiles in rapid succession. Shoots, cylinders rotate the empty tube is loaded with new missile as the other one is aligned at the same time to shoot. Small delay between each shot to allow loading mechanism if added other wise you need to load manually. Rail cannon, unlike a normal guass rifle projectile fired from the blast can be solid or multiple metal projectiles at a high velocity.

Auto cannon, in comparison would be a lot slower then the minigun and better for the arm idea as a back/shoulder mounted type would probably knock a power armor off balance due to rapid fire and recoil. Power armor movement slows when firing as it has to brace, this is like what apc and light tanks use in the sense of it being a huge round fired a few seconds apart. Laser cannon, upon trigger pull its like a rapid beam splitter that is constant but at random pattern its range and accuracy all over the place, but the longer the trigger is held down the more focused it becomes. Beams tightening and eventually a solid rapid large accurate beam that would eventually become a constant flow like the ghost busters gun. Plasma mortar, prototype weapon that normally would take two infantry to carry. Braces like the auto cannon as it fires a single large plasma projectile, upon collision it explodes into multiple plasma projectiles.

over shoulder weapons, standard minigun and missile launchers of course. Tesla cannon, grenade launcher that can either be offensive or defensive type. Launch smoke grenade surrounding the power armor, tear gas or napalm that ignites surrounding the power armor. Prototype anti power armor rifle/cannon, needs to be aimed with a scope or sight acting as a sniper rifle on the suit but has higher damage then normal snipers. Slow fire rate as it is meant to be a sniper. Tesla strike, a large lightning rod like shaft over the shoulder, when triggered it erects and charges up sending electric shock waves through the ground. Obviously useless against flying enemies but its meant for when raiders swarm on foot or in tight corners where someone might be hiding. Automated cannon, not to be confused with auto cannon. Not as fast as minigun but is essentially a HMG but targets things on its own. Has a ai that talks, such as engaging target. Weapon low on ammo, weapon cooling down, Commie scum!

Im not sure of what all new kinds of melee it would be able to use over a standard human but one idea is the impaler. The hand either open palm hits, grabs at, punches the target but as it hits a large javeline/spike/pylon like object is driven into the target like a huge rail road spike. Doesn't shoot as it was intentionally made for construction like a nail gun but for driving things like fence posts and signs haha.

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  On 6/29/2016 at 1:50 AM, JackTrenton said:

The power fist seems like it would be a natural extension on power armor. The damage would be greatly amplified by the strength of the arm.

There is a mod that works for the power armor + power fist: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2913/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D2913%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3456590&pUp=1

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